Power Plants in Massachusetts

There are a total of 600 power plants in Massachusetts. The most common type of power plant in Massachusetts is Solar with a total of 467 locations. Natural Gas generates the most power in Massachusetts with 6590.7 total Megawatts.
SourceTotal LocationsTotal Megawatts
Natural Gas436590.7
Pumped Storage21834

Map List Related

Map of Power Plants in Massachusetts

click on the map markers to find out more information about each power plant. The map control in the upper right corner can be used to toggle layers on and off.

Source: US Energy Information Administration - 2024

List of All Power Plant Locations in Massachusetts

Plant NameOperatorPower SourceMegawattsCity/TownZIP Code
0 Hammond St CSG
0HAM WHAM8 Solar, LLCbatteries9.8Carver2330
115 G Fisher
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar1.0Middleborough2346
126 Grove Solar LLC
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Franklin2028
154 D Fisher
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar1.0Middleborough2346
160 Tihonet Rd Hybrid(CSG)
160TIH WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar8.3Wareham2571
196 Tremont St(CSG)
196TRE WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar3.0Carver2330
201 Sturbridge B
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Brimfield1010
205 Sturbridge A
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.0Brimfield1010
265 Pleasant Solar NG, LLC
NuGen Capital Managementsolar0.9Lunenburg1462
276 Federal Rd(CSG)
276FED WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar8.3Carver2330
28 Livermore Hill Road Solar
28 Livermore Hill Road Solar, LLCsolar5.0Westminster39817
299 Farm to Market Rd Hybrid(CSG)
299F2M WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar5.3Wareham2330
301 Chestnut Solar NG
NuGen Capital Managementsolar2.0East Longmeadow1028
433 Purchase Solar NG, LLC
NuGen Capital Managementsolar2.8Swansea2777
580 River Solar
NuGen Capital Managementsolar3.1Winchendon1475
59 Federal Rd(CSG)
59FED WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar10.0Carver2330
631-56 Airport Owner, LLC
631-56 Airport Owner, LLCwind2.0Fall River2702
651 Chase Solar NG
NuGen Capital Managementsolar3.4Lunenburg1462
71 Charlotte Furnace Rd Hybrid(CSG)
71CFR WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar2.0Wareham2576
77 Farm to Market Rd Hybrid(CSG)
77F2M WHAM8 Solar, LLCsolar7.2Wareham2571
AIS Solar Project
Terraform Arcadiasolar2.5Leominster1453
ANP Bellingham Energy Project
Bellingham Power Generation LLCnatural gas541.7Bellingham2019
ANP Blackstone Energy Project
ANP Blackstone Energy Company LLCnatural gas485.6Blackstone1504
ASD Wallum MA Solar LLC(CSG)
ASD Wallum MA Solar LLCsolar8.8Douglas1516
Acton Solar Landfill
Heliovaas LLCsolar1.5Acton1720
Acushnet AD Makepeace
CleanCapital Holdingssolar4.7Wareham2571
Acushnet Ball Plant 2
Acushnetbatteries1.5New Bedford2747
Acushnet Hawes Reed Road
CleanCapital Holdingssolar1.0Dartmouth2747
Acushnet- High Hill
CleanCapital Holdingssolar3.2Dartmouth2747
Acushnet-Braley Road 1
CleanCapital Holdingssolar1.9Freetown2717
Adams Farm Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.0Athol1331
Adirondack A+B Community Solar Garden
BWC Connecticut River LLCsolar5.0Westport2790
Agawam Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.5Agawam1001
Ajax Solar, LLC (MA)
Green Street Power Partnerssolar3.8West Bridgewater2379
Alicea Solar Project Hybrid CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar3.5Southbridge1550
Amaterasu LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar7.8Lancaster1523
Ameresco Chicopee Energy
AMERESCO Chicopee Energy LLCbiomass7.7Chicopee1020
Amherst College Co Gen
Amherst Collegenatural gas1.2Amherst1002
Annese Solar Project Hybrid CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar7.8Southbridge1550
Antanavica Solar
Cypress Creek Renewablessolar1.0Leicester1524
Ashburnham Energy Storage Project
Massachusetts Mun Wholes Electric Cobatteries3.0Ashburnham1430
Ashby Duffy CSG Solar Farm
LSE Cassiopeia LLCsolar1.8Ashby1431
Ashby Solar, LLC CSG
Ashby Solar, LLCsolar1.8Fitchburg2132
Auburn Solar Project
Agilitas Energy, LLCsolar8.7Auburn1501
Axio Green LLC
Axio Green LLCsolar2.0Greenfield Township1301
Ayers Village Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Methuen1844
BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc- Uxbridge
Tesla Inc.solar1.0Uxbridge1569
BWC Gibbs Brook
BWC Gibbs Brook, LLCsolar4.0Wareham2571
BWC Harlow Brook
BWC Harlow Brook, LLCsolar1.5Wareham2571
BWC Lake Lashaway, LLC Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar7.9North Brookfield1535
BWC Muddy Brook, LLC Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar1.9Mendon1756
BWC Origination 18
BWC Origination 18, LLCsolar4.8Mattapoisett2739
BWC Pocasset River
BWC Pocasset River, LLCsolar1.5Wareham2571
BWC Stony Brook, LLC Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar2.3Chelmsford1824
