ZIP Code 71280 - Sterlington Louisiana

ZIP Code 71280 is located in Sterlington Louisiana. 71280 is primarily within Union Parish, with some portions in Ouachita Parish and Morehouse Parish. Regionally, it is located in the Monroe-El Dorado Area.

Stats Demographics Geography Politics Schools Climate Related Pages

ZIP Code 71280 Quick Stats

ZIP Code NameSterlington
Primary CountyUnion Parish
ZIP Code TypeStandard
Population (2022)4,965
Area Code(s)318
Current Time

ZIP Code 71280 Map

71280 Demographics

71280 can be classified socioeconomically as Lower Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in Louisiana based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 71280 is White. The majority race/ethnicity attending public schools in 71280 is White. The current unemployment level in 71280 is 5.3%.

Population Growth Rate13.14%
Population Density105 People per Square Mile
Total Households1,218
Percentage High Income Households3.2%
Median Household Income (2021)$68,594
Average Adjusted Gross Income (2021)$321,060
Current Unemployment Rate (May 2024)5.3%
Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 78.47%
Public School Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 74.83%

71280 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American20.04%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander00%

71280 Public School Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American30.26%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander10.09%

71280 Educational Attainment Levels

Highest Education Level AttainedTotalPercentage
Less Than 1 Year of College965.01%
Bachelor Degree38720.18%
High School Diploma76039.62%
No High School Diploma341.77%
GED or Alternate331.72%
1 or More Years of College36318.93%
Associates Degree1668.65%
Masters Degree583.02%
Professional Degree180.94%
Doctorate Degree30.16%

71280 Geography

Adjacent ZIP Codes
Cities/Towns in 71280
RegionMonroe-El Dorado Area
Metropolitan/Micropolitan Stat AreaMonroe, LA
Time ZoneCentral Daylight Time
IANA TimezoneAmerica/Chicago
Area47 Square Miles

71280 Politics

US Congressional Districts in 71280
Louisiana State Senate Districts in 71280
Louisiana State House of Representatives Districts in 71280

71280 Weather and Climate Data

Plant Hardiness ZoneZone 8b: 15F to 20F
Average First Frost DateNovember 1 - 10
Average Last Frost DateMarch 11 - 20
Koppen-Geiger Climate ZoneCfa - Humid Subtropical Climate
Ecoregion35b - Floodplains and Low Terraces

71280 Annual Climate Data

Avg Min Temp (°F)35384653616872706452433753
Avg Max Temp (°F)57627077849194938879675977
Avg Precip (In.)5.584.75.684.975.384.433.772.793.344.064.775.3554.83

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