Mililani Middle School Profile and Stats | |
School Name | Mililani Middle School |
District | Hawaii Department of Education |
Address | 95-1140 Lehiwa Dr Mililani, 96789 |
County | Honolulu County |
Enrollment | 1684 |
Majority Ethnicity/Race | Asian: 30% |
Free or Reduced Lunch Program | 21.08% |
Title 1 School | No |
Mililani Middle School Student Demographics | ||
Asian | 501 | 29.75% |
Black/African American | 26 | 1.54% |
Hispanic | 355 | 21.08% |
Native American | 3 | 0.18% |
Pacific Islander | 179 | 10.63% |
White | 137 | 8.14% |
Mixed Race | 483 | 28.68% |