BWC Swan Pond River CSG
BWC Swan Pond River, LLCsolar1.6Rehoboth2769
BWC Wading River One, Two, Three CSG
Ameresco BWC Wading River LLCsolar3.0Mendon1756
BWC Wareham River
BWC Wareham River, LLCsolar1.0Wareham2571
Barnstable Landfill
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar4.0Marstons Mills2648
Barre II Solar Project
Kearsarge Solar LLCsolar1.5Barre1005
Barre Solar III LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar1.0Barre1005
Barrett PV
MN8 Energy LLCsolar11.9Oxford1537
Barton Acres Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Phillipston1331
Bashaw Solar CSG 1, LLC
Bashaw Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Newbury1951
Beacon Solar, LLC
Beacon Solar, LLCsolar10.0Easthampton1027
Bear Swamp
Bear Swamp Power Company LLCpumped storage666.0Florida1247
Beebe Substation Battery Storage
Massachusetts Mun Wholes Electric Cobatteries3.0Wakefield1880
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar1.0Belchertown1007
Belchertown Renewables Community Solar
Belchertown Renewables, LLCsolar4.0Belchertown1007
Bellingham Cogeneration Facility
Northeast Energy Associates LPnatural gas264.0Bellingham2019
Bellingham PV
Terraform Arcadiasolar3.0Douglas1516
Captona Berkley LLCsolar3.0Berkley2779
Berkley East Solar LLC
SunEdison LLCsolar2.9Berkley2779
Berkshire 1
PPS Berkshire Solar LLCsolar1.8Sheffield1257
Berkshire Power
Berkshire Power Co LLCnatural gas229.3Agawam1001
Berkshire Wind Power Project
Massachusetts Mun Wholes Electric Cowind19.6Lanesboro1224
Integrys MA Solar, LLCsolar2.0Beverly1915
Big George PV CSG
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar1.0Plymouth2360
Bird Machine Solar Farm
Bird Machine Solar Farm, LLCsolar3.5South Walpole2071
Blacksmith Road Solar 1
Blacksmith Road Solar 1, LLCsolar7.0Falmouth2536
Blair Wire Village Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Spencer1562
Blodgett Solar CSG
Blodgett Street Solar 1, LLCsolar10.0Tyngsboro1879
BlueWave Capital - Grafton (SREC II)
TerraForm Solar XVII, LLCsolar1.3Grafton1519
City of Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept.hydroelectric3.4Holyoke1040
Bolton PV
AES Distributed Energysolar4.9Bolton1740
Boott Hydropower
Central Rivers Power US, LLChydroelectric21.7Lowell1853
Boston Medical Center CHP Plant
Boston Medical Centernatural gas3.0Boston2118
Boston Scientific Solar
Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc.solar1.1Quincy2171
Bourne (MA) - Holliston I
NVT LICENSES, LLCsolar2.4Holliston1746
Boutillier Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar2.9Leicester1524
Bowden Solar LLC
38DN Power Fund 1 LLCsolar2.0Monson1057
Bradford Solar
Strata Manager, LLCsolar5.0Haverhill1830
Braintree Landfill Solar
Ameresco, Inc - Braintreesolar1.0Braintree2184
Braley Road 2
Mass Solar, LLCsolar2.6Freetown2717
Breckenridge Solar
Breckenridge Street Solar 1, LLCsolar7.2Palmer1069
Brewster Landfill
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar1.0Brewster2631
Bridgewater Complex Co-Generation Plant
Massachusetts Department of Correctionnatural gas1.5Bridgewater1757
Bridgewater Solar CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar3.0Bridgewater2324
WEB Brimfield Solar LLCsolar1.9Brimfield1010
Integrys MA Solar, LLCsolar3.0Lancaster1523
Brockelman Road Solar 2
Brockelman Road Solar 2, LLCbatteries3.0Lancaster1523
Brook Street Solar 1 CSG
Brook Street Solar 1, LLCsolar5.0Plympton2367
Brookfield Solar 2013 LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 6solar2.0North Brookfield2451
Brookfield Wire Company
Dynamic Energy Solutions, LLCsolar1.4Brookfield1506
Brookwood Drive Community Solar
AES Distributed Energysolar8.0Westport2790
Browne Solar LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 1 LLCsolar1.0Palmer1069
Bullock Road Solar 1
Bullock Road Solar 1, LLCsolar1.9Freetown2717
CED Chicopee Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar3.0Chicopee1022
CED Northampton Solar LLC Hybrid
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar6.6Northampton1035
CED Westfield Solar, LLC
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar2.0Westfield1085
CES Agawam Tuckahoe Solar Hybrid
CES Agawam Tuckahoe Solar LLCsolar6.2Agawam1030
CES Sterling LLC
SunEdison LLCsolar2.0Sterling1564
FirstLight Power Resources, Inc. - MAhydroelectric61.8Montague1376
Cabot Holyoke
City of Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept.hydroelectric2.1Holyoke1040
Camelot Wind LLC
Camelot Wind LLCwind1.5Plymouth2360
Canal Generating LLCpetroleum1448.8Sandwich2563
Captona Canton LLCsolar5.0Canton2021
Cape Cod Air Force Station - 6 SWS
US Air Forcewind3.4Sagamore2561
Captona Carver LLCsolar1.5North Carver2330
Carver CSG
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Carver2330
Carver MA 1 Community Solar
Navisun LLCsolar2.0Carver2330
Cedarville CSG
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.5Plymouth2360
Centaurus Solar - MA
