Colleges and Universities in Metro San Antonio

There are a total of 20 Colleges and Universities in Metro San Antonio. The Colleges and Universities are divided into 10 public institutions and 10 private schools.
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Map of Colleges and Universities in Metro San Antonio

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List of All College and University Locations in Metro San Antonio

LocationSchool TypeCityZIP Code
Alamo Community College District Central Office
PublicSan Antonio78215
Baptist University Of The Americas
PrivateSan Antonio78224
Christ Mission College
PrivateSan Antonio78254
Hallmark University
PrivateSan Antonio78230
Northeast Lakeview College
PublicUniversal City78145
Northwest Vista College
PublicSan Antonio78251
Oblate School Of Theology
PrivateSan Antonio78216
Our Lady Of The Lake University
PrivateSan Antonio78207
Palo Alto College
PublicSan Antonio78224
San Antonio College
PublicSan Antonio78212
Schreiner University
Southwest Texas Junior College
St Philip'S College
PublicSan Antonio78203
St. Mary'S University
PrivateSan Antonio78228
Texas A&M University-San Antonio
PublicSan Antonio78224
Texas Lutheran University
The University Of Texas At San Antonio
PublicSan Antonio78249
The University Of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio
PublicSan Antonio78229
Trinity University
PrivateSan Antonio78212
University Of The Incarnate Word
PrivateSan Antonio78209