Map of All Airports in Wichita-Hutchinson Area

List of All Airports in Wichita-Hutchinson Area

Map KeyAirport IdentifierAirport NameCity
00AAAero B Ranch AirportLeoti
00IGGoltl AirportMcDonald
01KCaldwell Municipal AirportCaldwell
01KSFlying N Ranch AirportLost Springs
06KSRiverside Hospital Airlift HeliportWichita
06SNBeyer Farm AirportDerby
07KSHeape FieldAugusta
08KSAlderson AirportBennington
0KS6Kendrigan AirportPeck
0KS7Mono Aircraft AirportCheney
0KS9Lmn 120 AirportDouglas
0R9Plainville AirparkPlainville
0S2Stockton Municipal AirportStockton
12KSSooter AirportSedgwick
13KSDaniel's Landing AirportAndover
18KFowler AirportFowler
18KSCherokee StripUdall
1K1Lloyd Stearman FieldBenton
1K3Hamilton FieldDerby
1K6Ellinwood Municipal AirportEllinwood
1KS0Huey AirportHutchinson
1KS4Prichard AirstripEnterprise
1KS6Silers Plane Valley AirportSalina
1KS7Hitch Feeders Ii Inc. AirportSatanta
1KS8Buehler AirportScott City
20KSAirpark Estates AirportAugusta
22KSSt Francis Regional Medical Center HeliportWichita
24KSBlocker FieldHaven
26KSSt Lukes Hospital HeliportWellington
27KSBellamy Farm AirportGoodland
29KSNavrat AirportLincolnville
2K6Elk County AirportMoline
2K8Argonia Municipal AirportArgonia
2KS2Stuber Flying Ranch AirportSevery
2KS3Wilson AirportWilson
2KS4Dick AirportSpivey
2KS5Plains Municipal AirportPlains
2KS8Vonada AirportSylvan Grove
30KSTyler AirportArkansas City
31KSMills FieldSouth Hutchinson
32KSWilkens AirportHealy
34KSSt Joseph HeliportWichita
35KSBlue Sky Ranch and AerodromeDerby
37KSBar P Ranch AirportHoward
38KLucas AirportLucas
38KSSavute AirportKechi
3KS3Rogers AirportUdall
3KS4Eveleigh Farms AirportUlysses
3KS5High Point AirportValley Center
3KS7Berwick AirportValley Center
3KS9Tri Rotor AirportUlysses
3TAStafford Municipal AirportStafford
42KSFarney Field AirportKiowa
43KMarion Municipal AirportMarion
44KSVankirk AirportWichita
45KSLiebau Ranch AirportGrenola
46KSHidden Valley AirportValley Center
48KSR F Roesner AirportSalina
48SNLifeteam 20 HeliportWichita
49KNorwich AirportNorwich
4KS4Police HeliportWichita
4KS7Butler AirparkRose Hill
4KS8Bursch Private AirportBird City
4KS9Dinkel AirportVictoria
50KSGrandpa's Farm AirportPratt
51KSBarnard AirportElmo
53KSWeaver Ranch AirportHesston
55KSRingneck Ranch AirportTipton
56KSRobinson HeliportGarden City
58KSBurger's Valley AirportSalina
5K0Bressler FieldBird City
5K2Tribune Municipal AirportTribune
5KS0Anthony BalloonportAnthony
5KS2Fortmeyer AirportGoodland
5KS3Deweze AirportHarper
5KS4Hall Farms AirportKanorado
5KS6Mollenkamp FieldLeoti
5KS7Anthony Hospital HeliportAnthony
5KS8Jack Poore AirportMc Donald
5KS9Black AirportMc Donald
60KSAlley FieldDouglass
62KSDexter FieldCottonwood Falls
65KSGriffith FieldDowns
67KSMontezuma Coop AirportMontezuma
6KS1Quinter Air StripQuinter
6KS2Stevenson Private AirportSelden
6KS3Walker StripSharon Springs
6KS4Bussen AirportSharon Springs
6KS6Kiowa AirportKiowa
70KMaize AirportWichita/Maize/
70KSBannon FieldDouglass
71KWestport AirportWichita