LSE Centaurus LLCsolar2.4Ashland1721
Centech Gas Generator
Town of Shrewsbury - (MA)natural gas2.5Shrewsbury1545
Charlemont A
Charlemont MA, LLCsolar5.0Charlemont1339
Charlestown Wind Turbine
MWRA Charlestownwind1.5Charlestown2129
Charlton Solar I CSG
Charlton Solar I, LLCsolar3.9Charlton1507
Chatham Landfill
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar1.5Chatham2633
City of Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept.hydroelectric1.6Holyoke1040
Cherry Street
Town of Hudson - (MA)natural gas14.6Hudson1749
Cherry Valley Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Leicester1524
Chester Solar Farm
Kearsarge Solar LLCsolar4.8Chester1011
Captona Chicopee LLCsolar2.0Chicopee1013
Chicopee Granby Road Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.6Chicopee1013
Chicopee Hydroelectric Station
City of Chicopee - (MA)hydroelectric2.4Chicopee1020
Chicopee River Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar2.0Springfield1020
Chicopee Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar3.0Chicopee1020
Chocksett Rd Energy Storage Project
Sterling Municipal Light Departmentbatteries2.0Sterling1564
Citizens Agawam Landfill Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.8Agawam1089
Clark Road Solar 1, LLC
Clark Road Solar 1, LLCsolar8.3Gardner1440
Clark University
Clark Universitynatural gas2.0Worcester1610
Cleary Flood Hybrid
City of Tauntonnatural gas105.9Taunton2780
Cobble Mountain
City of Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept.hydroelectric32.6Granville1034
Cohasse Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Southbridge1550
Collins Facility
Dichotomy Power, LLChydroelectric1.6Wilbraham1095
Concord Solar Farm
Kearsarge Solar LLCsolar1.5Concord1742
CoreSite - Somerville
Bloom Energynatural gas3.6Somerville2143
Cosgrove Intake and Power Station
Massachusetts Water Res Authhydroelectric2.0Clinton1510
Cottage Street Solar Facility
Western Massachusetts Electric Companysolar3.2Springfield1104
Covanta Haverhill
Ogden Projects Inc-Haverhillbiomass42.8Haverhill1835
Cranberry Highway Solar LLC
Cranberry Highway Solar, LLCsolar4.2Wareham2571
Cranberry Solar
GWE Cranberry Solar RT, LLCsolar1.0Middleborough2346
Cronin Road Solar 1, LLC CSG Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar3.0Warren1585
Curtis Hill Solar CSG
CCC Solar Holdings LLCsolar1.9Charlton1507
Cycz Solar Project CSG Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar3.3Spencer1562
DDR Shoppers World
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar1.3Framingham1701
DG Crystal Spring CSG
DG Crystal Spring CSGsolar4.2Mattapoisett2739
DG Dighton LLC CSG
DG Dighton, LLCsolar3.1Dighton2715
DG Foxborough Elm CSG
DG Foxborough Elmsolar2.0Foxborough2035
DG Haverhill CSG
DG Haverhillsolar3.0Haverhill1832
DG Tufts Knoll LLC CSG
DG Tufts Knoll, LLCsolar2.0North Grafton1536
DG Tufts Science LLC CSG
DG Tufts Science, LLCsolar1.0North Grafton1536
DG Webster LLC CSG
DG Webster, LLCsolar1.3Webster1536
Mass Solar, LLCsolar6.3Dartmouth2717
Dartmouth Farms Solar
Dartmouth Farms Solar, LLCsolar4.3Dartmouth2714
Dartmouth II Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar2.0Dartmouth2747
Dartmouth Landfill
CleanCapital Holdingssolar1.3Dartmouth2748
Dartmouth Power Associates LP
Morris Energy Operations Company, LLCnatural gas81.7Dartmouth2747
Dartmouth Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar1.6Dartmouth2747
Deer Island Treatment Plant
Massachusetts Wtr Rauth-Deer Ipetroleum56.3Winthrop2152
Deerfield 2
Great River Hydro, LLChydroelectric6.6Conway1341
Deerfield 3
Great River Hydro, LLChydroelectric6.0Buckland1338
Deerfield 4
Great River Hydro, LLChydroelectric6.0Buckland1338
Deerfield 5
Great River Hydro, LLChydroelectric13.9Florida1247
Deerfield CSG Solar
MN8 Energy LLCsolar4.5Deerfield1342
Dennis Landfill
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar5.0Dennis2660
Depot Hill Solar CSG
CCC Solar Holdings LLCsolar1.9Charlton1507
Dept of Corrections NCCI Wind
Dept of Corrections NCCI Windwind3.4Gardner1440
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Shirley1464
Dighton Power Plant
Dighton Power, LLCnatural gas164.9Dighton2715
Dorchester Solar Site
Massachusetts Electric Cosolar1.3Dorchester2122
Douglas Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar2.0Douglas1516
BWC Buckmaster Pond LLCsolar1.0Dover2030
Dresser Hill CSG
Dresser Hill Solar, LLCsolar3.7Southbridge1550
AMP MA Dudleysolar3.0Dudley1571
Dudley River 2 Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Southbridge1550
Dudley River 3 Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Southbridge1550
Dudley River Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Southbridge1550
Dudley Solar CSG
Dudley Solar, LLCsolar1.9Dudley1571
Dunstable Solar 1, LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar9.0Dunstable1827
Central Rivers Power MA, LLChydroelectric1.2Chicopee1020
Dynamic - Walpole
