Map of NEW YORK CITY GEOGRAPHIC DISTRICT #28 Elementary School Race and Ethnicity

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List of Elementary Schools in NEW YORK CITY GEOGRAPHIC DISTRICT #28 New York

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityMajority Race/Ethnicity
PS 101 School in the Gardens School11375FOREST HILLSWhite: 38%
PS 117 J. Keld / Briarwood School11435JAMAICAHispanic: 38%
PS 121 Queens School11420SOUTH OZONE PARKAsian: 46%
PS 139 Rego Park School11374REGO PARKWhite: 40%
PS 140 Edward K Ellington School11434JAMAICABlack: 62%
PS 144 Col Jeromus Remsen School11375FOREST HILLSAsian: 37%
PS 160 Walter Francis Bishop School11435JAMAICABlack: 39%
PS 161 Arthur Ashe School11419JAMAICAAsian: 69%
PS 174 William Sidney Mount School11374REGO PARKAsian: 40%
PS 175 The Lynn Gross Discovery School11374REGO PARKWhite: 54%
PS 182 Samantha Smith School11432JAMAICAHispanic: 56%
PS 196 Grand Central Parkway School11375FOREST HILLSAsian: 41%
PS 206 The Horace Harding School11374REGO PARKWhite: 31%
PS 220 Edward Mandel School11375FOREST HILLSWhite: 35%
PS 312 Jamaica Children's School11433JAMAICABlack: 60%
PS 34911432JAMAICAAsian: 43%
PS 4011433JAMAICABlack: 42%
PS 48 William Wordsworth School11433JAMAICABlack: 47%
PS 5 Talfourd Lawn Elementary School11435JAMAICAHispanic: 44%
PS 54 Hillside School11418RICHMOND HILLHispanic: 58%
PS 55 Maure School11418RICHMOND HILLAsian: 37%
PS 80 Marshall Magnet School of Multimedia and Communication11434JAMAICABlack: 80%
PS 82 Hammond School11435JAMAICAHispanic: 66%
PS 99 Kew Gardens School11415KEW GARDENSHispanic: 40%
PS Q08611432JAMAICAAsian: 59%
The Jermaine L. Green STEM Institute of Queens11434JAMAICABlack: 81%

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