72KWestport Auxiliary AirportWichita
73KSPhilip Ranch AirportHays
75KSEsplund Farm AirportMinneola
76KSPrima AirportScott City
77KSAbel Ranch AirportWilmont
7K6Wilcox FieldAnthony
7KS7Evans AirportOakley
7KS8Shaw Aerial Spraying AirportOberlin
7KS9Eagle FieldBentley
80KSGilley's AirportPeabody
87KSHolyrood Municipal AirportHolyrood
8K0Bucklin AirportBucklin
8K7Paul Windle Municipal AirportGreensburg
8K8Cimarron Municipal AirportCimarron
8KS0Morgan Farms AirportUlysses
8KS2King Ranch AirportHamilton
8KS4Rans AirportHays
8KS6Wesley Medical Center HeliportWichita
8KS8Prairie Cottage AirportChapman
94KSSmith FieldMacksville
98KSRexford AirportMontezuma
99KSElm Creek Farms AirportMedicine Lodge
9K0Chase County AirportCottonwood Falls
9K1Wilroads Gardens AirportDodge City
9K6Patty FieldEl Dorado
9KS3Kake HelistopWichita
9KS4Rose Port Inc AirportIonia
9KS5Rush FieldGeneseo
9KS6Lundgren Hereford Ranch AirportGove
9KS9Dmh AirportSalina
K0H1Trego WaKeeney AirportWaKeeney
K13KEureka Municipal AirportEureka
K17Montezuma Municipal AirportMontezuma
K19SSublette Municipal AirportSublette
K1F5Hoxie-Sheridan County AirportHoxie
K1K9Satanta Municipal AirportSatanta
K2K3Stanton County Municipal AirportJohnson
K30KIngalls Municipal AirportIngalls
K33KKinsley Municipal AirportKinsley
K36KKearny County AirportLakin
K3AUAugusta Municipal AirportAugusta
K3K3Syracuse Hamilton County Municipal AirportSyracuse
K3K7Mark Hoard Memorial AirportLeoti
K3K8Comanche County AirportColdwater
K45KMinneapolis City County AirportMinneapolis
K47KMoundridge Municipal AirportMoundridge
K48KNess City Municipal AirportNess City
K50Cook Airfield Inc AirportDerby
K55KOxford Municipal AirportOxford
K65Dighton AirportDighton
K71Lincoln Municipal AirportLincoln
K78Abilene Municipal AirportAbilene
K8K2Harper Municipal AirportHarper
K9K7Ellsworth Municipal AirportEllsworth
K9K8Kingman Airport Clyde Cessna FieldKingman
KAAOColonel James Jabara AirportWichita
KADTAtwood-Rawlins City-County AirportAtwood
KANYAnthony Municipal AirportAnthony
KBECBeech Factory AirportWichita
KCBKShalz FieldColby
KCEACessna Aircraft FieldWichita
KDDCDodge City Regional AirportDodge City
KEGTWellington Municipal AirportWellington
KEHAElkhart Morton County AirportElkhart
KEQACaptain Jack Thomas El Dorado AirportEl Dorado
KEWKNewton City-County AirportNewton
KGBDGreat Bend Municipal AirportGreat Bend
KGCKGarden City Regional AirportGarden City
KGLDRenner Field-Goodland Municipal AirportGoodland
KHLCHill City Municipal AirportHill City
KHQGHugoton Municipal AirportHugoton
KHUTHutchinson Municipal AirportHutchinson
KHYSHays Regional AirportHays
KIABMc Connell Air Force BaseWichita
KICTWichita Eisenhower National AirportWichita
KK32Riverside AirportWichita
KK51Medicine Lodge AirportMedicine Lodge
KK58Harold Krier FieldAshland
KK61Moritz Memorial AirportBeloit
KK75Osborne Municipal AirportOsborne
KK79Jetmore Municipal AirportJetmore
KK94Rush County AirportLa Crosse
KLBLLiberal Mid-America Regional AirportLiberal
KLQRLarned Pawnee County AirportLarned
