Map of NEW YORK CITY GEOGRAPHIC DISTRICT #26 Elementary School Free and Reduced Lunch Program Participation

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List of Elementary Schools in NEW YORK CITY GEOGRAPHIC DISTRICT #26 New York

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityFree/Reduced Lunch Program Participation
PS 133 Queens School11426Bellerose46.71%
PS 15911361BAYSIDE52.40%
PS 162 John Golden School11361BAYSIDE63.39%
PS 173 Fresh Meadows School11365FLUSHING54.17%
PS 18 Winchester School11427QUEENS VILLAGE61.56%
PS 186 Castlewood School11426Bellerose33.60%
PS 188 Kingsbury School11364FLUSHING25.66%
PS 191 Mayflower School11001Floral Park65.82%
PS 203 Oakland Gardens School11364BAYSIDE37.39%
PS 205 Alexander Graham Bell School11361BAYSIDE31.90%
PS 213 The Carl Ullman School11364BAYSIDE50.80%
PS 221 The North Hills School11362LITTLE NECK40.72%
PS 26 Rufus King School11365FLUSHING60.50%
PS 31 Bayside School11361BAYSIDE61.69%
PS 37611364FLUSHING53.33%
PS 41 Crocheron School11361BAYSIDE38.24%
PS 46 Alley Pond School11364BAYSIDE43.70%
PS 94 David D. Porter School11363LITTLE NECK49.84%
PS 98 The Douglaston School11363DOUGLASTON22.81%
PS/IS 178 Holliswood School11423JAMAICA40.58%
The James J. Ambrose School11004Floral Park42.54%

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