Map of Seattle Public Schools Elementary School Race and Ethnicity

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List of Elementary Schools in Seattle Public Schools Washington

Map KeySchool NameZIP CodeCityMajority Race/Ethnicity
Adams Elementary School98107SeattleWhite: 75%
Alki Elementary School98116SeattleWhite: 65%
Arbor Heights Elementary School98146SeattleWhite: 63%
Bagley Elementary School98103SeattleWhite: 62%
Beacon Hill Elementary School98144SeattleHispanic: 34%
Blaine Elementary School98199SeattleWhite: 72%
Broadview-Thomson Elementary School98133SeattleBlack: 27%
Bryant Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 66%
Coe Elementary School98119SeattleWhite: 68%
Concord Elementary School98108SeattleHispanic: 52%
Day Elementary School98103SeattleWhite: 63%
Dearborn Park Elementary School98108SeattleAsian: 44%
Dunlap Elementary School98118SeattleBlack: 37%
Emerson Elementary School98118SeattleBlack: 46%
Gatewood Elementary School98136SeattleWhite: 68%
Gatzert Elementary School98122SeattleBlack: 59%
Graham Hill Elementary School98118SeattleBlack: 33%
Green Lake Elementary School98103SeattleWhite: 67%
Greenwood Elementary School98117SeattleWhite: 71%
Hawthorne Elementary School98118SeattleWhite: 41%
Highland Park Elementary School98106SeattleHispanic: 29%
Kimball Elementary School98144SeattleBlack: 26%
Lafayette Elementary School98116SeattleWhite: 58%
Laurelhurst Elementary School98105SeattleWhite: 55%
Lawton Elementary School98199SeattleWhite: 68%
Leschi Elementary School98122SeattleBlack: 39%
Lowell Elementary School98102SeattleBlack: 30%
Loyal Heights Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 78%
Madrona Elementary School98122SeattleBlack: 37%
Maple Elementary School98108SeattleAsian: 52%
Martin Luther King Elementary School98118SeattleBlack: 50%
McGilvra Elementary School98112SeattleWhite: 59%
Montlake Elementary School98112SeattleWhite: 65%
Muir Elementary School98144SeattleBlack: 56%
North Beach Elementary School98117SeattleWhite: 73%
Northgate Elementary School98125SeattleHispanic: 32%
Olympic Hills Elementary School98125SeattleWhite: 30%
Olympic View Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 46%
Queen Anne Elementary School98109SeattleWhite: 71%
Rainier View Elementary School98178SeattleBlack: 39%
Rogers Elementary School98125SeattleWhite: 43%
Roxhill Elementary School98126SeattleBlack: 33%
Sacajawea Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 53%
Sand Point Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 43%
Sanislo Elementary School98106SeattleWhite: 27%
Schmitz Park Elementary School98116SeattleWhite: 72%
Stanford Elementary School98105SeattleWhite: 43%
Stevens Elementary School98112SeattleWhite: 55%
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School98144SeattleWhite: 34%
Van Asselt Elementary School98108SeattleBlack: 37%
View Ridge Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 56%
Viewlands Elementary School98177SeattleWhite: 48%
Wedgwood Elementary School98115SeattleWhite: 59%
West Seattle Elementary School98126SeattleBlack: 73%
West Woodland Elementary School98107SeattleWhite: 75%
Whittier Elementary School98117SeattleWhite: 73%
Wing Luke Elementary School98118SeattleBlack: 55%

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