AES Distributed Energysolar2.0Walpole2081
EBZ Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar2.5Shirley1464
EDF Lancaster
CleanCapital Holdingssolar4.5Lancaster1523
ENGIE 2019 ProjectCo-MA1, LLC
ENGIE 2019 ProjectCo MA-1, LLCsolar5.0Agawam1001
East Acres Solar NG, LLC
NuGen Capital Managementsolar5.8Pittsfield1201
East Bridgewater Solar
Solten East Bridgewater 6000, LLCsolar2.3East Bridgewater2333
East Brookfield Adams Road Solar LLC CSG
East Brookfield Adams Road Solar LLCsolar7.8East Brookfield1515
East Brookfield Main Street Solar LLC CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar1.0East Brookfield1515
East Longmeadow Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar5.0East Longmeadow1028
East Springfield Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar1.4Springfield1104
Easthampton CSG
Easthampton Park Solar 1, LLCsolar2.5Easthampton1027
Easthampton Landfill-City of Easthampton
CleanCapital Holdingssolar1.9Easthampton1027
Easton Landfill
CleanCapital Holdingssolar1.9Easton2375
Electric Avenue Lunenburg Solar 1
Electric Avenue Lunenburg Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Lunenburg1462
Elm Street
ISM Solar Dighton 3, LLCsolar2.8Dighton2715
Emerald Marshfields, LLC
Emerald Marshfield, LLCsolar1.9Marshfield2050
Equinix - Billerica
Bloom Energynatural gas1.9Billerica1821
Equity Industrial Turbines
Equity Industrial Turbineswind4.0Gloucester1930
Erving CSG
Erving Poplar Mountain Solar 1, LLCsolar1.0Erving1344
Erving Paper Mills
Erving Paper Mills Incnatural gas6.1Erving1344
Exelon Framingham LLC
Constellation Power, Incpetroleum30.6Framingham1701
Exelon Medway LLC
Constellation Power, Incpetroleum123.8Medway2053
Exelon West Medway II LLC
Constellation Power, Incnatural gas190.8Medway2053
Fairhaven C CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar1.6Fairhaven2719
Fairhaven E
Fairhaven MA 1, LLCsolar2.0Fairhaven2719
Fairhaven MA 2
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar2.9Fairhaven2719
Fairhaven Wind
Fairhaven Wind LLCwind3.0Fairhaven2719
Fairview Farms Solar
NuGen Capital Managementsolar2.3Whately1375
Fall River Solar CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar2.0Fall River2720
Falmouth Landfill Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar3.0Falmouth2536
Farley Road Community Solar
Farley Road Solar, LLCsolar1.9Dudley1571
Faunce Corner Community Solar
Faunce Corner Road Dartmouth Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Dartmouth2747
Federal Road Solar 1, LLC CSG
Federal Road Solar 1, LLCsolar4.4South Carver2330
Fife Brook
Bear Swamp Power Company LLChydroelectric11.2Florida1247
Fisher Road Solar
Fisher Road Solar I, LLCsolar4.6Dartmouth2747
Fitchburg Gas Recovery
WM Renewable Energy LLCbiomass4.8Westminster1473
Fitchburg Renewables
Fitchburg Renewables, LLCsolar4.0Fitchburg1420
Fore River Generating Station
Calpine Fore River Energy Center, LLCnatural gas726.0North Weymouth2191
Framingham State University Plant
Framingham State Universitypetroleum3.4Framingham1701
Franklin 1
CD US Solar MT 2 LLCsolar3.0Wrentham2093
Franklin 2
CD US Solar MT 2 LLCsolar4.0Franklin2038
Freetown Solar
Mass Solar, LLCsolar4.5Freetown2717
French King Solar LLC
French King Solar LLCsolar5.0Erving1344
Front Street
City of Chicopee - (MA)petroleum8.4Chicopee1020
Future Generation Wind
Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc.wind7.9Plymouth2532
GELD Solar Farm
Ameresco, Inc - GELDsolar2.3Groton1540
GRS Fall River
Gas Recovery Systems Incbiomass4.4Fall River2726
Green Street Power Partnerssolar2.3Raynham2767
GSPP Boxborough Littleton (MA)
GSPP Boxborough Littleton, LLCsolar4.0Boxborough1719
GSPP Devens, LLC
Green Street Power Partnerssolar2.2Ayer1432
GSPP Terrawatt Westfield LLC CSG
Green Street Power Partnerssolar3.6Westfield1805
Gardner - Otter River Road
Otter River Road Solar LLCsolar2.5Gardner1440
Gardner Solar 1
Gardner Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Gardner1440
Gardners Falls
Central Rivers Power MA, LLChydroelectric3.5Buckland1370
General Electric Aircraft Engines
General Electric Aircraft Enginessolar2.1Lynn1910
Gillette SBMC
The Gillette Companynatural gas14.2Boston2127
Golden Hills Solar
Golden Hills Solar, LLCsolar4.7Rutland1543
Goose Pond Solar
LSE Dorado, LLCsolar4.0Southwick1077
Grafton PV
MN8 Energy LLCsolar2.7Grafton1519
Grafton Solar
CD US Solar MT 2 LLCsolar1.5Grafton1519
Granby LFG
Industrial Power Services Corp.biomass2.8Granby1082
Granby Solar, LLC CSG
Granby Solar, LLCsolar5.0Granby1033
Greater New Bedford LFG Utiliz. Facility
CommonWealth New Bedford Energy LLCbiomass3.2New Bedford2745
Green Meadows
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.5Sandwich2563
Greenfield Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar2.0Greenfield1302
Griffin Road Solar 2
Griffin Road Solar 2, LLCsolar1.4Charlton1507
Griffin Road Solar, LLC CSG
Griffin Road Solar, LLCsolar2.0Charlton1507
