Sci Tech Engr Arts and Math Acad at La Presa Profile and Stats | |
School Name | Sci Tech Engr Arts and Math Acad at La Presa |
District | La Mesa-Spring Valley School District |
Address | 1001 Leland St. Spring Valley, 91977 |
County | San Diego County |
Enrollment | 828 |
Majority Ethnicity/Race | Hispanic: 72% |
Free or Reduced Lunch Program | 79.11% |
Title 1 Status | N/A |
Sci Tech Engr Arts and Math Acad at La Presa Student Demographics | ||
Asian | 45 | 5.43% |
Black/African American | 80 | 9.66% |
Hispanic | 594 | 71.74% |
Native American | 1 | 0.12% |
Pacific Islander | 5 | 0.6% |
White | 77 | 9.3% |
Mixed Race | 26 | 3.14% |