Map of Indiana Congressional Districts - 119th Session (2025-2027)


This map represents Indiana Congressional Districts for the 119th session which convenes on January 3rd, 2025. The State of Indiana has a total of 9 Congressional Districts.

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List of All Indiana US Congressional Districts

Map KeyDistrict NumberRepresentativeParty Affiliation
1st DistrictFrank MrvanDemocrat
2nd DistrictRudy YakymRepublican
3rd DistrictMarlin A. StutzmanRepublican
4th DistrictJim BairdRepublican
5th DistrictVictoria SpartzRepublican
6th DistrictJefferson ShreveRepublican
7th DistrictAndré CarsonDemocrat
8th DistrictMark MessmerRepublican
9th DistrictErin HouchinRepublican