Groveland Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar3.2Groveland1834
Hadley 2 Solar, LLC CSG
Hadley 2 Solar, LLCsolar1.9Hadley1035
Hadley 3 Solar (North)
Hadley 3 Solar, LLC (North)solar3.9Hadley1053
Hadley 3 Solar (South)
Hadley 3 Solar, LLC (South)solar2.0Hadley1035
Hadley Falls
City of Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept.hydroelectric33.1Holyoke1040
Hadley Solar NG, LLC
NuGen Capital Managementsolar2.0Hadley1035
Halifax Solar
NuGen Capital Managementsolar2.5Halifax2338
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.2Hampden1036
Hampden Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar3.5Hampden1036
Hampshire College Hybrid
Tesla Inc.solar4.4Amherst1002
Happy Hollow CSG Hybrid
REA Investments, LLCsolar8.3Winchendon1475
Harbor Road Solar 1
Harbor Road Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Cheshire1225
Hardwick-Athol & Eagle Hill
SEC CRSD Solar One, LLCsolar2.8Hardwick1031
Harwich Landfill
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar4.0Harwich2645
Hatfield Renewables Community Solar
Hatfield Renewables, LLCsolar1.9Hatfield1038
Hatfield Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar3.6Hatfield1066
Haverhill Solar Power Project
Massachusetts Electric Cosolar0.8Haverhill1832
Hewlett-Packard (HP) - Andover, MA
Tesla Inc.solar1.7Andover1810
High Street Station
Town of Ipswich - (MA)natural gas11.0Ipswich1938
Hinsdale Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar2.0Hinsdale1235
Holiday Hill Community Wind
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationwind5.0Russell1071
Holliston LLC
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar1.5Holliston1746
Holliston Solar CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar1.0Holliston1746
Holyoke Solar Cooperative at Mueller
Holyoke Solar LLCsolar2.7Holyoke1040
Hopkinton CSG
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Hopkinton1748
Captona Hudson LLCsolar5.0Hudson1749
Hull Wind II
Hull Municipal Light Plantwind1.8Hull2045
Hunt Farm Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.0Orange1364
Hunt Road Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar4.5Amesbury1913
Hurteau Solar Project Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar3.3Uxbridge1569
Huxley Solar
Huxley Solar, LLCsolar10.0Ludlow1056
ISM Solar Dighton 2, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar2.0Dighton2715
IXYS - Beverly
IXYS Integrated Circuits Division, LLCnatural gas2.7Beverly1915
Incom Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar2.0Charlton1507
Indian Hill Solar LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 1 LLCsolar1.0Palmer1069
Indian Orchard
Central Rivers Power MA, LLChydroelectric3.7Indian Orchard1151
Indian Orchard PV Facility
Western Massachusetts Electric Companysolar1.9Springfield1151
Indian Orchard Plant 1
Solutia Inc-Indiannatural gas3.2Springfield1151
Indian River Hydro
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric1.4Russell1071
Integrys MA Solar, LLC - Ashburnham Site
Integrys MA Solar, LLCsolar2.9Ashburnham1430
International Paper Woronoco Mill
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric2.5Woronoco1097
Ipswich Wind Turbine
Town of Ipswich - (MA)wind1.6Ipswich1938
Iron Horse Solar 4, LLC
Iron Horse Solar 4, LLCsolar4.5North Billerica1862
Iron Horse Solar I CSG
Iron Horse Solar 1, LLCsolar2.9North Billerica1862
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0North Brookfield1535
Jiminy Peak Wind QF
Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort, LLCwind1.8Hancock1237
Joe Jenny
AMP MA Joe Jennysolar1.0Oxford1540
KS Solar Six LLC
Kearsarge Solar LLCsolar2.0Hubbardston1452
Katama Farm
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar1.0Edgartown2539
Kearsarge 100 Sohier Rd
Kearsarge Beverly LLCsolar5.6Beverly1915
Kearsarge Acushnet
Kearsarge Acushnet LLCsolar1.9Acushnet2743
Kearsarge Amesbury Hybrid
Kearsarge Amesbury LLCsolar4.9Amesbury1913
Kearsarge Bellingham PV
Kearsarge Bellingham LLCsolar2.9Bellingham2019
Kearsarge Concord II
Kearsarge Concord II LLCsolar4.5Concord1742
Kearsarge GB
Kearsarge GB LLCsolar1.9Great Barrington1230
Kearsarge Gill
Kearsarge Gill LLCsolar2.0Gill1354
Kearsarge Granby
Kearsarge Granby LLCsolar2.5Granby1033
Kearsarge Haverhill
Kearsarge Haverhill LLCsolar4.8Haverhill1835
Kearsarge Ludlow LLC
Kearsarge Ludlow LLCsolar3.7Ludlow1056
Kearsarge Montague
Kearsarge Montague LLCsolar4.0Montague1351
Kearsarge Montague BD(CSG)
Kearsarge Montague BD LLCsolar3.8Montague1376
Kearsarge Southwick LLC
Kearsarge Solar LLCsolar3.3Southwick1077
Kearsarge Upper Union
Kearsarge Upper Union LLCsolar1.8Franklin2038
Kearsarge Uxbridge
Kearsarge Uxbridge LLCsolar1.9Uxbridge1569
Kearsarge William Way
Kearsarge William Way LLCsolar7.0Bellingham2019
Kearsarge Wilmington
Kearsarge Wilmington LLCsolar1.6Wilmington1887
Kendall Square Station
Kendall Green Energy, LLCnatural gas224.0Cambridge2142
Kenmare - Mansfield Branch Street
