Map of Berkeley County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

D 80-100%
D 70-80%
D 60-70%
D 45-60%
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R 60-70%
R 70-80%
R 80-100%

List of Berkeley County Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

Map IndexPrecinctCity/TownZIP CodeJoe Biden
Donald Trump
Jo Jorgensen
Howie Hawkins
Rocky De La Fuente
Alvin29431380 (56.38%)285 (42.28%)7 (1.04%)2 (0.3%)0 (0%)
Bethera2943118 (9.47%)172 (90.53%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Beverly HillsGoose Creek29445459 (50.89%)422 (46.78%)14 (1.55%)7 (0.78%)0 (0%)
BonneauBonneau29479326 (34.53%)611 (64.72%)6 (0.64%)1 (0.11%)0 (0%)
Bonneau BeachBonneau Beach29431246 (21.08%)915 (78.41%)5 (0.43%)1 (0.09%)0 (0%)
Boulder BluffGoose Creek29445862 (55.15%)669 (42.8%)22 (1.41%)6 (0.38%)4 (0.26%)
Bushy ParkGoose Creek294615 (13.16%)33 (86.84%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
CainhoyCharleston29445656 (69.71%)279 (29.65%)4 (0.43%)2 (0.21%)0 (0%)
Cane Bay29486942 (42.47%)1201 (54.15%)63 (2.84%)9 (0.41%)3 (0.14%)
Cane Bay East29486607 (38.76%)947 (60.47%)4 (0.26%)6 (0.38%)2 (0.13%)
Cane Bay North29461444 (36.85%)744 (61.74%)12 (1%)5 (0.41%)0 (0%)
Cane Bay South29486549 (39.81%)803 (58.23%)24 (1.74%)2 (0.15%)1 (0.07%)
Carnes Cross Roads 1Goose Creek29486149 (15.57%)798 (83.39%)9 (0.94%)1 (0.1%)0 (0%)
Carnes Cross Roads 2Goose Creek29486271 (33.09%)532 (64.96%)14 (1.71%)2 (0.24%)0 (0%)
CentralGoose Creek29445827 (47.18%)886 (50.54%)26 (1.48%)14 (0.8%)0 (0%)
CobblestoneGoose Creek29486518 (55.46%)402 (43.04%)12 (1.28%)2 (0.21%)0 (0%)
Cordesville29461330 (36.42%)569 (62.8%)5 (0.55%)1 (0.11%)1 (0.11%)
Cross29486349 (43.46%)443 (55.17%)9 (1.12%)2 (0.25%)0 (0%)
Cypress29461689 (49.57%)676 (48.63%)23 (1.65%)2 (0.14%)0 (0%)
Daniel Island 1Charleston29492649 (34.89%)1190 (63.98%)15 (0.81%)5 (0.27%)1 (0.05%)
Daniel Island 2Charleston29492706 (48.66%)724 (49.9%)16 (1.1%)4 (0.28%)1 (0.07%)
Daniel Island 3Charleston29492684 (44.62%)825 (53.82%)20 (1.3%)4 (0.26%)0 (0%)
Daniel Island 4Charleston29492981 (41.53%)1340 (56.73%)39 (1.65%)2 (0.08%)0 (0%)
Devon Forest 129486671 (45.15%)783 (52.69%)24 (1.62%)7 (0.47%)1 (0.07%)
Devon Forest 2Goose Creek29445501 (42.89%)638 (54.62%)29 (2.48%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
DiscoveryLadson29456772 (51.33%)699 (46.48%)29 (1.93%)2 (0.13%)2 (0.13%)
Eadytown29436326 (69.21%)143 (30.36%)1 (0.21%)1 (0.21%)0 (0%)
Fifty-TwoMoncks Corner29461607 (57.92%)422 (40.27%)16 (1.53%)1 (0.1%)2 (0.19%)
