Politics in North Dakota ZIP Code 58532

58532 Election Results

ZIP Code 58532 Located in Driscoll North Dakota is a strongly Republican ZIP Code based on results from the 2020 presidential election with 85.3% (971 total votes) of the residents voting for Republican Candidate Donald Trump. 58532 is located in Burleigh County where 68.5% of the residents voted for the Republican Candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election.

58532 Political Representatives

ZIP Code 58532 is within two North Dakota State House of Representatives districts: the North Dakota State House of Representatives District 8 currently represented by Republican SuAnn Olson and Republican Brandon Prichard and and the North Dakota State House of Representatives District 14 currently represented by Republican Jon Nelson and Republican Robin Weisz and . ZIP Code 58532 is within two North Dakota State Senate districts: North Dakota State Senate District 8 currently represented by Republican Jeffery Magrum and North Dakota State Senate District 14 currently represented by Republican Jerry Klein.


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