List of Neighborhoods in Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Map Key | Neighborhood Name |
| Alcott Park |
| Alverno |
| Arlington Gardens |
| Arlington Heights |
| Avenues West |
| Baran Park |
| Bay View |
| Bluemound Heights |
| Borchert Field |
| Bradley Estates |
| Brewer's Hill |
| Brown Deer Park |
| Brynwood |
| Buchel Park |
| Burnham Park |
| Calumet Farms |
| Cambridge Heights |
| Cannon Park |
| Capitol Heights |
| Castle Manor |
| Clarke Square |
| Claytown Crest |
| Clock Tower Acres |
| Cold Spring Park |
| College Heights |
| Columbus Park |
| Concordia |
| Cooper Park |
| Copernicus Park |
| Dineen Park |
| Downer Woods |
| Dretzka Park |
| Enderis Park |
| Estabrook Park |
| Euclid Park |
| Fair Park |
| Fairfield |
| Fairview |
| Fernwood |
| Florist Highlands |
| Forest Home Hills |
| Franklin Heights |
| Freedom Village |
| Garden Homes |
| Golden Gate |
| Golden Valley |
| Goldman Park |
| Gra-Ram |
| Graceland |
| Grantosa |
| Granville Station |
| Granville Woods |
| Grasslyn Manor |
| Green Moor |
| Grover Heights |
| Halyard Park |
| Hampton Heights |
| Harawbee |
| Harbor View |
| Harder's Oaks |
| Havenwoods |
| Hawley Farms |
| Hawthorne Glen |
| Haymarket |
| Heritage Heights |
| Highwood Estates |
| Hillside |
| Hilltop Parish |
| Historic Mitchell Street |
| Historic Third Ward |
| Holler Park |
| Honey Creek Manor |
| Honey Creek Parkway |
| Jackson Park |
| Johnson's Woods |
| Jones' Island |
| Juneau Town |
| Kilbourn Town |
| King Park |
| Kops Park |
| Lake Park |
| Land Bank |
| Layton Park |
| Lincoln Creek |
| Lincoln Park |
| Lincoln Village |
| Lindsay Park |
| Little Menomonee Parkway |
| Long View |
| Lower East Side |
| Lyons Park |
| Mack Acres |
| Maitland Park |
| Maple Tree |
| Marquette |
| Martin Drive |
| McGovern Park |
| Melody View |
| Menomonee River Hills |
| Menomonee River Hills East |
| Menomonee River Valley |
| Merrill Park |
| Metcalfe Park |
| Midtown |
| Mill Valley |
| Miller Valley |
| Milwaukee River Parkway |
| Mitchell Field |
| Mitchell Park |
| Mitchell West |
| Morgan Heights |
| Morgandale |
| Mount Mary |
| Mount Olivet |
| Murray Hill |
| Muskegg Way |
| Nash Park |
| National Park |
| New Coeln |
| North Division |
| North Granville |
| North Meadow |
| Northpoint |
| Northridge |
| Northridge Lakes |
| Old North Milwaukee |
| Park Knoll |
| Park Place |
| Park View |
| Park West |
| Parkway Hills |
| Pheasant Run |
| Pollber Heightsv |
| Polonia |
| Red Oak Heights |
| Ridgebiew |
| River Bend |
| Riverside Park |
| Riverton Heights |
| Riverwest |
| Rolling Green |
| Roosevelt Grove |
| Root Creek |
| Rufus King |
| Saveland Park |
| Schlitz Park |
| Servite Woods |
| Sherman Park |
| Silver City |
| Silver Spring |
| Silverswan |
| Southgate |
| Southpoint |
| St. Aemilian's |
| St. Joseph's |
| Story Hill |
| Sunset Heights |
| The Valley Pigsville |
| Thurston Woods |
| Timmerman Airport |
| Timmerman West |
| Tippecanoe |
| Town and Country Manor |
| Town of Lake |
| Triangle |
| Triangle North |
| Tripou Park |
| Upper East Side |
| Uptown |
| Valhalla |
| Valley Forge |
| Veterans Affairs |
| Vogel Park |
| Wahl Park |
| Walker's Point |
| Walnut Hill |
| Washington Heights |
| Washington Park |
| Wedgewood |
| West View |
| Whispering Hills |
| White Manor |
| Wick Field |
| Williamsburg Heights |
| Wilson Park |
| Woodland Court |
| Wyrick Park |
| Yankee Hill |
| Zoo |