Map of San Antonio, Texas Elementary School Free and Reduced Lunch Program Participation

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List of Elementary Schools in San Antonio Texas

Map KeySchool NameSchool DistrictCityFree/Reduced Lunch Program Participation
Adams Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.97%
Adams Hill Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio87.30%
Agnes Cotton Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.95%
Allen Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.47%
Armstrong Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.17%
Arnold Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.24%
Athens Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.26%
Aue Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio12.21%
Ball Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.81%
Barkley-Ruiz Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.64%
Baskin Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio83.18%
Beacon Hill Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.65%
Behlau Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio39.10%
Bellaire Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.09%
Benavidez Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio88.77%
Big Country Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio70.74%
Blattman Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio10.04%
Bob Hope Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio87.21%
Boldt Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio19.48%
Bonham AcademySan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio60.60%
Boone Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio68.45%
Bowden Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.91%
Brackenridge Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio98.18%
Brauchle Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio56.71%
Braun Station Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio37.15%
Briscoe Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.24%
Bulverde Creek Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio31.45%
Burke Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio70.36%
Cable Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.49%
Cambridge Elementary SchoolAlamo Heights Independent School DistrictSan Antonio19.41%
Camelot Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio88.41%
Cameron Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.83%
Candlewood Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio98.18%
Canyon Ridge Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio21.58%
Carlos Coon Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio79.17%
Carnahan Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio63.07%
Carrillo Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.74%
Carroll Bell Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio84.62%
Carson Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio37.99%
Castle Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio38.36%
Charles Graebner Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.68%
Cibolo Green Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio20.98%
Cisneros Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.36%
Clear Spring Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.12%
Cody Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio79.49%
Coker Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio46.77%
Cole Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio26.18%
Collier Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio88.58%
Collins Garden Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.02%
Colonial Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.52%
Colonies North Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio78.41%
Columbia Heights Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.81%
Crestview Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio61.31%
David Crockett Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.97%
De Zavala Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.68%
Dellview Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio87.84%
Dorie Miller Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.59%
Douglass Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.82%
Driggers Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio78.73%
East Terrell Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.63%
Ed Franz Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio81.71%
El Dorado Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio85.66%
Ellison Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio30.21%
Eloise Japhet Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.40%
Elrod Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio42.67%
Encino Park Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio15.85%
Esparza Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio76.20%
Evers Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio46.85%
Fenwick Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.51%
Fernandez Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio49.16%
Fields Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio36.47%
Fisher Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio67.25%
Five Palms Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.77%
Forester Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio41.98%
Foster Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.76%
Fox Run Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio71.14%
Frank Madla Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.01%
Franklin Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio25.79%
Franklin Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.21%
Freedom Elementary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.11%
Ft Sam Houston Elementary SchoolFort Sam Houston Independent School DistrictSan Antonio35.70%
Gallardo Elementary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.82%
Galm Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio39.26%
Gardendale Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.34%
Gates Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.90%
Gilbert Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.80%
Gillette Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.84%
Glass Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio80.04%
Glenn Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.78%
Glenoaks Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.38%
Gonzalez Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio84.45%
Green Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.19%
Hardy Oak Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio12.25%
Harmony Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio82.58%
Harmony Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio79.36%
Hatchett Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio68.50%
Hawthorne Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio75.11%
Henderson Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio28.53%
Herff Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.31%
Heritage Elementary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.76%
Hidden Cove Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.54%
Hidden Forest Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio18.96%
Highland Forest Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio80.38%
Highland Hills Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.05%
Highland Park Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.20%
Hillcrest Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.08%
Hirsch Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.35%
Hoffmann Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio24.53%
Hopkins Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio86.44%
Howsman Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio74.21%
Huebner Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio29.20%
Hull Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.25%
Huppertz Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.63%
Hutchins Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.95%
Indian Creek Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.47%
Indian Springs Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio12.29%
Jackson-Keller Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.97%
Johnson Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.57%
Kelly Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.10%
Kinder Ranch Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio26.25%
Kindred Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.22%
King Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.26%
King Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.36%
Knowlton Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio77.55%
Kriewald Rd Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio73.17%
Krueger Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio26.93%
Lackland Elementary SchoolLackland Independent School DistrictSan Antonio28.46%
Lamar Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio71.64%
Langley Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio25.44%
Larkspur Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.11%
Las Lomas Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio31.76%
Las Palmas Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.51%
Leon Springs Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio18.52%
Leon Valley Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio76.10%
Lewis Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio41.78%
Lieck Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio32.72%
Linton Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio85.01%
Locke Hill Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio52.13%
Loma Park Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.85%
Longs Creek Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio42.86%
Luckey Ranch Elementary SchoolMedina Valley Independent School DistrictSan Antonio54.77%
Madison Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.47%
Margil Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.54%
Martin Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.96%
Mary Lou HartmanJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio80.29%
Maverick Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.67%
May Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio34.93%
McAndrew Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio7.57%
McDermott Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio72.18%
Mead Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.26%
Meadow Village Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio86.02%
Medio Creek Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio83.01%
Michael Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio73.68%
Mireles Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio23.94%
Mission AcademySan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio75.16%
Montgomery Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.85%
Morrill Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.70%
Muriel Forbes Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.61%
Murnin Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio60.37%
Myers Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio66.96%
Neal Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio93.14%
Nichols Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio38.01%
Northern Hills Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio81.20%
Northwest Crossing Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio50.63%
Northwood Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio43.70%
Oak Crest Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio81.20%
Oak Grove Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio87.57%
Oak Hills Terrace Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio76.12%
Oak Meadow Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio48.03%
Ogden Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.76%
Olmos Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.42%
Ott Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio40.26%
Palo Alto Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio98.15%
Park Village Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio98.14%
Passmore Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio85.84%
Pearce Primary SchoolSouthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio86.21%
Pecan Valley Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio85.42%
Perales Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.88%
Pershing Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.98%
Potranco Elementary SchoolMedina Valley Independent School DistrictSan Antonio38.07%
Powell Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio80.09%
Price Elementary SchoolSouth San Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio94.13%
Raba Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio39.69%
Rayburn Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.80%
Redland Oaks Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio43.88%
Regency Place Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.58%
Rhodes Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio69.98%
Ridgeview Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.31%
Riverside Park Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.40%
Roan Forest Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio26.94%
Rodriguez Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio63.25%
Rogers Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.95%
Rolling Meadows Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio49.29%
Roosevelt Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.66%
Royal Ridge Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio65.09%
Scarborough Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio22.37%
Schenck Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio89.52%
Schulze Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio88.41%
Scobee Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio37.40%
Serna Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.49%
Sinclair Elementary SchoolEast Central Independent School DistrictSan Antonio81.72%
Sky Harbour Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.44%
Smith Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.17%
Southwest Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio76.34%
Specht Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio25.72%
Spicewood Park Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio92.05%
Spring Meadows Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio87.68%
Stafford Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio95.80%
Stahl Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio72.14%
Steubing Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio33.62%
Steubing Ranch Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio50.61%
Stewart Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.01%
Stone Oak Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio27.57%
Stonewall-Flanders Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio100.00%
Storm Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio97.64%
Sun Valley Elementary SchoolSouthwest Independent School DistrictSan Antonio72.36%
Thornton Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio47.62%
Thousand Oaks Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio47.59%
Timberwilde Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio62.73%
Timberwood Park Elementary SchoolComal Independent School DistrictSan Antonio13.03%
Tuscany Heights Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio18.42%
Valley Hi Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio84.42%
Vestal Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.22%
Villarreal Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio84.47%
Vineyard Ranch Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio16.13%
Walzem Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.28%
Wanke Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio34.16%
Ward Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio42.35%
Washington Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio98.48%
Westwood Terrace Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.89%
Wetmore Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio48.72%
Wilderness Oak Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio20.75%
William Paschall Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio73.58%
Wilshire Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.01%
Wilson Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.95%
Windcrest Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio85.27%
Winston Elementary SchoolEdgewood Independent School DistrictSan Antonio96.11%
Woodlake Elementary SchoolJudson Independent School DistrictSan Antonio78.84%
Woodlawn Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio83.75%
Woodlawn Hills Elementary SchoolSan Antonio Independent School DistrictSan Antonio91.38%
Woodridge Elementary SchoolAlamo Heights Independent School DistrictSan Antonio16.43%
Woodstone Elementary SchoolNorth East Independent School DistrictSan Antonio78.20%
Wright Elementary SchoolHarlandale Independent School DistrictSan Antonio90.86%

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