MN8 Energy LLCsolar1.5Mansfield2048
Lakeville Solar
C2 MA Lakeville, LLCsolar2.7Lakeville2347
Lane Ave Solar LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar1.5North Brookfield1535
Lawrence Hydroelectric Associates
Central Rivers Power US, LLChydroelectric14.0Lawrence1938
Ledeaux Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0North Brookfield1535
Lee Site 31 Solar
NSTAR Electric Companysolar1.9Lee1238
Leicester One MA Solar LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 1 LLCsolar4.8Leicester1254
Syncarpha Massachusetts, LLCsolar2.0Leominster1453
Leominster (MA)-South Street-R&D
South Street Solar, LLCsolar2.6Tewksbury20705
Lepomis PV Energy LLC
CleanCapital Holdingssolar4.5Plymouth2360
Long Plain Solar
Long Plain Solar, LLCsolar2.0Whatley1373
Lowell Solar Landfill
Heliovaas LLCsolar1.3Lowell1851
Ludlow Landfill
CleanCapital Holdingssolar2.6Ludlow1056
Ludlow Site 72 - Conti
NSTAR Electric Companysolar1.9Ludlow1056
M Street Jet
Massachusetts Bay Trans Authpetroleum50.0Boston2127
MA Blackstone
Catalyze Blackstone 83 Federal Street Microgrid, LLCsolar7.2Blackstone1504
MA CS Uxbridge Community Solar
MA CS Uxbridge, LLCsolar4.0Uxbridge1569
MA Military Reservation Wind Project
Air Force Civil Engineer Centerwind4.5Otis ANG Base Bourne2542
MA Solar Storage 1 Hybrid
Origis Energy USA, Incsolar2.1Sterling1564
MDFA Devens-Saratoga
Terraform Arcadiasolar2.5Devens1434
MM Taunton Energy
MM Taunton Energy LLCbiomass3.6Taunton2780
Manheim New England
Cox Enterprisessolar2.5North Dighton2764
Maple Street Solar 1, LLCsolar6.3Bellingham2019
Marshfield PV
Terraform Arcadiasolar3.0Marshfield2050
Mashpee Landfill Solar
Nautilus Solar Solutionssolar1.5Mashpee2649
Mass Inst Tech Cntrl Utilities/Cogen Plt
Massachusetts Inst of Technatural gas35.4Cambridge2139
Mass Midstate Solar 1
Evergreen Wind, LLCsolar5.0Warren1083
Mass Midstate Solar 2
Evergreen Wind, LLCsolar5.0Warren1083
Mass Midstate Solar 3
Evergreen Wind, LLCsolar4.0Warren1083
Masspowernatural gas245.0Indian Orchard1151
Maynard PV
Terraform Arcadiasolar1.0Maynard1754
McDougle-Mitchell Solar Project Hybrid CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar7.4Charlton1507
Meadow Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.0Boston2136
Medical Area Total Energy Plant
MATEP LLCnatural gas90.5Boston2215
BWC Box Pond LLCsolar2.6Mendon1756
Merrimac Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar1.5Merrimac1860
Methuen Landfill
CleanCapital Holdingssolar1.3Methuen1844
Middleton Solar Park
HG Solar Development, LLCsolar8.0Middleton1949
Milford Power LP
Milford Power LLCnatural gas204.8Milford1757
Millbury Solar
Evergreen Wind, LLCsolar3.0Millbury1527
Millennium Power
Millennium Power Company, LLCnatural gas330.3Charlton1507
Minuteman Energy Storage
Minuteman Energy Storage, LLCbatteries5.0North Reading1864
Monson Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar3.0Monson1057
Monson Solar, LLC
Monson Solar, LLCsolar2.0Monson1057
Montague Road Solar
Montague Road Solar, LLCsolar3.6Amherst1002
Montague Site 36-Grosolar
NSTAR Electric Companysolar4.1Millers Falls1349
Morin Solar 2013 LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 6solar4.0Warren1083
Mt Wachusett Community College
Mt Wachusett Community Collegewind3.4Gardner1440
Mt. Tom Solar Project Hybrid
Mt. Tom Solar, LLCsolar7.6Holyoke1040
Mystic Generating Station
Constellation Mystic Power LLCnatural gas1413.4Charlestown2129
NE Renewable Fitchburg, LLC
NE Renewable Fitchburg, LLCbiomass14.9Westminster1473
NEDC Solar Site
Massachusetts Electric Cosolar0.8Whitinsville1588
NFM Solar Power LLC
FirstLight Power Resources, Inc. - MAsolar1.9Northfield1360
Nantucket Hybrid
Nantucket Electric Copetroleum20.5Nantucket2554
Natick Mall
Natick Mallsolar2.2Natick1760
New Bedford (MA) Plymouth
BWC Origination 4, LLCsolar4.3Plymouth2360
New England Wind LLC
Avangrid Renewables LLCwind28.5Florida1247
Newark America Mill
Newark Americanatural gas3.0Fitchburg1420
Newton Rumford Landfill
Newton Municipal Solar LLC - Rumfordsolar1.7Newton2466
Nexamp Peak CSG
Nexamp Peak, LLCsolar1.7Hancock1237
Nextsun Energy Littleton
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar3.8Littleton1460
Strata Manager, LLCsolar1.0Great Barrington1230
North Adams Landfill
Syncarpha North Adams, LLCsolar2.2North Adams1247
North Brookfield
Mass Solar, LLCsolar3.0North Brookfield2717
Northampton Landfill Solar PV
Ameresco Glendale Road Solar PV LLCsolar2.4Northampton1063
Northbridge Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar1.9South Grafton1560
Northfield Mountain
FirstLight Power Resources, Inc. - MApumped storage1168.0Northfield1360
Madison Energy Holdings LLCsolar1.4Norton2766
Norton LLC
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar3.3Norton2766
Norton Landfill Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.5Norton2766
Norton Powerhouse
Saint - Gobain Abrasives Incnatural gas5.6Worcester1606
Norton Powerhouse 2
