Colorado Counties

There are a total of 64 Counties in Colorado. The most populous County is El Paso County with 622816 residents. The least populous County is Mineral County with 702 residents.

Map List Related

Map of All Counties in Colorado

List of All Counties in Colorado

Map KeyNamePopulation
Adams County442,996
Alamosa County15,750
Arapahoe County574,357
Archuleta County12,109
Baca County3,783
Bent County6,192
Boulder County297,218
Broomfield County55,913
Chaffee County17,879
Cheyenne County2,095
Clear Creek County9,059
Conejos County8,241
Costilla County3,556
Crowley County5,747
Custer County4,208
Delta County30,710
Denver County604,356
Dolores County1,806
Douglas County286,883
Eagle County51,850
El Paso County622,816
Elbert County23,058
Fremont County47,006
Garfield County56,330
Gilpin County5,358
Grand County14,608
Gunnison County15,385
Hinsdale County790
Huerfano County6,730
Jackson County1,397
Jefferson County536,095
Kiowa County1,393
Kit Carson County8,210
La Plata County51,443
Lake County7,372
Larimer County300,870
Las Animas County15,385
Lincoln County5,443
Logan County22,541
Mesa County146,562
Mineral County702
Moffat County13,547
Montezuma County25,424
Montrose County40,994
Morgan County28,200
Otero County18,791
Ouray County4,445
Park County16,168
Phillips County4,380
Pitkin County17,000
Prowers County12,539
Pueblo County159,072
Rio Blanco County6,728
Rio Grande County11,925
Routt County23,385
Saguache County6,189
San Juan County747
San Miguel County7,432
Sedgwick County2,389
Summit County27,753
Teller County23,163
Washington County4,796
Weld County253,552
Yuma County10,032