Foster Creek 1Hanahan29445373 (43.88%)461 (54.24%)14 (1.65%)2 (0.24%)0 (0%)
Foster Creek 2Hanahan29410605 (38.27%)927 (58.63%)41 (2.59%)5 (0.32%)3 (0.19%)
Foster Creek 3Hanahan29445561 (44%)694 (54.43%)16 (1.25%)3 (0.24%)1 (0.08%)
Fox BankMoncks Corner29461735 (40.61%)1026 (56.69%)41 (2.27%)7 (0.39%)1 (0.06%)
Hanahan 1Hanahan29410519 (29.57%)1208 (68.83%)25 (1.42%)2 (0.11%)1 (0.06%)
Hanahan 2Hanahan29410382 (40.38%)543 (57.4%)19 (2.01%)2 (0.21%)0 (0%)
Hanahan 3Hanahan29410311 (31.32%)659 (66.36%)13 (1.31%)8 (0.81%)2 (0.2%)
Hanahan 4Hanahan29410402 (45.53%)448 (50.74%)19 (2.15%)11 (1.25%)3 (0.34%)
Hanahan 5Hanahan29410220 (23.04%)716 (74.97%)17 (1.78%)2 (0.21%)0 (0%)
Harbour Lake29445705 (67.4%)315 (30.11%)21 (2.01%)4 (0.38%)1 (0.1%)
Hilton Cross Rd29059664 (57.89%)474 (41.33%)8 (0.7%)1 (0.09%)0 (0%)
Horseshoe29461380 (42.55%)502 (56.22%)11 (1.23%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Howe Hall 1Goose Creek29445887 (57.6%)629 (40.84%)20 (1.3%)3 (0.19%)1 (0.06%)
Howe Hall 2Goose Creek29445376 (49.09%)372 (48.56%)13 (1.7%)4 (0.52%)1 (0.13%)
Huger29434583 (60.98%)361 (37.76%)10 (1.05%)2 (0.21%)0 (0%)
JamestownJamestown29431225 (56.82%)164 (41.41%)5 (1.26%)1 (0.25%)1 (0.25%)
Lebanon29486135 (21.74%)475 (76.49%)11 (1.77%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Liberty HallGoose Creek29445943 (53.98%)768 (43.96%)26 (1.49%)10 (0.57%)0 (0%)
Live Oak29461172 (15.65%)915 (83.26%)9 (0.82%)0 (0%)3 (0.27%)
Macedonia29479130 (11.6%)975 (86.98%)15 (1.34%)1 (0.09%)0 (0%)
Macedonia 2294317 (5.07%)130 (94.2%)1 (0.72%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Mcbeth29431261 (35.66%)467 (63.8%)1 (0.14%)1 (0.14%)2 (0.27%)
Medway294611010 (56.36%)746 (41.63%)29 (1.62%)5 (0.28%)2 (0.11%)
Moncks Corner 1Moncks Corner29461540 (40.69%)767 (57.8%)15 (1.13%)4 (0.3%)1 (0.08%)
Moncks Corner 2Moncks Corner29461600 (50.8%)567 (48.01%)12 (1.02%)2 (0.17%)0 (0%)
Moncks Corner 3Moncks Corner29461888 (57.36%)629 (40.63%)24 (1.55%)6 (0.39%)1 (0.06%)
Moncks Corner 4Moncks Corner29461293 (24.15%)900 (74.2%)15 (1.24%)2 (0.16%)3 (0.25%)
Moultrie29436752 (77.77%)208 (21.51%)3 (0.31%)3 (0.31%)1 (0.1%)
NextonSummerville29486567 (41.21%)778 (56.54%)29 (2.11%)2 (0.15%)0 (0%)
North Creek29486195 (44.42%)232 (52.85%)11 (2.51%)1 (0.23%)0 (0%)
Old 52Moncks Corner29461309 (37.73%)495 (60.44%)14 (1.71%)1 (0.12%)0 (0%)
PimlicoMoncks Corner29461199 (20.69%)758 (78.79%)4 (0.42%)1 (0.1%)0 (0%)
PinopolisPinopolis29461284 (19.32%)1173 (79.8%)13 (0.88%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