Norton Powerhouse 2natural gas3.3Worcester1615
Notus Wind 1
Notus Clean Energy LLCwind1.7E. Falmouth2536
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar1.0Edgartown2539
Oak Bluffs Diesel Generating Facility
Vineyard Reliability LLCpetroleum8.4Oak Bluffs2557
Oak Street Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar3.5Springfield1151
Oakdale Power Station
Massachusetts Water Res Authhydroelectric3.0West Boylston1583
Old Middleboro Road Solar
Agilitas Energy, LLCsolar9.5Rochester2770
Old Wardour Solar
NuGen Capital Managementsolar4.3East Brookfield1515
One Patriot
Bloom Energynatural gas2.0Foxborough2035
Onset East Community Solar Facility
BCC Solar III, LLCsolar1.0Wareham2538
Onset West Community Solar Facility
BCC Solar III, LLCsolar1.0Wareham2538
Onyx - Brockton Thatcher Landfill Solar CSG
Onyx Asset Services Groupsolar3.7Brockton2302
Onyx - Pembroke Landfill Solar
Onyx Asset Services Groupsolar2.4Pembroke2359
Orange PV
Terraform Arcadiasolar2.0Orange1364
Outer Cape Community Battery
CVI CleanCapital Solar 6solar2.8Oxford1540
Padelford Solar
Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc.solar2.2Berkley2779
AES Distributed Energysolar3.5Palmer1069
Palmer Landfill
Syncarpha Bondsville, LLCsolar4.0Palmer1069
Palmer Solar LLC
Palmer Solar LLCsolar2.5Palmer1080
Palombo B Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Uxbridge1569
Palombo Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar2.0Uxbridge1569
Partridge Hill Solar Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar3.3Charlton1507
Partridgeville Hybrid CSG
Partridgeville Road Solar 1, LLCsolar5.3Athol1331
Pepperell Hydro Power Plant
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric2.2Pepperell1463
Peterson Road Solar
Peterson Road Solar, LLCsolar2.5Palmer1069
Pittsfield 44 - M&W PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar1.2Pittsfield1201
Pittsfield Generating LP
Pittsfield Generating Company, LPnatural gas157.7Pittsfield1201
Plainfield Community Solar LLC
Plainfield Solar LLCsolar2.0Plainfield1070
Pleasantdale Road Community Solar
Pleasantdale Road Solar, LLCsolar1.0Rutland1543
Plymouth Site 1
CleanCapital Holdingssolar4.0Plympton2367
Plymouth Solar
NSTAR Electric Companysolar1.1Plymouth2360
Potter Station 2
Town of Braintree - (MA)natural gas183.3Braintree2184
Princeton Wind Farm
Town of Princeton - (MA)wind3.0Princeton1541
Putts Bridge
Central Rivers Power MA, LLChydroelectric3.2Ludlow1056
Quittacas Pond Solar
Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc.solar3.5Rochester2770
RGS-Rutland VNM SREC II Project (MA)
TerraForm Solar XVII, LLCsolar2.0Rutland1543
Raboth - Marion Drive
Madison Energy Holdings LLCsolar3.5Kingston2364
Rail Trail
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Great Barrington1230
Randall Solar Project Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar8.3Berlin1503
Solten Randolph 4500, LLCsolar3.8Randolph2364
Captona Ravenbrook LLCsolar5.0Carver2330
Central Rivers Power MA, LLChydroelectric3.6Wilbraham1095
Redbrook Community Solar 1
Redbrook Solar 1, LLCsolar4.0Plympton2360
Rehoboth Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar2.0Rehoboth2769
Renew Canal 1 CSG LLC
NRG Renew Canal 1 LLCsolar1.2Sandwich2563
Rising Paper
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.5Great Barrington1230
Riverside Holyoke
City of Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept.hydroelectric6.9Holyoke1040
Rockland Solar CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar2.0Rockland2370
Rounseville Solar
Rounseville Solar 1, LLCsolar2.7Rochester2770
Rousselot Inc
Rousselot Incnatural gas6.3Peabody1960
Route 57 Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.5Agawam1030
Ryan Road Solar LLC Hybrid(CSG)
AES Distributed Energysolar8.6North Brookfield1535
SELCO Community Solar
Massachusetts Mun Wholes Electric Cosolar3.0Shrewsbury1545
SEMASS Resource Recovery
SEMASS Partnershipbiomass80.0West Wareham2576
SJA Solar LLC-Solterra Monastery CSG
SJA Solar, LLCsolar14.7Spencer1562
Salem Harbor Power Development LP
Salem Harbor Power Development LPnatural gas675.0Salem1970
Sampson Road Community Solar
Sampson Road Solar, LLCsolar2.0Charlton1507
Savoy Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar2.0Savoy1265
Scituate PV
AES Distributed Energysolar2.5Scituate2066
Scituate Wind
Scituate Wind LLCwind1.5Scituate2066
Settlers Solar
Settlers Solar, LLCsolar5.0Lunenberg1462
CD US Solar MT3, LLCsolar5.0Billerica1821
Great River Hydro, LLChydroelectric6.1Rowe1367
Shirley Landfill
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar1.0Shirley1464
Shirley Water
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar2.0Shirley1464
Town of Shrewsbury - (MA)petroleum14.0Shrewsbury1545
Shrewsbury Solar
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar2.5Shrewsbury1545
Shuman Solar
NuGen Capital Managementsolar2.2Stoughton2072
Signature Breads Chelsea
JDC 65R Owner, LLCpetroleum1.5Chelsea2150
