Texas Counties

There are a total of 254 Counties in Texas. The most populous County is Harris County with 4101752 residents. The least populous County is Loving County with 85 residents.

Map List Related

Map of All Counties in Texas

List of All Counties in Texas

Map KeyNamePopulation
Anderson County58,269
Andrews County15,006
Angelina County86,550
Aransas County23,391
Archer County8,944
Armstrong County1,820
Atascosa County45,091
Austin County28,372
Bailey County7,096
Bandera County20,477
Bastrop County74,023
Baylor County3,706
Bee County32,083
Bell County310,155
Bexar County1,719,902
Blanco County10,425
Borden County642
Bosque County18,114
Bowie County92,460
Brazoria County313,813
Brazos County194,087
Brewster County9,175
Briscoe County1,674
Brooks County7,236
Brown County38,018
Burleson County17,160
Burnet County42,946
Caldwell County38,152
Calhoun County21,366
Callahan County13,521
Cameron County405,819
Camp County12,389
Carson County6,215
Cass County30,324
Castro County7,984
Chambers County34,562
Cherokee County50,690
Childress County7,047
Clay County10,718
Cochran County3,087
Coke County3,298
Coleman County8,817
Collin County788,580
Collingsworth County3,050
Colorado County20,784
Comal County108,985
Comanche County13,875
Concho County4,073
Cooke County38,427
Coryell County75,728
Cottle County1,600
Crane County4,359
Crockett County3,669
Crosby County6,100
Culberson County2,386
Dallam County6,734
Dallas County2,379,214
Dawson County13,761
Deaf Smith County19,275
Delta County5,240
Denton County667,934
DeWitt County20,156
Dickens County2,399
Dimmit County10,054
Donley County3,652
Duval County11,821
Eastland County18,519
Ector County138,193
Edwards County2,023
El Paso County801,115
Ellis County149,712
Erath County38,192
Falls County17,756
Fannin County33,867
Fayette County24,557
Fisher County3,963
Floyd County6,439
Foard County1,273
Fort Bend County587,666
Franklin County10,593
Freestone County19,631
Frio County17,265
Gaines County17,572
Galveston County292,874
Garza County6,295
Gillespie County24,777
Glasscock County1,255
Goliad County7,223
Gonzales County19,773
Gray County22,731
Grayson County120,641
Gregg County121,451
Grimes County26,564
Guadalupe County131,945
Hale County36,153
Hall County3,337
Hamilton County8,448
Hansford County5,556
Hardeman County4,124
Hardin County54,497
Harris County4,101,752
Harrison County65,958
Hartley County6,015
Haskell County5,891
Hays County158,464
Hemphill County3,863
Henderson County78,558
Hidalgo County774,820
Hill County35,079
Hockley County22,988
Hood County51,161
Hopkins County35,088
Houston County23,512
Howard County34,927
Hudspeth County3,407
Hunt County85,955
Hutchinson County21,992
Irion County1,596
Jack County9,027
Jackson County14,075
Jasper County35,703
Jeff Davis County2,319
Jefferson County251,627
Jim Hogg County5,257
Jim Wells County41,014
Johnson County151,174
Jones County20,137
Karnes County14,936
Kaufman County103,385
Kendall County33,745
Kenedy County451
Kent County829
Kerr County49,469
Kimble County4,577
King County227
Kinney County3,574
Kleberg County31,925
Knox County3,713
La Salle County6,850
Lamar County49,740
Lamb County13,996
Lampasas County19,837
Lavaca County19,269
Lee County16,591
Leon County16,827
Liberty County75,662
Limestone County23,350
Lipscomb County3,324
Live Oak County11,526
Llano County19,115
Loving County85
Lubbock County278,339
Lynn County5,886
Madison County13,590
Marion County10,544
Martin County4,804
Mason County3,978
Matagorda County36,653
Maverick County54,107
Mcculloch County8,281
Mclennan County234,626
Mcmullen County696
Medina County46,009
Menard County2,232
Midland County138,472
Milam County24,691
Mills County4,880
Mitchell County9,367
Montague County19,737
Montgomery County458,339
Moore County21,765
Morris County12,914
Motley County1,153
Nacogdoches County64,647
Navarro County47,739
Newton County14,372
Nolan County15,104
Nueces County340,568
Ochiltree County10,314
Oldham County2,048
Orange County82,306
Palo Pinto County28,010
Panola County23,814
Parker County116,820
Parmer County10,172
Pecos County15,510
Polk County45,618
Potter County121,099
Presidio County7,678
Rains County10,976
Randall County121,090
Reagan County3,384
Real County3,326
Red River County12,795
Reeves County13,606
Refugio County7,352
Roberts County992
Robertson County16,596
Rockwall County78,749
Runnels County10,473
Rusk County53,211
Sabine County10,642
San Augustine County8,898
San Jacinto County26,482
San Patricio County65,352
San Saba County6,037
Schleicher County3,327
Scurry County16,855
Shackelford County3,346
Shelby County25,602
Sherman County3,040
Smith County209,691
Somervell County8,444
Starr County60,882
Stephens County9,561
Sterling County1,223
Stonewall County1,447
Sutton County4,123
Swisher County7,816
Tarrant County1,814,667
Taylor County131,425
Terrell County1,001
Terry County12,561
Throckmorton County1,626
Titus County32,045
Tom Green County110,434
Travis County1,034,842
Trinity County14,466
Tyler County21,638
Upshur County39,386
Upton County3,300
Uvalde County26,434
Val Verde County48,578
Van Zandt County52,507
Victoria County87,188
Walker County67,447
Waller County42,894
Ward County10,705
Washington County33,628
Webb County250,320
Wharton County41,153
Wheeler County5,414
Wichita County131,019
Wilbarger County13,451
Willacy County21,983
Williamson County426,296
Wilson County42,999
Winkler County7,137
Wise County59,351
Wood County41,927
Yoakum County7,918
Young County18,368
Zapata County14,014
Zavala County11,753

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