Partisan Voting Index for Counties in South Carolina

This Map Displays the Partisan Voting Index Value for each county in South Carolina. The Partisan Voting Index (PVI) is a measurement of how strongly a county leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party. The PVI is calculated by taking the average percentage for the winning party in a county for the last two elections and subtracting that value from the national average for that party in the same two elections. The data is based on results from the 2024 and 2020 presidential election. Of the 46 Counties in South Carolina The County with the highest Republican PVI is Pickens County at +27. The County with the highest Democrat PVI is Allendale County at +24.

Map List Related

Map of Partisan Voting Index (PVI) for Counties in South Carolina

Rep +20
Rep. 15-19
Rep. 10-14
Rep. 5-9
Rep. 1-4
Dem 1-4
Dem 5-9
Dem 10-14
Dem 15-19
Dem +20

List of All Counties in South Carolina With Partisan Voting Index (2024 Presidential Election Results)

Map KeyNamePartisan Voting Index (2024)
Abbeville CountyRepublican +20
Aiken CountyRepublican +13
Allendale CountyDemocrat +24
Anderson CountyRepublican +23
Bamberg CountyDemocrat +10
Barnwell CountyRepublican +7
Beaufort CountyRepublican +7
Berkeley CountyRepublican +8
Calhoun CountyRepublican +6
Charleston CountyDemocrat +4
Cherokee CountyRepublican +25
Chester CountyRepublican +8
Chesterfield CountyRepublican +13
Clarendon CountyRepublican +4
Colleton CountyRepublican +8
Darlington CountyRepublican +6
Dillon CountyRepublican +4
Dorchester CountyRepublican +7
Edgefield CountyRepublican +15
Fairfield CountyDemocrat +9
Florence CountyRepublican +4
Georgetown CountyRepublican +9
Greenville CountyRepublican +11
Greenwood CountyRepublican +14
Hampton CountyDemocrat +5
Horry CountyRepublican +19
Jasper CountyRepublican +3
Kershaw CountyRepublican +14
Lancaster CountyRepublican +13
Laurens CountyRepublican +19
Lee CountyDemocrat +10
Lexington CountyRepublican +17
Marion CountyDemocrat +8
Marlboro CountyDemocrat +3
Mccormick CountyRepublican +7
Newberry CountyRepublican +16
Oconee CountyRepublican +26
Orangeburg CountyDemocrat +14
Pickens CountyRepublican +27
Richland CountyDemocrat +18
Saluda CountyRepublican +21
Spartanburg CountyRepublican +16
Sumter CountyDemocrat +4
Union CountyRepublican +16
Williamsburg CountyDemocrat +13
York CountyRepublican +10