KLYOLyons-Rice County Municipal AirportLyons
KM66Alfred Schroeder FieldHillsboro
KMEJMeade Municipal AirportMeade
KMPRMc Pherson AirportMc Pherson
KNRNNorton Municipal AirportNorton
KOELOakley Municipal AirportOakley
KOINOberlin Municipal AirportOberlin
KPTTPratt Regional AirportPratt
KRCPStockton / Rooks County Regional
KRSLRussell Municipal AirportRussell
KSLNSalina Municipal AirportSalina
KSYFCheyenne County Municipal AirportSt Francis
KTKOMankato AirportMankato
KTQKScott City Municipal AirportScott City
KULSUlysses AirportUlysses
KWLDStrother FieldWinfield/Arkansas City
SN00J Roesner AirportSalina
SN02Wright International AirportKanorado
SN03Lenora Municipal AirportLenora
SN04Roberts Memorial AirportEmporia
SN05Halstead AirportHalstead
SN07Beaumont Hotel AirportBeaumont
SN08Fisher AirportBurrton
SN09Solomon Valley AirparkMinneapolis
SN10Belle Plaine Farms AirportBelle Plaine
SN12Jenkinson AirportMeade
SN13Albers AirportCheney
SN16Curtis AirportKechi
SN17Shupe AirportAshland
SN18Sills Air ParkAugusta
SN19Flying H Ranch AirportAugusta
SN20Brady-Pippin AirportAugusta
SN25Lucas AirportBig Bow
SN28Belcher AirportBrookville
SN29Rucker AirportBurdett
SN31William Newton Memorial Hospital HeliportWinfield
SN32Rands AirportBelle Plaine
SN34Rucker AirportClearwater
SN36Wamsley FieldConway Springs
SN37Harold K. Wells AirportElmdale
SN39Baldock Farm AirportDelphos
SN40Olson AerodromeDerby
SN46Taylor AirportBenton
SN48Moore FieldByers
SN49Mc Collough AirfieldRandall
SN51Meitl AirportDresden
SN52Pilot Pointe Estates AirportDouglass
SN55R J C Farms Inc AirportFriend
SN58Foster FieldEl Dorado
SN61Yoder AirparkGoddard
SN62Roberts FieldBentley
SN63Gail Ballard AirportHaviland
SN64Eck FieldGoddard
SN65Lake Waltanna AirportGoddard
SN66Beesley Farms AirportGove
SN67Button AirportGreat Bend
SN68Lil Bird AirportValley Center
SN70Kaypod AirportHarper
SN71Bob Park AirportHarper
SN73Salina Regional Health Center HeliportSalina
SN74Hays Medical Center HeliportHays
SN76Sunflower AerodromeHutchinson
SN77Johns AirportJohnson
SN86Arrow B Ranch AirportLeoti
SN87Supreme Feeders AirportLiberal
SN91Godfrey AirportMadison
SN94Amy AirportMinneola
SN95Roberts Air FieldSylvia
SN97Brollier AirportMoscow
SN98Anton Flying Uv AirportSatanta
US-0092Rayl HeliportStrong City
US-0162Coberly AirportGove
US-0400Flugplatz AirportHutchinson
US-0530Riverbend Ranch AirportAugusta
US-0533Arland AirportBennington
US-0655Davis FieldWinfield
US-0656McMaster GliderportWichita
US-0658Weiss Acres AirportViola
US-0701Lindsborg Community Hospital HeliportLindsborg
US-0885Gove County AirportQuinter
US-1016Irish Creek AirfieldHutchinson
US-1053Hiebert AirfieldGoessel
US-1123Greensburg Municipal AirportGreensburg
US-1149Hillbillies AirportBeverly
US-1280Mahoney Farm AirportDorrance
US-2171Lewis AirportSyracuse
US-2172Ashbaugh AirportPark
US-2174Pollyet AirportLakin
US-2175Galloway AirportWaKeeney
US-2391Vintage FieldNewton
US-2546Willys Lake AirportSterling

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