Map of Montgomery County Public Schools Middle School Free and Reduced Lunch Program Participation

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List of Middle Schools in Montgomery County Public Schools Maryland

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityFree/Reduced Lunch Program Participation
Argyle Middle School20906Silver Spring65.96%
Baker Middle School20872Damascus28.48%
Banneker Middle School20866Burtonsville55.79%
Briggs Chaney Middle School20905Silver Spring54.91%
Cabin John Middle School20854Potomac8.54%
Clemente Middle School20874Germantown44.90%
Eastern Middle School20901Silver Spring57.56%
Farquhar Middle School20832Olney20.72%
Forest Oak Middle School20877Gaithersburg61.09%
Francis Scott Key Middle School20903Silver Spring67.49%
Gaithersburg Middle School20877Gaithersburg54.95%
Herbert Hoover Middle School20854Potomac6.17%
Julius West Middle School20850Rockville30.84%
King Middle School20874Germantown49.77%
Kingsview Middle School20874Germantown27.48%
Lakelands Park Middle School20878Gaithersburg27.16%
Lee Middle School20902Silver Spring69.69%
Loiederman Middle School20906Silver Spring63.35%
Montgomery Village Middle School20886Montgomery Village73.32%
Neelsville Middle School20876Germantown65.32%
Newport Mill Middle School20895Kensington60.30%
North Bethesda Middle School20817Bethesda9.68%
Parkland Middle School20853Rockville58.81%
Poole Middle School20837Poolesville12.60%
Pyle Middle School20817Bethesda2.09%
Redland Middle School20855Rockville48.14%
Ridgeview Middle School20878Gaithersburg35.35%
Robert Frost Middle School20850Rockville7.87%
Rocky Hill Middle School20871Clarksburg38.44%
Rosa Parks Middle School20832Olney14.58%
Shady Grove Middle School20877Gaithersburg51.21%
Silver Spring International Middle School20910Silver Spring44.48%
Sligo Middle School20902Silver Spring46.61%
Takoma Park Middle School20910Silver Spring28.76%
Tilden Middle School20852Rockville16.83%
Westland Middle School20816Bethesda9.55%
White Oak Middle School20904Silver Spring66.86%
Wood Middle School20853Rockville44.69%

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