Alaska Unemployment Level Heat Map - January 2025

Over 15% 10-15% 8-10% 6-8% 4-6% 2-4% 0-2%
click on the map for more data:

Unemployment Rates for Selected Locations in Alaska

Place NameCurrent RatePrevious Month Rate6 Months Ago1 Year Ago
Aleutians East Borough, AK
4.90% 2.50%2.30%5.90%
Aleutians West Census Area, AK
5.20% 4.40%4.40%5.10%
Anchorage, AK
3.90% 3.60%4.20%3.60%
Bethel Census Area, AK
10.20% 9.90%11.90%9.60%
Bristol Bay Borough, AK
8.60% 6.60%2.50%5.60%
Denali Borough, AK
12.00% 8.40%2.80%12.20%
Dillingham Census Area, AK
8.80% 8.70%8.50%6.50%
Fairbanks, AK
5.30% 4.90%5.30%4.70%
Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK
4.40% 4.00%4.40%4.20%
Haines Borough, AK
8.60% 6.00%5.80%9.80%
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, AK
7.60% 4.40%3.60%8.20%
Juneau, AK
3.80% 3.30%3.60%3.60%
Kenai Peninsula Borough, AK
5.50% 4.80%5.00%5.30%
Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK
5.20% 4.30%3.80%4.20%
Kodiak Island Borough, AK
6.10% 4.40%5.00%8.60%
Kusilvak Census Area, AK
15.60% 13.90%20.40%13.90%
Lake and Peninsula Borough, AK
8.30% 6.60%6.80%7.20%
Matanuska-Susitna Borough, AK
5.20% 4.60%5.50%5.10%
Nome Census Area, AK
7.90% 7.30%9.40%7.30%
North Slope Borough, AK
6.00% 5.60%6.50%4.60%
Northwest Arctic Borough, AK
9.70% 8.70%10.60%9.60%
Petersburg Borough, AK
8.20% 6.00%4.40%6.20%
Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area, AK
7.30% 7.50%7.60%6.20%
Sitka, AK
3.10% 3.00%3.30%3.50%
Skagway Municipality, AK
13.60% 5.90%2.80%12.90%
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, AK
5.40% 5.00%6.20%5.60%
Valdez-Cordova Census Area, AK
8.20% 8.40%3.80%10.00%
Wrangell, AK
5.30% 5.00%5.90%5.80%
Wrangell City and Borough, AK
5.30% 5.00%5.90%5.80%
Yakutat City and Borough, AK
7.40% 4.80%6.00%5.90%
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, AK
9.80% 8.20%8.80%8.80%