Map of Illinois Congressional Districts - 119th Session (2023-2025)


This map represents Illinois Congressional Districts for the 119th session which convenes on January 3rd, 2025. The State of Illinois has a total of 17 Congressional Districts. As a result of the 2020 census, Illinois loses 1 seat (District 18) starting in 2023

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List of All Illinois US Congressional Districts

Map KeyDistrict NumberRepresentativeParty Affiliation
1st DistrictJonathan JacksonDemocrat
2nd DistrictRobin KellyDemocrat
3rd DistrictDelia RamirezDemocrat
4th DistrictJesus GarciaDemocrat
5th DistrictMike QuigleyDemocrat
6th DistrictSean CastenDemocrat
7th DistrictDanny K. DavisDemocrat
8th DistrictRaja KrishnamoorthiDemocrat
9th DistrictJan SchakowskyDemocrat
10th DistrictBrad SchneiderDemocrat
11th DistrictBill FosterDemocrat
12th DistrictMike BostRepublican
13th DistrictNikki BudzinskiDemocrat
14th DistrictLauren UnderwoodDemocrat
15th DistrictMary MillerRepublican
16th DistrictDarin LaHoodRepublican
17th DistrictEric SorensenDemocrat