RoyleSangaree29456366 (40.76%)507 (56.46%)19 (2.12%)5 (0.56%)1 (0.11%)
RussellvilleRussellville29431854 (83.81%)161 (15.8%)3 (0.29%)0 (0%)1 (0.1%)
Sangaree 129486295 (39.81%)436 (58.84%)9 (1.21%)1 (0.13%)0 (0%)
Sangaree 2Sangaree29486430 (39.02%)649 (58.89%)20 (1.81%)3 (0.27%)0 (0%)
Sangaree 3Sangaree29486397 (42.41%)523 (55.88%)14 (1.5%)2 (0.21%)0 (0%)
Sedgefield 1Goose Creek29445629 (55.52%)485 (42.81%)14 (1.24%)3 (0.26%)2 (0.18%)
Sedgefield 2Goose Creek29445194 (47.9%)194 (47.9%)16 (3.95%)1 (0.25%)0 (0%)
Sedgefield 329445173 (41.39%)237 (56.7%)6 (1.44%)2 (0.48%)0 (0%)
Seventy EightSummerville29483504 (45.99%)580 (52.92%)9 (0.82%)3 (0.27%)0 (0%)
Shulerville29453116 (39.46%)174 (59.18%)2 (0.68%)1 (0.34%)1 (0.34%)
St. JamesHanahan29445490 (45.92%)559 (52.39%)15 (1.41%)3 (0.28%)0 (0%)
St. Stephen 1Russellville29479822 (82.2%)172 (17.2%)2 (0.2%)3 (0.3%)1 (0.1%)
St. Stephen 2St. Stephen29479519 (51.59%)474 (47.12%)9 (0.89%)4 (0.4%)0 (0%)
Stone Lake29445393 (35.73%)681 (61.91%)23 (2.09%)2 (0.18%)1 (0.09%)
Stratford 1Goose Creek29486442 (44.6%)537 (54.19%)5 (0.5%)6 (0.61%)1 (0.1%)
Stratford 2Goose Creek29445493 (31.62%)1048 (67.22%)14 (0.9%)2 (0.13%)2 (0.13%)
Stratford 3Ladson29456642 (43%)821 (54.99%)28 (1.88%)0 (0%)2 (0.13%)
Stratford 4Goose Creek29445504 (41.93%)677 (56.32%)17 (1.41%)4 (0.33%)0 (0%)
Stratford 5Ladson29456532 (55.07%)411 (42.55%)15 (1.55%)7 (0.72%)1 (0.1%)
The VillageCharleston29492665 (33.91%)1247 (63.59%)45 (2.29%)1 (0.05%)3 (0.15%)
Tramway29486409 (37.7%)654 (60.28%)15 (1.38%)4 (0.37%)3 (0.28%)
Wassamassaw 129486461 (56.22%)352 (42.93%)7 (0.85%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Wassamassaw 229483716 (39.21%)1076 (58.93%)26 (1.42%)6 (0.33%)2 (0.11%)
WeatherstoneSummerville29483648 (47.51%)684 (50.15%)28 (2.05%)2 (0.15%)2 (0.15%)
Westview 1Goose Creek29445353 (30.99%)766 (67.25%)16 (1.4%)3 (0.26%)1 (0.09%)
Westview 2Goose Creek29445468 (36.25%)796 (61.66%)24 (1.86%)1 (0.08%)2 (0.15%)
Westview 3Goose Creek29445377 (32.9%)745 (65.01%)19 (1.66%)4 (0.35%)1 (0.09%)
Westview 4Goose Creek29445398 (33.61%)756 (63.85%)23 (1.94%)4 (0.34%)3 (0.25%)
Whitesville 129461792 (53.69%)656 (44.47%)21 (1.42%)5 (0.34%)1 (0.07%)
Whitesville 2Moncks Corner29461359 (48.84%)367 (49.93%)9 (1.22%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Wildcat Trail29486105 (36.21%)180 (62.07%)4 (1.38%)1 (0.34%)0 (0%)
Yeaman's ClubHanahan2941034 (30.09%)74 (65.49%)3 (2.65%)2 (1.77%)0 (0%)
Yellow HouseCharleston29492906 (44.7%)1085 (53.53%)32 (1.58%)4 (0.2%)0 (0%)