Town and Country Elementary School Profile and Stats | |
School Name | Town and Country Elementary School |
District | Sierra Vista Unified District |
Address | 1313 S LENZNER AVE Sierra Vista, 85635 |
County | Cochise County |
Enrollment | 395 |
Majority Ethnicity/Race | White: 50% |
Free or Reduced Lunch Program | 50.80% |
Title 1 School | Yes |
Town and Country Elementary School Student Demographics | ||
Asian | 5 | 1.27% |
Black/African American | 22 | 5.57% |
Hispanic | 131 | 33.16% |
Native American | 1 | 0.25% |
Pacific Islander | 4 | 1.01% |
White | 197 | 49.87% |
Mixed Race | 35 | 8.86% |