Map of Clark County School District Elementary School Attendance Zones

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List of Elementary Schools in Clark County School District Nevada

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityTotal Students
Abston Elementary School89147Las Vegas738
Adams Elementary School89110Las Vegas407
Adcock Elementary School89107Las Vegas523
Alamo Elementary School89139Las Vegas854
Allen Elementary School89149Las Vegas396
Antonello Elementary School89031North Las Vegas530
Bailey Elementary School89122Las Vegas621
Barber Elementary School89183Las Vegas716
Bartlett Elementary School89074Henderson654
Bass Elementary School89183Las Vegas574
Batterman Elementary School89148Las Vegas655
Beatty Elementary School89123Las Vegas554
Beckley Elementary School89121Las Vegas790
Bell Elementary School89102Las Vegas757
Bendorf Elementary School89147Las Vegas612
Bennett Elementary School89029Laughlin375
Berkley Elementary School89148Las Vegas726
Bilbray Elementary School89143Las Vegas649
Blackhurst Elementary School89179Las Vegas860
Blue Diamond Elementary School89004Blue Diamond34
Bonner Elementary School89144Las Vegas780
Booker Elementary School89106Las Vegas409
Bozarth Elementary School89149Las Vegas850
Brookman Elementary School89110Las Vegas650
Brown Elementary School89012HendersonN/A
Bruner Elementary School89032North Las Vegas570
Bunker Elementary School89108Las Vegas709
Cahlan Elementary School89030North Las Vegas716
Cambeiro Elementary School89101Las Vegas566
Carl Elementary School89130Las Vegas716
Cartwright Elementary School89123Las Vegas508
Christensen Elementary School89117Las Vegas482
Clyde Cox Elementary School89115Las Vegas746
Conners Elementary School89129Las Vegas585
Cortez Elementary School89115Las Vegas700
Cozine Elementary School89031North Las Vegas681
Craig Elementary School89030North Las Vegas633
Crestwood Elementary School89104Las Vegas679
Culley Elementary School89108Las Vegas763
Cunningham Elementary School89122Las Vegas780
Darnell Elementary School89149Las Vegas492
David Cox Elementary School89074Henderson536
Dearing Elementary School89121Las Vegas853
Decker Elementary School89103Las Vegas632
Derfelt Elementary School89117Las Vegas567
Deskin Elementary School89129Las Vegas521
Detwiler Elementary School89106Las Vegas666
Diaz Elementary School89110Las Vegas669
Dickens Elementary School89081North Las Vegas797
Diskin Elementary School89147Las Vegas602
Divich Elementary School89149Las Vegas920
Dondero Elementary School89103Las Vegas799
Dooley Elementary School89002Henderson340
Edwards Elementary School89110Las Vegas578
Eisenberg Elementary School89129Las Vegas516
Elizondo Elementary School89031North Las Vegas670
Ellis Elementary School89044Henderson716
Ferron Elementary School89121Las Vegas585
Fine Elementary School89139Las Vegas788
Fitzgerald Elementary School89030North Las Vegas393
Fong Elementary School89108Las Vegas717
Forbuss Elementary School89178Las Vegas607
French Elementary School89120Las Vegas552
Frias Elementary School89141Las Vegas674
Galloway Elementary School89002Henderson561
Garehime Elementary School89129Las Vegas637
Gibson Elementary School89074Henderson494
Glen Taylor Elementary School89052Henderson687
Goldfarb Elementary School89142Las Vegas737
Goodsprings Elementary School89019Goodsprings10
Goolsby Elementary School89135Las Vegas751
Goynes Elementary School89084North Las Vegas702
Gragson Elementary School89110Las Vegas688
Grant Bowler Elementary School89021Moapa Valley555
Gray Elementary School89146Las Vegas456
Griffith Elementary School89107Las Vegas618
Hal Smith Elementary School89122Las Vegas738
Hancock Elementary School89146Las Vegas544
Harmon Elementary School89120Las Vegas610
Harris Elementary School89121Las Vegas661
Hayden Elementary School89084North Las Vegas693
Hayes Elementary School89147Las Vegas524
Heckethorn Elementary School89131Las Vegas670
Helen Smith Elementary School89145Las Vegas506
Herr Elementary School89156Las Vegas680
Herron Elementary School89030North Las Vegas729
Hewetson Elementary School89101Las Vegas788
Hickey Elementary School89156Las Vegas686
Hill Elementary School89123Las Vegas519
Hinman Elementary School89015Henderson398
Hollingsworth Elementary School89101Las Vegas548
Hummel Elementary School89183Las Vegas636
Indian Springs Elementary School89018Indian Springs95
Ira Earl Elementary School89110Las Vegas695
Iverson Elementary School89142Las Vegas584
Jacobson Elementary School89145Las Vegas494
Jeffers Elementary School89115Las Vegas674
Jenkins Elementary School89142Las Vegas647
Joseph Bowler Elementary School89007Bunkerville416
