ZIP Code 97840 - Oxbow Oregon

97840 Overview

ZIP Code 97840 is located in Oxbow Oregon. 97840 is entirely within Baker County. Regionally, 97840 is located in the Yakima-Richland-Kennewick Area.

Stats Demographics Geography Politics Schools Climate Related Pages

ZIP Code 97840 Quick Stats

ZIP Code NameOxbow
Primary CountyBaker County
ZIP Code TypeStandard
Population (2022)82
Area Code(s)458 / 541
Current Time

ZIP Code 97840 Map

97840 Demographics

97840 can be classified socioeconomically as Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in Oregon. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 97840 is White. The current unemployment level in 97840 is 4.3%.

Population Growth Rate0.00%
Population Density1 People per Square Mile
Total Households51
Median Household Income (2021)$128,750
Current Unemployment Rate (February 2025)4.3%
Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 96.25%

97840 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American00%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander00%

97840 Educational Attainment Levels

Highest Education Level AttainedTotalPercentage
Less Than 1 Year of College55.81%
Bachelor Degree2427.91%
High School Diploma1517.44%
No High School Diploma00%
GED or Alternate78.14%
1 or More Years of College3540.7%
Associates Degree00%
Masters Degree00%
Professional Degree00%
Doctorate Degree00%

97840 Geography

Adjacent ZIP Codes
RegionYakima-Richland-Kennewick Area
Time ZonePacific Daylight Time
IANA TimezoneAmerica/Los_Angeles
Area106 Square Miles

97840 Schools

School Districts in 97840

97840 Weather and Climate Data

Plant Hardiness ZoneZone 7a: 0F to 5F
Average First Frost DateOctober 11 - 20
Average Last Frost DateApril 21 - 31
Koppen-Geiger Climate ZoneDsb - Humid Continental Climate - Dry Cool Summer
Ecoregion11g - Canyons and Dissected Uplands

97840 Annual Climate Data

Avg Min Temp (°F)21253137445157574938302339
Avg Max Temp (°F)37435363718090918065483863
Avg Precip (In.)1.821.441.421.011.671.

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