Map of Gila County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

D 80-100%
D 70-80%
D 60-70%
D 45-60%
R 45-60%
R 60-70%
R 70-80%
R 80-100%

List of Gila County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

Map IndexPrecinctCity/TownZIP CodeJoe Biden
Donald Trump
Jo Jorgensen
CANYON DAYCanyon Day85926264 (84.62%)47 (15.06%)1 (0.32%)
CARRIZOCarrizo8555412 (85.71%)2 (14.29%)0 (0%)
CENTRAL HEIGHTSCentral Heights-Midland City85501110 (31.88%)234 (67.83%)1 (0.29%)
CLAYPOOL #1Globe85539165 (27.64%)416 (69.68%)16 (2.68%)
CLAYPOOL #2Central Heights-Midland City85501205 (35.41%)361 (62.35%)13 (2.25%)
CLAYPOOL #3Claypool85539148 (43.4%)181 (53.08%)12 (3.52%)
COPPER BASINWinkelman85135328 (68.33%)148 (30.83%)4 (0.83%)
EAST GLOBECopper Hill85501260 (35.14%)474 (64.05%)6 (0.81%)
GISELADeer Creek8555497 (20.42%)374 (78.74%)4 (0.84%)
GLOBE #1Wheatfields85501142 (28.57%)348 (70.02%)7 (1.41%)
GLOBE #11Icehouse Canyon85501162 (28.22%)403 (70.21%)9 (1.57%)
GLOBE #2Globe8550181 (45.51%)96 (53.93%)1 (0.56%)
GLOBE #3Globe8550147 (44.34%)57 (53.77%)2 (1.89%)
GLOBE #4Globe85501229 (46.54%)248 (50.41%)15 (3.05%)
GLOBE #6Globe85501262 (36.49%)444 (61.84%)12 (1.67%)
GLOBE #7Icehouse Canyon85539138 (37.1%)231 (62.1%)3 (0.81%)
GLOBE #8Globe85501187 (46.17%)206 (50.86%)12 (2.96%)
MIAMI #1Globe85532148 (40.55%)211 (57.81%)6 (1.64%)
MIAMI #3Miami85539168 (50.91%)156 (47.27%)6 (1.82%)
P/S EASTStrawberry85541149 (26.14%)413 (72.46%)8 (1.4%)
P/S WESTStrawberry85544430 (26.38%)1188 (72.88%)12 (0.74%)
PAYSON #1Rye85541263 (23.21%)851 (75.11%)19 (1.68%)
PAYSON #2Rye85541414 (24.27%)1268 (74.33%)24 (1.41%)
PAYSON #3Payson85541639 (27.02%)1708 (72.22%)18 (0.76%)
PAYSON #4Payson85541322 (31.05%)694 (66.92%)21 (2.03%)
PAYSON #5Payson85541369 (24.23%)1140 (74.85%)14 (0.92%)
PAYSON #6Payson85541255 (25.27%)744 (73.74%)10 (0.99%)
PAYSON #7Payson85541217 (26.63%)589 (72.27%)9 (1.1%)
PAYSON #8Payson85541313 (25.76%)881 (72.51%)21 (1.73%)
PINAL CREEK8550185 (40.48%)124 (59.05%)1 (0.48%)
ROOSEVELTRoosevelt Estates8553948 (23.88%)152 (75.62%)1 (0.5%)
SAN CARLOSCutter855501265 (82.14%)260 (16.88%)15 (0.97%)
SIERRA ANCHARock House8555320 (15.75%)106 (83.46%)1 (0.79%)
STAR VALLEYPayson85541480 (21.97%)1685 (77.12%)20 (0.92%)
TONTO BASINTonto Basin85541209 (18.66%)906 (80.89%)5 (0.45%)
WHEATFIELDSWheatfields8550136 (34.62%)68 (65.38%)0 (0%)
WHISPERING PINESWhispering Pines8554452 (23.85%)165 (75.69%)1 (0.46%)
YOUNGHaigler Creek8554165 (13.32%)417 (85.45%)6 (1.23%)
ZANE GREYStar Valley85541159 (29.12%)381 (69.78%)6 (1.1%)