Map of Renville County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

D 80-100%
D 70-80%
D 60-70%
D 45-60%
R 45-60%
R 60-70%
R 70-80%
R 80-100%

List of Renville County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

Map IndexPrecinctCity/TownZIP CodeJoe Biden
Donald Trump
Jo Jorgensen
Bandon Twp5533231 (38.75%)49 (61.25%)0 (0%)
Beaver Falls Twp5628333 (32.35%)68 (66.67%)1 (0.98%)
Birch Cooley Twp5531042 (30%)98 (70%)0 (0%)
Bird IslandBird Island55310216 (35.94%)380 (63.23%)5 (0.83%)
Bird Island TwpBird Island5627733 (24.44%)102 (75.56%)0 (0%)
Boon Lake Twp5535047 (20.7%)177 (77.97%)3 (1.32%)
Brookfield Twp5531411 (12.36%)78 (87.64%)0 (0%)
Buffalo LakeBuffalo Lake55314107 (33.75%)203 (64.04%)7 (2.21%)
Cairo Twp5533224 (22.02%)85 (77.98%)0 (0%)
Crooks Twp5623017 (14.05%)104 (85.95%)0 (0%)
DanubeDanube5623077 (32.08%)162 (67.5%)1 (0.42%)
Emmet Twp5623040 (37.74%)66 (62.26%)0 (0%)
Ericson Twp5628422 (15.83%)116 (83.45%)1 (0.72%)
FairfaxFairfax55332178 (30.38%)401 (68.43%)7 (1.19%)
Flora Twp5628336 (31.86%)77 (68.14%)0 (0%)
FranklinFranklin5533380 (34.93%)146 (63.76%)3 (1.31%)
Hawk Creek Twp5624149 (35.25%)89 (64.03%)1 (0.72%)
HectorHector55342137 (26.25%)378 (72.41%)7 (1.34%)
Hector Twp5531426 (23.42%)83 (74.77%)2 (1.8%)
Henryville Twp5627022 (19.64%)87 (77.68%)3 (2.68%)
Kingman Twp5531030 (26.32%)84 (73.68%)0 (0%)
Martinsburg Twp5534221 (22.58%)72 (77.42%)0 (0%)
Melville Twp5531040 (33.61%)77 (64.71%)2 (1.68%)
MortonMorton5627060 (31.25%)128 (66.67%)4 (2.08%)
Norfolk Twp5627724 (27.27%)64 (72.73%)0 (0%)
OliviaOlivia56277480 (37.94%)775 (61.26%)10 (0.79%)
Osceola Twp5627715 (18.07%)67 (80.72%)1 (1.2%)
Palmyra Twp5533346 (40.35%)68 (59.65%)0 (0%)
Preston Lake Twp5538531 (20.95%)115 (77.7%)2 (1.35%)
RenvilleRenville56284225 (41.59%)312 (57.67%)4 (0.74%)
Sacred HeartSacred Heart5628578 (35.14%)143 (64.41%)1 (0.45%)
Sacred Heart Twp5628452 (30.77%)117 (69.23%)0 (0%)
Troy Twp5623052 (30.59%)118 (69.41%)0 (0%)
Wang Twp5624155 (31.79%)118 (68.21%)0 (0%)
Wellington Twp5534211 (11%)89 (89%)0 (0%)
Winfield Twp5627728 (22.76%)93 (75.61%)2 (1.63%)