ZIP Code 53501 - Afton Wisconsin

53501 Overview

ZIP Code 53501 is located in Afton Wisconsin. Portions of 53501 are also in Rock (Rock County). 53501 is entirely within Rock County. Regionally, 53501 is located in the Madison Area.

Stats Demographics Geography Politics Schools Related Pages

ZIP Code 53501 Quick Stats

ZIP Code NameAfton
Primary CountyRock County
ZIP Code TypePO Box
Population (2022)249
Area Code(s)608
Current Time

ZIP Code 53501 Map

53501 Demographics

53501 can be classified socioeconomically as Lower Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in Wisconsin. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 53501 is Native American. The current unemployment level in 53501 is 2.9%.

Population Growth Rate-45.08%
Population Density808 People per Square Mile
Median Household Income (2021)$65,469
Current Unemployment Rate (February 2025)2.9%
Majority Race/EthnictyNative American - 72.41%

53501 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American10572.41%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander00%

53501 Geography

Adjacent ZIP Codes
Cities/Towns in 53501
RegionMadison Area
Metropolitan/Micropolitan Stat AreaJanesville-Beloit, WI
Time ZoneCentral Daylight Time
IANA TimezoneAmerica/Chicago
Area0.30835207 Square Miles

53501 Schools

School Districts in 53501

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