Map of Pennsylvania Congressional Districts - 119th Session (2025-2027)


This map represents Pennsylvania Congressional Districts for the 119th session which convenes on January 3rd, 2025. The State of Pennsylvania has a total of 17 Congressional Districts.

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List of All Pennsylvania US Congressional Districts

Map KeyDistrict NumberRepresentativeParty Affiliation
1st DistrictBrian FitzpatrickRepublican
2nd DistrictBrendan BoyleDemocrat
3rd DistrictDwight EvansDemocrat
4th DistrictMadeleine DeanDemocrat
5th DistrictMary Gay ScanlonDemocrat
6th DistrictChrissy HoulahanDemocrat
7th DistrictRyan MackenzieRepublican
8th DistrictRob Bresnahan Jr.Republican
9th DistrictDan MeuserRepublican
10th DistrictScott PerryRepublican
11th DistrictLloyd SmuckerRepublican
12th DistrictSummer LeeDemocrat
13th DistrictJohn JoyceRepublican
14th DistrictGuy ReschenthalerRepublican
15th DistrictGlenn ThompsonRepublican
16th DistrictMike KellyRepublican
17th DistrictChris DeluzioDemocrat