Jydstrup Elementary School89118Las Vegas581
Kelly Elementary School89106Las Vegas356
Kesterson Elementary School89074Henderson708
Kim Elementary School89147Las Vegas435
Lake Elementary School89169Las Vegas706
Lamping Elementary School89052Henderson635
Lincoln Elementary School89030North Las Vegas689
Long Elementary School89104Las Vegas742
Lummis Elementary School89134Las Vegas449
Lundy Elementary School89124Mt Charleston12
Lunt Elementary School89101Las Vegas551
Lynch Elementary School89115Las Vegas562
Mack Elementary School89014Henderson594
Manch Elementary School89115Las Vegas807
Marion Earl Elementary School89118Las Vegas510
Martin Luther King.Elementary School89156Las Vegas410
Martinez Elementary School89030North Las Vegas602
Mathis Elementary School89139Las Vegas897
May Elementary School89130Las Vegas553
McCall Elementary School89030North Las Vegas327
McDoniel Elementary School89014Henderson451
McDonough Ward Elementary School89183Las Vegas726
McMillan Elementary School89128Las Vegas506
McWilliams Elementary School89108Las Vegas702
Mendoza Elementary School89142Las Vegas738
Mitchell Elementary School89005Boulder City340
Moore Elementary School89110Las Vegas631
Morrow Elementary School89015Henderson495
Mountain View Elementary School89156Las Vegas533
Neal Elementary School89130Las Vegas552
Newton Elementary School89015Henderson640
O'Roarke Elementary School89143Las Vegas750
Ober Elementary School89135Las Vegas579
Ortwein Elementary School89141Las Vegas729
Paradise Elementary School89119Las Vegas459
Park Elementary School89104Las Vegas636
Parson Elementary School89130Las Vegas316
Perkins Elementary School89032North Las Vegas550
Petersen Elementary School89169Las Vegas853
Pittman Elementary School89107Las Vegas552
Priest Elementary School89032North Las Vegas694
Rankin Givens Elementary School89138Las Vegas647
Red Rock Elementary School89107Las Vegas690
Reed Elementary School89108Las Vegas725
Reedom Elementary School89178Las Vegas548
Reid Elementary School89046Searchlight21
Rhodes Elementary School89131Las Vegas598
Richard Bryan Elementary School89128Las Vegas472
Ries Elementary School89141Las Vegas810
Robert Taylor Elementary School89015Henderson520
Roberts Elementary School89074Henderson527
Roger Bryan Elementary School89147Las Vegas605
Rogers Elementary School89148Las Vegas684
Ronnow Elementary School89101Las Vegas628
Ronzone Elementary School89108Las Vegas753
Rowe Elementary School89119Las Vegas629
Rundle Elementary School89110Las Vegas659
Sandra Lee Thompson Elementary School89149Las Vegas579
Sandy Valley Elementary School89019Sandy Valley101
Schorr Elementary School89183Las Vegas631
Scott Elementary School89081North Las Vegas546
Sewell Elementary School89015Henderson554
Simmons Elementary School89031North Las Vegas618
Smalley Elementary School89002Henderson706
Squires Elementary School89030North Las Vegas712
Stanford Elementary School89110Las Vegas522
Staton Elementary School89144Las Vegas756
Steele Elementary School89113Las Vegas727
Stevens Elementary School89011Henderson891
Stuckey Elementary School89141Las Vegas546
Sunrise Acres Elementary School89101Las Vegas637
Tanaka Elementary School89148Las Vegas700
Tartan Elementary School89081North Las Vegas445
Tate Elementary School89115Las Vegas751
Thiriot Elementary School89103Las Vegas698
Thomas Elementary School89169Las Vegas755
Tobler Elementary School89108Las Vegas537
Tom Williams Elementary School89030North Las Vegas665
Tomiyasu Elementary School89120Las Vegas454
Treem Elementary School89014Henderson469
Triggs Elementary School89084North Las Vegas571
Twin Lakes Elementary School89108Las Vegas527
Tyrone Thompson Elementary School89178Las Vegas450
Ullom Elementary School89121Las Vegas618
Vanderburg Elementary School89012Henderson819
Vassiliadis Elementary School89138Las Vegas970
Vegas Verdes Elementary School89102Las Vegas732
Virgin Valley Elementary School89027Mesquite520
Walker Elementary School89002Henderson625
Wallin Elementary School89044Henderson551
Ward Elementary School89119Las Vegas639
Warren Elementary School89107Las Vegas644
Wasden Elementary School89107Las Vegas527
Watson Elementary School89031North Las Vegas647
Wendell Williams Elementary School89106Las Vegas300
Wengert Elementary School89142Las Vegas530
Whitney Elementary School89122Las Vegas428
Wilhelm Elementary School89032North Las Vegas498
William Snyder Elementary School89104Las Vegas737
Wolfe Elementary School89031North Las Vegas461
Wolff Elementary School89052Henderson794
Wright Elementary School89178Las Vegas649
Wynn Elementary School89146Las Vegas811

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