Map of Newark City School District Elementary School Free and Reduced Lunch Program Participation

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List of Elementary Schools in Newark City School District New Jersey

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityFree/Reduced Lunch Program Participation
Abington Avenue School07107Newark81.34%
Ann Street School07105Newark73.69%
Avon Avenue Elementary School07108Newark87.30%
Belmont Runyon Elementary School07108Newark82.04%
Camden Street Elementary School07103Newark84.73%
Carver Elementary School07112Newark84.65%
Chancellor Avenue Elementary School07112Newark90.60%
Clemente Elementary School07104Newark82.60%
Cleveland Avenue School07103Newark81.10%
Elliott Street Elementary School07104Newark83.28%
First Avenue Elementary School07107Newark83.58%
Flagg Elementary School07104Newark89.84%
Franklin Elementary School07104Newark81.17%
Hawkins Street School07105Newark80.44%
Hawthorne Elementary Avenue School07112Newark88.41%
Horton Elementary School07107Newark93.26%
Ivy Hill Elementary School07106Newark76.02%
Lafayette Street School07105Newark79.03%
Lincoln Elementary School07106Newark76.14%
McKinley Elementary School07104Newark84.20%
Munoz Marin Elementary School07104Newark81.55%
Newton Elementary School07103Newark33.33%
Oliver Street Elementary School07105Newark76.20%
Park Elementary School07104Newark76.89%
Peshine Avenue School07112Newark72.90%
Quitman Street School07103Newark82.42%
Rafael Hernandez School07104Newark83.95%
Ridge Street School07104Newark71.43%
South Seventeenth Street School07103Newark92.94%
South Street Elementary School07105Newark78.82%
Speedway Avenue Elementary School07106Newark91.19%
Spencer Elementary School07108Newark81.71%
Sussex Avenue School07107Newark89.91%
Thirteenth Avenue School07103Newark80.94%
Tubman Elementary School07103Newark79.62%
Urena Elementary School07104Newark84.24%
Wilson Avenue School07108Newark74.71%

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