Map of Ouachita Parish Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

D 80-100%
D 70-80%
D 60-70%
D 45-60%
R 45-60%
R 60-70%
R 70-80%
R 80-100%

List of Ouachita Parish Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

Map IndexPrecinctCity/TownZIP CodeJoe Biden
Donald Trump
Jo Jorgensen
1Monroe71203163 (13%)1077 (85.89%)14 (1.12%)
10Monroe71201336 (85.93%)50 (12.79%)5 (1.28%)
11Monroe71202652 (94.22%)39 (5.64%)1 (0.14%)
12Monroe71202493 (96.1%)17 (3.31%)3 (0.58%)
13Monroe71202495 (93.4%)32 (6.04%)3 (0.57%)
14Monroe71202757 (97.43%)15 (1.93%)5 (0.64%)
1571202600 (96.93%)15 (2.42%)4 (0.65%)
16Monroe71202572 (96.13%)22 (3.7%)1 (0.17%)
17Monroe71202465 (90.82%)42 (8.2%)5 (0.98%)
18Richwood71202817 (96.23%)29 (3.42%)3 (0.35%)
1971202797 (97.2%)22 (2.68%)1 (0.12%)
1A7120349 (7.45%)602 (91.49%)7 (1.06%)
2Sterlington71203217 (17.42%)1017 (81.62%)12 (0.96%)
2071202601 (86.98%)89 (12.88%)1 (0.14%)
21Monroe71203461 (76.45%)139 (23.05%)3 (0.5%)
22Monroe71202804 (96.06%)25 (2.99%)8 (0.96%)
23Monroe71202729 (97.72%)13 (1.74%)4 (0.54%)
24Monroe712021023 (97.43%)23 (2.19%)4 (0.38%)
2571202170 (27.2%)455 (72.8%)0 (0%)
2671202191 (42.92%)251 (56.4%)3 (0.67%)
27West Monroe71291226 (69.54%)95 (29.23%)4 (1.23%)
27AWest Monroe71291108 (93.91%)7 (6.09%)0 (0%)
28West Monroe71291185 (61.67%)110 (36.67%)5 (1.67%)
29West Monroe71292121 (70.35%)50 (29.07%)1 (0.58%)
371203772 (76.59%)229 (22.72%)7 (0.69%)
30West Monroe71292325 (81.66%)72 (18.09%)1 (0.25%)
31Brownsville71292269 (42.03%)366 (57.19%)5 (0.78%)
32Claiborne71291170 (12.54%)1165 (85.91%)21 (1.55%)
33Claiborne71291148 (12.09%)1055 (86.19%)21 (1.72%)
34West Monroe7129165 (35.91%)115 (63.54%)1 (0.55%)
35West Monroe71291219 (31.06%)475 (67.38%)11 (1.56%)
367129137 (8.98%)368 (89.32%)7 (1.7%)
37West Monroe71291101 (15.3%)550 (83.33%)9 (1.36%)
38Claiborne7129197 (16.19%)498 (83.14%)4 (0.67%)
39Brownsville71292340 (28.38%)853 (71.2%)5 (0.42%)
4Monroe71280381 (35.54%)684 (63.81%)7 (0.65%)
40Bawcomville7129254 (12.98%)361 (86.78%)1 (0.24%)
41Claiborne71291146 (9.31%)1409 (89.86%)13 (0.83%)
42Claiborne71291166 (15.33%)903 (83.38%)14 (1.29%)
4371291116 (9.11%)1143 (89.79%)14 (1.1%)
44Claiborne7129195 (9.5%)887 (88.7%)18 (1.8%)
44AClaiborne71291110 (9.71%)1007 (88.88%)16 (1.41%)
45Claiborne71291191 (12.16%)1354 (86.19%)26 (1.65%)
46West Monroe71291140 (19.47%)570 (79.28%)9 (1.25%)
47Brownsville71292106 (27.82%)274 (71.92%)1 (0.26%)
48Bawcomville7129278 (11.13%)616 (87.87%)7 (1%)
497129136 (6.43%)519 (92.68%)5 (0.89%)
5Monroe71203538 (52.44%)483 (47.08%)5 (0.49%)
507129156 (9.48%)530 (89.68%)5 (0.85%)
517129156 (5.39%)974 (93.83%)8 (0.77%)
51A7123435 (4.74%)694 (93.91%)10 (1.35%)
52Calhoun7122595 (7.36%)1187 (91.94%)9 (0.7%)
52A7122567 (11.94%)493 (87.88%)1 (0.18%)
537122793 (10.48%)791 (89.18%)3 (0.34%)
5471225159 (10.54%)1337 (88.6%)13 (0.86%)
5571292172 (11.38%)1326 (87.7%)14 (0.93%)
567129271 (6.64%)987 (92.24%)12 (1.12%)
56A7129224 (3.53%)651 (95.88%)4 (0.59%)
577123865 (3.91%)1588 (95.43%)11 (0.66%)
587123849 (4.31%)1086 (95.6%)1 (0.09%)
59Monroe71201224 (43.58%)283 (55.06%)7 (1.36%)
6Swartz71203222 (15.33%)1212 (83.7%)14 (0.97%)
60Monroe71201469 (50.92%)445 (48.32%)7 (0.76%)
61Monroe71201155 (23.66%)483 (73.74%)17 (2.6%)
62Monroe71201359 (62.43%)207 (36%)9 (1.57%)
63Monroe71201377 (56.69%)271 (40.75%)17 (2.56%)
64Monroe7120199 (20.75%)373 (78.2%)5 (1.05%)
65Monroe71201129 (95.56%)5 (3.7%)1 (0.74%)
65AMonroe71201291 (96.36%)10 (3.31%)1 (0.33%)
66Monroe71203499 (90.89%)49 (8.93%)1 (0.18%)
67Monroe71203202 (64.54%)104 (33.23%)7 (2.24%)
68Monroe71203323 (74.6%)107 (24.71%)3 (0.69%)
69Monroe71201669 (97.81%)10 (1.46%)5 (0.73%)
7Monroe71203325 (24.22%)1000 (74.52%)17 (1.27%)
70Monroe71203484 (94.35%)25 (4.87%)4 (0.78%)
71Monroe71201125 (11.31%)975 (88.24%)5 (0.45%)
72Monroe71203250 (35.61%)447 (63.68%)5 (0.71%)
73Monroe71209484 (76.7%)144 (22.82%)3 (0.48%)
74Monroe71203501 (96.53%)17 (3.28%)1 (0.19%)
75Monroe71201213 (14.67%)1222 (84.16%)17 (1.17%)
76Monroe71201256 (35.8%)443 (61.96%)16 (2.24%)
77Monroe71201271 (29.08%)647 (69.42%)14 (1.5%)
78Monroe71201183 (37.97%)289 (59.96%)10 (2.07%)
79Monroe71203694 (96.39%)22 (3.06%)4 (0.56%)
8Swartz71203424 (33.52%)836 (66.09%)5 (0.4%)
9Swartz71203680 (56.15%)522 (43.1%)9 (0.74%)
9AMonroe71203331 (54.62%)271 (44.72%)4 (0.66%)