Politics in New Jersey ZIP Code 08736

08736 Election Results

ZIP Code 08736 Located in Manasquan New Jersey is a moderately Republican ZIP Code based on results from the 2020 presidential election with 56.3% (4078 total votes) of the residents voting for Republican Candidate Donald Trump. 08736 is located in Monmouth County where 50.7% of the residents voted for the Republican Candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election.

08736 Political Representatives

ZIP Code 08736 is completely within the 4th US Congressional District of New Jersey and is currently represented by Republican Chris Smith.

ZIP Code 08736 is within two New Jersey State Assembly districts: the New Jersey State Assembly District 10 currently represented by Republican John Catalano and Republican Gregory McGuckin and and the New Jersey State Assembly District 30 currently represented by Republican Sean Kean and Republican Edward Thomson and . ZIP Code 08736 is within two New Jersey State Senate districts: New Jersey State Senate District 10 currently represented by Republican James Holzapfel and New Jersey State Senate District 30 currently represented by Republican Robert Singer.


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