SNAP/Food Stamp Participation in Minnesota

of the 87 Counties in Minnesota The County with the highest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Traverse County with 11.9%. The County with the lowest percentage of residents receiving SNAP/Food Stamps is Aitkin County with 0.0%. The data is provided by the US Department of Agriculture (July 2023).

Map List Related

Map of Minnesota SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate by County

5% to 10%
10% to 15%
15% to 20%
20% to 25%
> 25%

List of Counties in Minnesota with SNAP/Food Stamp Participation Rate (July 2023)

Map KeyNameTotal SNAP/Food Stamp RecipientsPercentage of Residents Receiving SNAP/Food Stamps
Aitkin County00.0%
Anoka County00.0%
Becker County00.0%
Beltrami County00.0%
Benton County00.0%
Big Stone County4248.1%
Blue Earth County00.0%
Brown County00.0%
Carlton County00.0%
Carver County00.0%
Cass County00.0%
Chippewa County00.0%
Chisago County00.0%
Clay County00.0%
Clearwater County7238.3%
Cook County00.0%
Cottonwood County1,17410.1%
Crow Wing County4,7277.6%
Dakota County00.0%
Dodge CountyN/AN/A
Douglas County00.0%
Faribault County00.0%
Fillmore County00.0%
Freeborn County00.0%
Goodhue County2,6455.7%
Grant County00.0%
Hennepin County20,5461.8%
Houston County8744.6%
Hubbard County2,10310.3%
Isanti County00.0%
Itasca County00.0%
Jackson County7076.9%
Kanabec County00.0%
Kandiyohi County4,40410.4%
Kittson County3928.6%
Koochiching County1,2059.1%
Lac Qui Parle County00.0%
Lake County00.0%
Lake of the Woods County2847.0%
Le Sueur County00.0%
Lincoln County971.6%
Lyon County2,72410.6%
Mahnomen County2955.4%
Marshall County6286.6%
Martin County2,0309.8%
Mcleod County00.0%
Meeker County1,7107.3%
Mille Lacs County00.0%
Morrison County2,3397.0%
Mower County00.0%
Murray County6447.4%
Nicollet County00.0%
Nobles County1,8748.8%
Norman County6479.5%
Olmsted County00.0%
Otter Tail County00.0%
Pennington County1,1057.9%
Pine County00.0%
Pipestone County8108.5%
Polk County3,46611.0%
Pope County1,16910.7%
Ramsey County00.0%
Red Lake County3318.1%
Redwood County00.0%
Renville County00.0%
Rice County00.0%
Rock County6566.8%
Roseau County1,0236.5%
Saint Louis County00.0%
Scott County00.0%
Sherburne County00.0%
Sibley County00.0%
Stearns County00.0%
Steele County00.0%
Stevens County6376.6%
Swift County8999.2%
Todd County00.0%
Traverse County42111.9%
Wabasha County00.0%
Wadena County00.0%
Waseca CountyN/AN/A
Washington County00.0%
Watonwan County7877.0%
Wilkin County67810.3%
Winona County3,2096.2%
Wright County00.0%
Yellow Medicine County6135.9%