Map of ZIP Code 45248 Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

D 80-100%
D 70-80%
D 60-70%
D 45-60%
R 45-60%
R 60-70%
R 70-80%
R 80-100%

List of ZIP Code 45248 Precinct Level Results for the 2020 Presidential Election

Map IndexPrecinctCity/TownZIP CodeJoe Biden
Donald Trump
Jo Jorgensen
GREEN CCDent45248272 (31.48%)583 (67.48%)9 (1.04%)
GREEN DDent45247344 (32.42%)697 (65.69%)17 (1.6%)
GREEN DDBridgetown45248225 (30.65%)503 (68.53%)4 (0.54%)
GREEN EBridgetown45248361 (32.46%)732 (65.83%)17 (1.53%)
GREEN FBridgetown45248252 (27.3%)655 (70.96%)15 (1.63%)
GREEN GMack45248195 (26.9%)521 (71.86%)7 (0.97%)
GREEN GGBridgetown45248288 (26.82%)766 (71.32%)18 (1.68%)
GREEN IBridgetown45248293 (33.72%)564 (64.9%)11 (1.27%)
GREEN KKDent45248234 (25.88%)651 (72.01%)18 (1.99%)
GREEN MMack45248166 (25.04%)486 (73.3%)11 (1.66%)
GREEN NBridgetown45248312 (31.68%)652 (66.19%)18 (1.83%)
GREEN NNMack45248156 (26.4%)422 (71.4%)12 (2.03%)
GREEN OOMack45248105 (20.59%)391 (76.67%)14 (2.75%)
GREEN QQMack45248234 (23.49%)744 (74.7%)16 (1.61%)
GREEN RMack45248137 (22.39%)465 (75.98%)8 (1.31%)
GREEN TBridgetown45248148 (34.91%)261 (61.56%)14 (3.3%)
GREEN UDent45248149 (26.19%)415 (72.93%)4 (0.7%)
GREEN ZDent45248433 (32.93%)863 (65.63%)16 (1.22%)
MIAMI TWP AMack45248259 (23.67%)817 (74.68%)17 (1.55%)
MIAMI TWP CGrandview45248207 (21.04%)763 (77.54%)11 (1.12%)
MIAMI TWP EMack45233180 (22.53%)612 (76.6%)7 (0.88%)