29356 can be classified socioeconomically as Lower Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in South Carolina based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 29356 is White. The majority race/ethnicity attending public schools in 29356 is White. The current unemployment level in 29356 is 4.0%.
Population | 8,841 |
Population Growth Rate | 2.20% |
Population Density | 107 People per Square Mile |
Total Households | 3,166 |
Percentage High Income Households | 3.8% |
Median Household Income (2021) | $53,218 |
Average Adjusted Gross Income (2021) | $458,430 |
Current Unemployment Rate (February 2025) | 4.0% |
Majority Race/Ethnicty | White - 94.29% |
Public School Majority Race/Ethnicty | White - 82.49% |
29356 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown
Race/Ethnicty | Total | Percentage |
White | 7,955 | 94.24% |
Black | 298 | 3.53% |
Hispanic | 144 | 1.71% |
Asian | 38 | 0.45% |
Native American | 2 | 0.02% |
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander | 4 | 0.05% |
29356 Public School Race/Ethnicty Breakdown
Race/Ethnicty | Total | Percentage |
White | 490 | 86.27% |
Black | 24 | 4.23% |
Hispanic | 53 | 9.33% |
Asian | 0 | 0% |
Native American | 1 | 0.18% |
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander | 0 | 0% |
29356 Educational Attainment Levels
Highest Education Level Attained | Total | Percentage |
Less Than 1 Year of College | 314 | 6.74% |
Bachelor Degree | 1,004 | 21.56% |
High School Diploma | 1,318 | 28.3% |
No High School Diploma | 77 | 1.65% |
GED or Alternate | 289 | 6.21% |
1 or More Years of College | 537 | 11.53% |
Associates Degree | 533 | 11.45% |
Masters Degree | 448 | 9.62% |
Professional Degree | 97 | 2.08% |
Doctorate Degree | 40 | 0.86% |