SNAP/Food Stamp Participation in Iowa

of the 99 Counties in Iowa The County with the highest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Wapello County with 13.4%. The County with the lowest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Sioux County with 3.1%. The data is provided by the US Department of Agriculture (July 2023).

Map List Related

Map of Iowa SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate by County

5% to 10%
10% to 15%
15% to 20%
20% to 25%
> 25%

List of Counties in Iowa with SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate (July 2023)

Map KeyNameTotal SNAP/Food Stamp RecipientsPercentage of Residents Receiving SNAP/Food Stamps
Adair County4846.3%
Adams County2626.5%
Allamakee County8916.2%
Appanoose County1,29710.1%
Audubon County4116.8%
Benton County1,4965.7%
Black Hawk County13,98110.7%
Boone County1,3725.2%
Bremer County9684.0%
Buchanan County1,0925.2%
Buena Vista County1,6248.0%
Butler County8005.4%
Calhoun County6686.7%
Carroll County1,1745.7%
Cass County1,2939.3%
Cedar County8094.4%
Cerro Gordo County3,7648.5%
Cherokee County6545.5%
Chickasaw County5054.1%
Clarke County8258.9%
Clay County1,2027.2%
Clayton County8484.7%
Clinton County5,55411.3%
Crawford County1,1226.6%
Dallas County3,0024.5%
Davis County4515.2%
Decatur County7228.6%
Delaware County7984.5%
Des Moines County5,10712.7%
Dickinson County8855.3%
Dubuque County7,1877.7%
Emmet County6856.7%
Fayette County1,8388.8%
Floyd County1,3978.6%
Franklin County7156.7%
Fremont County6338.6%
Greene County8979.6%
Grundy County5404.3%
Guthrie County6866.3%
Hamilton County8585.5%
Hancock County5885.2%
Hardin County1,3027.5%
Harrison County1,0787.3%
Henry County1,8549.2%
Howard County4905.1%
Humboldt County5215.3%
Ida County4446.2%
Iowa County6614.0%
Jackson County1,4577.4%
Jasper County2,9838.1%
Jefferson County1,4638.7%
Johnson County9,3417.1%
Jones County1,1665.6%
Keokuk County8748.3%
Kossuth County8855.7%
Lee County4,31112.1%
Linn County20,5999.7%
Louisa County6305.5%
Lucas County8749.8%
Lyon County3833.3%
Madison County6013.8%
Mahaska County1,8318.2%
Marion County1,7295.2%
Marshall County3,8469.5%
Mills County9066.0%
Mitchell County4814.5%
Monona County8198.9%
Monroe County5166.5%
Montgomery County1,13810.6%
Muscatine County4,37010.2%
Obrien County6494.5%
Osceola County3395.3%
Page County1,3208.3%
Palo Alto County5015.3%
Plymouth County1,0714.3%
Pocahontas County5807.9%
Polk County48,23111.2%
Pottawattamie County10,52111.3%
Poweshiek County1,0635.6%
Ringgold County3817.4%
Sac County5385.2%
Scott County19,89212.0%
Shelby County7125.9%
Sioux County1,0483.1%
Story County3,9854.4%
Tama County1,2226.9%
Taylor County5208.3%
Union County1,36510.9%
Van Buren County5947.8%
Wapello County4,76813.4%
Warren County1,8944.1%
Washington County1,3106.0%
Wayne County4677.3%
Webster County4,32911.4%
Winnebago County6225.8%
Winneshiek County6993.3%
Woodbury County11,51611.3%
Worth County4475.9%
Wright County8496.5%