ZIP Code 51046 - Paullina Iowa

51046 Overview

ZIP Code 51046 is located in Paullina Iowa. Portions of 51046 are also in Union Township (Obrien County) and Dale Township (Obrien County) and Caledonia Township and Liberty Township (Obrien County) and Liberty Township (Cherokee County). 51046 is primarily within Obrien County, with some portions in Cherokee County. Regionally, 51046 is located in the Sioux City Area.

Stats Demographics Geography Politics Climate Related Pages

ZIP Code 51046 Quick Stats

ZIP Code NamePaullina
Primary CountyObrien County
ZIP Code TypeStandard
Population (2022)1,432
Area Code(s)712
Current Time
09:31:44 PM

51046 Demographics

51046 can be classified socioeconomically as Lower Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in Iowa based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 51046 is White. The majority race/ethnicity attending public schools in 51046 is White. The current unemployment level in 51046 is 3.0%.

Population Growth Rate-12.61%
Population Density15 People per Square Mile
Total Households757
Percentage High Income Households2.8%
Median Household Income (2021)$74,583
Average Adjusted Gross Income (2021)$337,730
Current Unemployment Rate (February 2025)3.0%
Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 96.85%
Public School Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 87.91%

51046 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American00%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander00%

51046 Public School Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American00%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander00%

51046 Educational Attainment Levels

Highest Education Level AttainedTotalPercentage
Less Than 1 Year of College897.28%
Bachelor Degree16713.67%
High School Diploma42734.94%
No High School Diploma352.86%
GED or Alternate1058.59%
1 or More Years of College23319.07%
Associates Degree1189.66%
Masters Degree292.37%
Professional Degree191.55%
Doctorate Degree00%

51046 Geography

Adjacent ZIP Codes
Cities/Towns in 51046
RegionSioux City Area
Time ZoneCentral Daylight Time
IANA TimezoneAmerica/Chicago
Area96 Square Miles

51046 Weather and Climate Data

Plant Hardiness ZoneZone 4b: -25F to -20F
Average First Frost DateOctober 1 - 10
Average Last Frost DateMay 1 - 10
Koppen-Geiger Climate ZoneDfa - Humid Continental Hot Summers
Ecoregion47a - Loess Prairies

51046 Annual Climate Data

Avg Min Temp (°F)5122335485862604937231135
Avg Max Temp (°F)25314459728184827562422957
Avg Precip (In.).64.621.942.913.64.513.963.922.722.061.57.7629.2

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