Power Plants in Portland-Auburn Area

There are a total of 69 power plants in Portland-Auburn Area. The most common type of power plant in Portland-Auburn Area is Hydroelectric with a total of 31 locations. Petroleum generates the most power in Portland-Auburn Area with 859.1 total Megawatts.
SourceTotal LocationsTotal Megawatts
Natural Gas2785.7

Map List Related

Map of Power Plants in Portland-Auburn Area

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Source: US Energy Information Administration - 2024

List of All Power Plant Locations in Portland-Auburn Area

Plant NameOperatorPower SourceMegawattsCity/TownZIP Code
Acton H Road Solar 1, LLCsolar3.5Acton4001
Maine DG Solar Augusta, LLCsolar2.5Augusta4330
Augusta PV - BD Solar Augusta LLC
BD Solar Augusta LLCsolar7.2Augusta4330
Aziscohos Hydroelectric Project
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric6.8Wilson Mills3579
BWC Maces Pond LLC
BWC Maces Pond LLCsolar3.5Rockport4856
Maine DG Solar Baldwin, LLCsolar5.0West Baldwin4091
Barker Lower
KEI (Maine) Power Management (III) LLChydroelectric1.5Auburn4210
Benton Falls Associates
Essex Hydro Associates LLChydroelectric4.0Benton4901
Bonny Eagle
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric9.0Hollis4042
Brunswick Hydro
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric20.0Brunswick4011
Canton Mountain Wind
Canton Mountain Wind LLCwind22.8Canton4221
Cape Gas Turbine
FPL Energy Cape LLCpetroleum32.0Portland4106
Cataract Hydro
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric8.0Saco4072
Charles E Monty
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric28.0Lewiston4240
Deer Rips
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric6.2Auburn4210
Farmington Solar
Farmington Solar, LLCsolar77.0Farmington4938
Fox Island Wind LLC
Fox Island Wind LLCwind4.5Vinalhaven4863
KEI (Maine) Power Management (III) LLChydroelectric1.0Gardiner4345
General Electric Great Falls Upper Hydro
Aclara Meters LLChydroelectric2.1Somersworth3878
Gulf Island
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric23.2Lewiston4240
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric11.6Hiram4024
Hydro Kennebec Project
Hydro Kennebec LLChydroelectric15.4Winslow4901
International Paper Jay Hydro
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric3.1Jay4239
International Paper Livermore Hydro
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric9.2Livermore Falls4239
International Paper Riley Hydro
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric6.6Jay4239
Kibby Wind Facility
Helix Maine Wind Development, LLCwind132.0Chain of Ponds4936
Lewiston Junction Road Solar
NextGrid Peppertree, LLCsolar4.9Poland4274
Lisbon Street Solar
NextGrid Cliffrose, LLCsolar2.0Lewiston4240
Livermore Falls CSG
Livermore Falls CSG, LLCsolar3.3Livermore Falls4254
Lockwood Hydroelectric Facility
Merimil Ltd Partnershiphydroelectric6.4Waterville4901
MMWAC Resource Recovery Facility
Maine Waste to Energybiomass2.7Auburn4210
Mechanic Falls
KEI (Maine) Power Management (IV) LLChydroelectric1.4Mechanic Falls4256
Merrill Road Solar
NextGrid Mangrove, LLCsolar4.6Lewiston4240
Messalonskee 2 (Oakland)
Messalonskee Stream Hydro LLChydroelectric2.8Oakland4963
Messalonskee 3
Messalonskee Stream Hydro LLChydroelectric1.6Oakland4963
Messalonskee 5
Messalonskee Stream Hydro LLChydroelectric1.8Waterville4901
Maine DG Solar Monmouth, LLCsolar5.0Monmouth4259
Naples Casco Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Naples4055
North Gorham
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric2.0Gorham4038
Otis Hydro
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric10.2Livermore Falls4239
Oxford PV - BD Solar Oxford LLC
BD Solar Oxford LLCsolar9.2Oxford4270
Pejepscot Hydroelectric Project
Topsham Hydro Partnershydroelectric12.9Topsham4086
ReEnergy Livermore Falls
ReEnergy Livermore Fallsbiomass38.0Livermore Falls4254
ReEnergy Stratton LLC
ReEnergy Stratton LLCbiomass46.1Stratton4982
Record Hill Wind
Record Hill Wind LLCwind50.6Roxbury4275
Regional Waste Systems
RoxWind LLCwind15.3Roxbury4275
Rumford Cogeneration
ND Paper, Inc.biomass85.0Rumford4276
Rumford ESS
Agilitas Energy, LLCbatteries4.9Rumford4276
Rumford Falls Hydro Facility
Brookfield Power New Englandhydroelectric44.5Rumford4276
Rumford Power LLC
Rumford Powernatural gas251.0Rumford4276
S D Warren Westbrook
Dichotomy Power, LLCbiomass63.5Westbrook4098
SCS Harpswell 012903 Brunswick, LLC
Sol Systemssolar4.9Brunswick4011
Saddleback Ridge Wind Farm
Saddleback Ridge Wind, LLCwind34.2Carthage4224
Salmon Falls
Green Mountain Power Corphydroelectric1.2South Berwick3908
Sanford Solar
Sanford Airport Solar, LLCsolar49.4Sanford4073
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric21.6Dayton4042
Solar Mule, LLC
Solar Mule, LLCsolar1.5Oakland4963
Spruce Mountain WInd
Spruce Mountain Wind LLCwind20.0Bryant Pond4219
Treasure Lane Solar 1
AES Clean Energysolar4.5Manchester4351
Upper Androscoggin
Lewiston City ofhydroelectric1.7Lewiston4243
Upper Barker
KEI (Maine) Power Management (III) LLChydroelectric1.0Auburn4210
Water Street Solar
AES Distributed Energysolar5.0Randolph4346
Webb Road Solar
NextGrid Mastic, LLCsolar4.6Waterville4901
West Buxton
Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLChydroelectric7.7Buxton4093
Westbrook Energy Center Power Plant
Westbrook Energy Centernatural gas534.7Westbrook4092
William F Wyman Hybrid
FPL Energy Wyman LLCpetroleum827.1Yarmouth4096
Winslow PV - BD Solar 2 LLC
BD Solar 2 LLCsolar7.0Winslow4901
Worumbo Hydro Station
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric9.2Lisbon Falls4252
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