Nebraska Counties

There are a total of 93 Counties in Nebraska. The most populous County is Douglas County with 518271 residents. The least populous County is Mcpherson County with 348 residents.

Map List Related

Map of All Counties in Nebraska

List of All Counties in Nebraska

Map KeyNamePopulation
Adams County31,299
Antelope County6,655
Arthur County490
Banner County778
Blaine County584
Boone County5,473
Box Butte County11,345
Boyd County2,025
Brown County3,183
Buffalo County46,330
Burt County6,829
Butler County8,345
Cass County25,214
Cedar County8,807
Chase County3,964
Cherry County5,722
Cheyenne County10,038
Clay County6,497
Colfax County10,453
Cuming County9,140
Custer County10,904
Dakota County20,869
Dawes County9,176
Dawson County24,267
Deuel County1,962
Dixon County5,982
Dodge County36,590
Douglas County518,271
Dundy County1,996
Fillmore County5,867
Franklin County3,196
Frontier County2,693
Furnas County4,922
Gage County22,209
Garden County2,011
Garfield County2,106
Gosper County2,020
Grant County608
Greeley County2,515
Hall County58,681
Hamilton County9,096
Harlan County3,419
Hayes County1,037
Hitchcock County2,898
Holt County10,418
Hooker County689
Howard County6,294
Jefferson County7,572
Johnson County5,188
Kearney County6,514
Keith County8,284
Keya Paha County742
Kimball County3,789
Knox County8,648
Lancaster County286,425
Lincoln County36,212
Logan County724
Loup County534
Madison County34,766
Mcpherson County348
Merrick County7,779
Morrill County4,993
Nance County3,730
Nemaha County7,224
Nuckolls County4,490
Otoe County15,729
Pawnee County2,753
Perkins County2,947
Phelps County9,184
Pierce County7,231
Platte County32,195
Polk County5,371
Red Willow County11,013
Richardson County8,355
Rock County1,540
Saline County14,278
Sarpy County159,413
Saunders County20,696
Scotts Bluff County36,835
Seward County16,729
Sheridan County5,432
Sherman County3,133
Sioux County1,262
Stanton County6,139
Thayer County5,195
Thomas County831
Thurston County6,926
Valley County4,322
Washington County20,201
Wayne County9,542
Webster County3,773
Wheeler County725
York County13,727