Map of Huntingdon County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

D 80-100%
D 70-80%
D 60-70%
D 45-60%
R 45-60%
R 60-70%
R 70-80%
R 80-100%

List of Huntingdon County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

Map IndexPrecinctCity/TownZIP CodeJoe Biden
Donald Trump
Jo Jorgensen
ALEXANDRIAAlexandria1661178 (36.11%)137 (63.43%)1 (0.46%)
BARREE1665252 (18.84%)219 (79.35%)5 (1.81%)
BIRMINGHAMBirmingham1668621 (36.84%)35 (61.4%)1 (1.75%)
BRADY1705250 (11.34%)385 (87.3%)6 (1.36%)
BROAD TOP CITYBroad Top City1662140 (19.8%)160 (79.21%)2 (0.99%)
CARBON1667829 (16.48%)145 (82.39%)2 (1.14%)
CASS1668580 (13.42%)510 (85.57%)6 (1.01%)
CASSVILLECassville170526 (9.09%)59 (89.39%)1 (1.52%)
CLAY1705251 (10.47%)430 (88.3%)6 (1.23%)
COALMONTCoalmont166786 (15.38%)33 (84.62%)0 (0%)
CROMWELL1705292 (10.87%)751 (88.77%)3 (0.35%)
DUBLIN1721379 (11.14%)623 (87.87%)7 (0.99%)
DUDLEYDudley1663420 (22.73%)66 (75%)2 (2.27%)
FRANKLIN1687764 (23.02%)211 (75.9%)3 (1.08%)
HENDERSON17060130 (23.34%)422 (75.76%)5 (0.9%)
HOPEWELL DISTRICT HOPEWELL1667835 (15.84%)184 (83.26%)2 (0.9%)
HOPEWELL DISTRICT PUTTSTOWN1667817 (26.15%)47 (72.31%)1 (1.54%)
HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 01Huntingdon16652127 (48.29%)129 (49.05%)7 (2.66%)
HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 02Huntingdon16652138 (39.43%)201 (57.43%)11 (3.14%)
HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 03Huntingdon16652187 (41.74%)253 (56.47%)8 (1.79%)
HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 04Huntingdon16652172 (40%)248 (57.67%)10 (2.33%)
HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 05Huntingdon16652550 (61.8%)325 (36.52%)15 (1.69%)
HUNTINGDON DISTRICT 06Huntingdon16652490 (46.23%)558 (52.64%)12 (1.13%)
JACKSON16669128 (22.98%)423 (75.94%)6 (1.08%)
JUNIATA1664760 (19.74%)239 (78.62%)5 (1.64%)
LINCOLN1663819 (10.16%)168 (89.84%)0 (0%)
LOGAN1665266 (18.18%)295 (81.27%)2 (0.55%)
MAPLETONMapleton1705227 (15.34%)143 (81.25%)6 (3.41%)
MARKLESBURGMarklesburg1664729 (23.77%)91 (74.59%)2 (1.64%)
MILL CREEKMill Creek1665214 (10.53%)119 (89.47%)0 (0%)
MILLER1665285 (26.23%)233 (71.91%)6 (1.85%)
MORRIS1669345 (18.75%)195 (81.25%)0 (0%)
MOUNT UNION WARD 01Mount Union17066130 (43.48%)160 (53.51%)9 (3.01%)
MOUNT UNION WARD 02Mount Union1706689 (25.21%)257 (72.8%)7 (1.98%)
MOUNT UNION WARD 03Mount Union1706696 (27.04%)254 (71.55%)5 (1.41%)
ONEIDA16669214 (34.19%)403 (64.38%)9 (1.44%)
ORBISONIAOrbisonia1724329 (13.88%)176 (84.21%)4 (1.91%)
PENN16652124 (16.92%)601 (81.99%)8 (1.09%)
PETERSBURGPetersburg1661135 (18.13%)156 (80.83%)2 (1.04%)
PORTER16683250 (21.29%)908 (77.34%)16 (1.36%)
ROCKHILLRockhill1724330 (16.85%)146 (82.02%)2 (1.12%)
SALTILLOSaltillo1725320 (12.35%)136 (83.95%)6 (3.7%)
SHADE GAPShade Gap172552 (5.13%)36 (92.31%)1 (2.56%)
SHIRLEY DISTRICT MOUNT UNIONAllenport (Huntingdon County)17260134 (18.11%)599 (80.95%)7 (0.95%)
SHIRLEY DISTRICT SHIRLEY1706664 (15.38%)347 (83.41%)5 (1.2%)
SHIRLEY DISTRICT VALLEY PT.170663 (4.76%)60 (95.24%)0 (0%)
SHIRLEYSBURGShirleysburg1726012 (17.91%)55 (82.09%)0 (0%)
SMITHFIELD16654200 (27.32%)521 (71.17%)11 (1.5%)
SPRINGFIELD1725562 (15.58%)333 (83.67%)3 (0.75%)
SPRUCE CREEK1668350 (31.65%)105 (66.46%)3 (1.9%)
TELL1725573 (20.74%)277 (78.69%)2 (0.57%)
THREE SPRINGSThree Springs1726432 (12.96%)211 (85.43%)4 (1.62%)
TODD1667874 (14.42%)437 (85.19%)2 (0.39%)
UNION1662398 (17.1%)470 (82.02%)5 (0.87%)
WALKERMcConnellstown16647281 (22.41%)959 (76.48%)14 (1.12%)
WARRIORS MARK16877242 (20.28%)937 (78.54%)14 (1.17%)
WEST1661167 (21.14%)247 (77.92%)3 (0.95%)
WOOD1662147 (16.73%)233 (82.92%)1 (0.36%)