SNAP/Food Stamp Participation in Hawaii

of the 5 Counties in Hawaii The County with the highest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Hawaii County with 3.0%. The County with the lowest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Maui County with 1.2%. The data is provided by the US Department of Agriculture (July 2023).

Map List Related

Map of Hawaii SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate by County

5% to 10%
10% to 15%
15% to 20%
20% to 25%
> 25%

List of Counties in Hawaii with SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate (July 2023)

Map KeyNameTotal SNAP/Food Stamp RecipientsPercentage of Residents Receiving SNAP/Food Stamps
Hawaii County5,5383.0%
Honolulu County13,5641.4%
Kalawao CountyN/AN/A
Kauai County8571.3%
Maui County1,8681.2%