Map of San Antonio, Texas Elementary School Attendance Zones

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List of Elementary Schools in San Antonio Texas

Map KeySchool NameSchool DistrictCityTotal Students
Adams Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio573
Adams Hill Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio488
Agnes Cotton Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio454
Allen Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio518
Armstrong Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio293
Arnold Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio567
Athens Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio219
Aue Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio606
Ball Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio540
Barkley-Ruiz Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio409
Baskin Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio333
Beacon Hill Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio395
Behlau Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio665
Bellaire Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio492
Benavidez Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio561
Big Country Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio680
Blattman Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio498
Bob Hope Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio438
Boldt Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio652
Bonham AcademySan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio637
Boone Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio523
Bowden Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio460
Brackenridge Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio549
Brauchle Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio462
Braun Station Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio463
Briscoe Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio414
Bulverde Creek Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio1011
Burke Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio577
Cable Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio488
Cambridge Elementary SchoolAlamo Heights Independent School DistrictSan Antonio814
Camelot Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio466
Cameron Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio290
Candlewood Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio604
Canyon Ridge Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio519
Carlos Coon Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio581
Carnahan Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio501
Carrillo Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio304
Carroll Bell Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio403
Carson Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio537
Castle Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio477
Charles Graebner Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio665
Cibolo Green Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio815
Cisneros Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio453
Clear Spring Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio330
Cody Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio551
Coker Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio789
Cole Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio1016
Collier Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio394
Collins Garden Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio435
Colonial Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio591
Colonies North Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio579
Columbia Heights Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio307
Crestview Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio628
David Crockett Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio688
De Zavala Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio482
Dellview Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio436
Dorie Miller Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio234
Douglass Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio328
Driggers Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio489
East Terrell Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio595
Ed Franz Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio328
El Dorado Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio551
Ellison Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio715
Eloise Japhet Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio802
Elrod Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio375
Encino Park Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio675
Esparza Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio458
Evers Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio666
Fenwick Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio493
Fernandez Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio537
Fields Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio828
Fisher Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio681
Five Palms Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio426
Forester Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio817
Foster Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio494
Fox Run Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio648
Frank Madla Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio441
Franklin Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio822
Franklin Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio397
Freedom Elementary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio506
Ft Sam Houston Elementary SchoolFort Sam Houston Independent School DistrictSan Antonio804
Gallardo Elementary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio529
Galm Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio489
Gardendale Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio145
Gates Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio157
Gilbert Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio476
Gillette Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio512
Glass Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio456
Glenn Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio485
Glenoaks Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio530
Gonzalez Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio418
Green Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio191
Hardy Oak Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio612
Harmony Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio551
Harmony Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio470
Hatchett Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio635
Hawthorne Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio675
Henderson Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio708
Herff Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio409
Heritage Elementary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio437
Hidden Cove Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio471
Hidden Forest Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio538
Highland Forest Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio474
Highland Hills Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio619
Highland Park Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio463
Hillcrest Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio366
Hirsch Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio576
Hoffmann Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio844
Hopkins Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio752
Howsman Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio694
Huebner Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio548
Hull Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio426
Huppertz Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio285
Hutchins Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio409
Indian Creek Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio486
Indian Springs Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio773
Jackson-Keller Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio598
Johnson Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio387
Kelly Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio202
Kinder Ranch Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio518
Kindred Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio319
King Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio583
King Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio280
Knowlton Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio646
Kriewald Rd Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio533
Krueger Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio635
Lackland Elementary SchoolLackland Independent School DistrictSan Antonio527
Lamar Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio335
Langley Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio566
Larkspur Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio771
Las Lomas Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio507
Las Palmas Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio255
Leon Springs Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio486
Leon Valley Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio523
Lewis Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio572
Lieck Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio651
Linton Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio427
Locke Hill Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio541
Loma Park Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio554
Longs Creek Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio588
Luckey Ranch Elementary SchoolMedina Valley Independent School DistrictSan Antonio860
Madison Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio438
Margil Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio448
Martin Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio548
Mary Lou HartmanJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio746
Maverick Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio484
May Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio438
McAndrew Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio304
McDermott Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio719
Mead Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio647
Meadow Village Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio415
Medio Creek Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio559
Michael Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio642
Mireles Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio944
Mission AcademySan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio479
Montgomery Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio381
Morrill Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio349
Muriel Forbes Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio213
Murnin Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio762
Myers Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio569
Neal Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio481
Nichols Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio463
Northern Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio548
Northwest Crossing Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio399
Northwood Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio405
Oak Crest Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio686
Oak Grove Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio354
Oak Hills Terrace Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio515
Oak Meadow Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio381
Ogden Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio617
Olmos Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio594
Ott Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio626
Palo Alto Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio487
Park Village Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio431
Passmore Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio438
Pearce Primary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio435
Pecan Valley Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio487
Perales Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio340
Pershing Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio397
Potranco Elementary SchoolMedina Valley Independent School DistrictSan Antonio872
Powell Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio432
Price Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio392
Raba Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio635
Rayburn Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio366
Redland Oaks Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio392
Regency Place Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio451
Rhodes Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio523
Ridgeview Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio518
Riverside Park Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio407
Roan Forest Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio839
Rodriguez Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio117
Rogers Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio723
Rolling Meadows Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio773
Roosevelt Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio368
Royal Ridge Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio530
Scarborough Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio854
Schenck Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio563
Schulze Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio604
Scobee Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio516
Serna Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio376
Sinclair Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio629
Sky Harbour Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio506
Smith Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio287
Southwest Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio579
Specht Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio801
Spicewood Park Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio478
Spring Meadows Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio641
Stafford Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio500
Stahl Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio700
Steubing Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio458
Steubing Ranch Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio895
Stewart Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio469
Stone Oak Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio838
Stonewall-Flanders Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio506
Storm Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio296
Sun Valley Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio615
Thornton Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio525
Thousand Oaks Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio561
Timberwilde Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio542
Timberwood Park Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio737
Tuscany Heights Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio684
Valley Hi Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio353
Vestal Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio368
Villarreal Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio618
Vineyard Ranch Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio800
Walzem Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio597
Wanke Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio685
Ward Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio765
Washington Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio328
Westwood Terrace Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio472
Wetmore Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio509
Wilderness Oak Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio612
William Paschall Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio632
Wilshire Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio278
Wilson Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio398
Windcrest Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio543
Winston Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio386
Woodlake Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio553
Woodlawn Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio597
Woodlawn Hills Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio383
Woodridge Elementary SchoolAlamo Heights Independent School DistrictSan Antonio858
Woodstone Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio555
Wright Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio394

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