Politics in New Jersey ZIP Code 07932

07932 Election Results

ZIP Code 07932 Located in Florham Park New Jersey is a moderately Democrat ZIP Code based on results from the 2020 presidential election with 63.2% (5879 total votes) of the residents voting for Democrat Candidate Joe Biden. 07932 is located in Morris County where 51.4% of the residents voted for the Democrat Candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election.

07932 Political Representatives

ZIP Code 07932 is completely within the 11th US Congressional District of New Jersey and is currently represented by Democrat Mikie Sherrill.

ZIP Code 07932 is within two New Jersey State Assembly districts: the New Jersey State Assembly District 25 currently represented by Republican Brian Bergen and Republican Aura Kenny Dunn and and the New Jersey State Assembly District 26 currently represented by Republican Christian Barranco and Republican Jay Webber and . ZIP Code 07932 is within two New Jersey State Senate districts: New Jersey State Senate District 25 currently represented by Republican Anthony M. Bucco and New Jersey State Senate District 26 currently represented by Republican Joseph Pennacchio.


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