Highland High School Profile and Stats | |
School Name | Highland High School |
District | Highland Local School District |
Address | 4150 Ridge Rd Medina, 44256 |
County | Medina County |
Enrollment | 1037 |
Majority Ethnicity/Race | White: 94% |
Free or Reduced Lunch Program | 6.60% |
Title 1 School | No |
Highland High School Profile and Stats | |
School Name | Highland High School |
District | Highland Local School District |
Address | 1300 State Route 314 Marengo, 43334 |
County | Morrow County |
Enrollment | 532 |
Majority Ethnicity/Race | White: 96% |
Free or Reduced Lunch Program | 42.30% |
Title 1 School | No |
Highland High School Student Demographics | ||
Asian | 16 | 1.54% |
Black/African American | 5 | 0.48% |
Hispanic | 17 | 1.64% |
Native American | 1 | 0.1% |
Pacific Islander | 2 | 0.19% |
White | 970 | 93.54% |
Mixed Race | 26 | 2.51% |
Highland High School Student Demographics | ||
Asian | 2 | 0.38% |
Black/African American | 2 | 0.38% |
Hispanic | 11 | 2.07% |
Native American | 0 | 0% |
Pacific Islander | 0 | 0% |
White | 509 | 95.68% |
Mixed Race | 8 | 1.5% |