Map of Plano Independent School District Elementary School Free and Reduced Lunch Program Participation

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List of Elementary Schools in Plano Independent School District Texas

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityFree/Reduced Lunch Program Participation
Aldridge Elementary School75080Richardson24.91%
Andrews Elementary School75025Plano13.69%
Barksdale Elementary School75093Plano14.60%
Barron Elementary School75074Plano86.93%
Bethany Elementary School75025Plano20.13%
Beverly Elementary School75013Allen24.93%
Boggess Elementary School75094Murphy16.60%
Brinker Elementary School75093Plano22.64%
Carlisle Elementary School75023Plano31.78%
Centennial Elementary School75093Plano7.73%
Christie Elementary School75023Plano64.43%
Daffron Elementary School75093Plano48.96%
Davis Elementary School75075Plano37.21%
Dooley Elementary School75074Plano53.06%
Forman Elementary School75074Plano84.17%
Gulledge Elementary School75024Plano13.59%
Harrington Elementary School75075Plano25.19%
Haun Elementary School75024Plano14.98%
Hedgcoxe Elementary School75025Plano25.00%
Hickey Elementary School75074Plano35.63%
Hightower Elementary School75093Plano21.49%
Huffman Elementary School75093Plano56.14%
Hughston Elementary School75023Plano20.27%
Jackson Elementary School75075Plano71.00%
Martha Hunt Elementary School75094Murphy11.74%
Mathews Elementary School75025Plano13.70%
McCall Elementary School75074Plano37.69%
Meadows Elementary School75074Plano88.75%
Memorial Elementary School75074Plano79.90%
Mendenhall Elementary School75074Plano85.03%
Miller Elementary School75082Richardson21.45%
Mitchell Elementary School75287Dallas52.74%
Rasor Elementary School75025Plano56.18%
Rose Haggar Elementary School75252Dallas39.42%
Saigling Elementary School75075Plano16.23%
Schell Elementary School75082Richardson27.32%
Shepard Elementary School75075Plano19.61%
Sigler Elementary School75075Plano78.48%
Skaggs Elementary School75025Plano14.58%
Stinson Elementary School75082Richardson12.11%
Thomas Elementary School75023Plano74.79%
Weatherford Elementary School75075Plano66.17%
Wells Elementary School75023Plano19.85%
Wyatt Elementary School75025Plano10.99%

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