Silver Lake Solar Photovoltaic Facility
Western Massachusetts Electric Companysolar1.5Pittsfield1201
Smith & Wesson at Springfield MA PV
Luminace Solar Massachusetts, LLCsolar1.4Springfield1104
Smith College Central Heating Plant
The Trustees of Smith Collegenatural gas2.7Northampton1063
Solten Plainville 6000, LLC
Solten Plainville 6000, LLCsolar4.9Plainville2762
Southampton Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar2.0Southampton1073
Southbridge Landfill Gas-to-Energy
Southbridge Recycling and Disposal Parkbiomass1.5Southbridge1550
Southbridge PV
Terraform Arcadiasolar3.0Southbridge1550
Southbridge Solar
AES Distributed Energysolar1.9Southbridge1550
Southern Sky Renew Energy Berkley LLC
Southern Sky Renewable Energy Berkley, LLCsolar3.0Berkley2779
Southwick Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar5.0Southwick1077
Spring Hill Road
AES Distributed Energysolar1.9Barre1005
Spring Street Solar 1 CSG
Spring Street Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Carver2367
Springfield Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar4.0Springfield1104
St. Joseph's Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Charlton1507
Stafford St 2 Community Solar
Stafford St Solar 2, LLCsolar1.9Lecister1611
Stafford St Solar 1 CSG
Stafford St Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Leicester1611
Stafford St Solar 3 CSG
Stafford St Solar 3, LLCsolar1.0Leicester1611
State Street Solar LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 1 LLCsolar1.0Palmer1069
Station 9 Energy Storage System
Town of Braintree - (MA)batteries2.0Braintree2184
Stetson Road Solar - Barre I
Kearsarge Solar LLCsolar2.0Barre1005
Stone Hill Solar CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar2.0North Easton2356
Stony Brook
Massachusetts Mun Wholes Electric Copetroleum446.6Ludlow1056
Stow PV
AES Distributed Energysolar2.0Stow1775
Sudbury Landfill
Heliovaas LLCsolar1.3Sudbury1776
Sullivan Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar1.5New Bedford2740
Sunderland Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar1.1Sunderland1375
Sunpin Blandford
Blandford Sun, LLCsolar4.7Southwick1077
Sutton Solar 2, LLC CSG
Sutton Solar 2, LLCsolar1.0Sutton1590
Sutton Solar CSG
Sutton Solar, LLCsolar1.9Sutton1590
Syncarpha Blandford Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Blandford, LLCsolar8.8Blandford1008
Syncarpha Freetown
Marie's Way Solar I, LLCsolar3.9Freetown2717
Syncarpha Halifax Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Halifax, LLCsolar3.3Halifax2338
Syncarpha Hancock I CSG
Syncarpha Hancock I, LLCsolar2.0Hancock1201
Syncarpha Hancock II CSG
Syncarpha Hancock II, LLCsolar2.0Hancock1201
Syncarpha Hancock III CSG
Syncarpha Hancock III, LLCsolar1.0Pittsfield1201
Syncarpha Leicester Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Leicester, LLCsolar4.6Leicester1524
Syncarpha Millbury Hybrid (CSG)
Syncarpha Millbury, LLCsolar8.8Millbury1527
Syncarpha Northampton Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Northampton, LLCsolar5.6Northampton1062
Syncarpha Northbridge I Hybrid(CSG)
Syncarpha Northbridge I, LLCsolar9.0Whitinsville1588
Syncarpha Northbridge II Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Northbridge II, LLCsolar8.0Whitinsville1588
Syncarpha Palmer, LLC
Syncarpha Palmer, LLCsolar4.8Palmer1069
Syncarpha Puddon I Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Puddon I, LLCsolar9.0Northbridge1534
Syncarpha Puddon II Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Puddon II, LLCsolar9.0Northbridge1534
Syncarpha Still River, LLC CSG
Syncarpha Still River, LLCsolar2.0Bolton1740
Syncarpha Tewksbury Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Tewksbury, LLCsolar4.8Tewksbury1876
Syncarpha Westminster Hybrid CSG
Syncarpha Westminster, LLCsolar7.6Westminster1473
TES Rowtier
SkyHigh 2 Solarsolar3.0Westminster1473
Tanglewood Circle Solar 1 LLC
Tanglewood Circle Solar 1 LLCsolar5.0Becket1223
Tanner Street Generation
BT Generation Holdings, LLCnatural gas75.0Lowell1852
Sunny Templeton, LLCsolar3.0Templeton1468
Texon Hydroelectric Project
Hitchcock Hydro, LLChydroelectric1.5Russell1071
Theodore Drive Community Solar
Theodore Drive Solar, LLCsolar1.5Westminster1473
Tihonet Solar
Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc.solar1.0Wareham2571
Tisbury Landfill Solar
Clean Focus Yield, LLCsolar1.1Tisbury2568
Tolland Solar NG LLC
NuGen Capital Managementsolar3.5Tolland1034
Town of Amherst Solar
Town of Amherst Solar, LLCsolar5.0Amherst1002
Town of East Bridgewater CSG
Tesla Inc.solar2.0East Bridgewater2333
Town of Foxborough - Landfill (SREC II) CSG
Town of Foxborough - Landfill (SREC II)solar1.2Foxborough2035
Town of Lexington Solar
Syncarpha Lexington, LLCsolar1.6Lexington2421
Town of Needham VNEM CSG
Tesla Inc.solar3.0Needham2192
Town of Norfolk MA at Medway Branch
Luminace Solar Massachusetts, LLCsolar1.2Norfolk2056
Town of Otis Wind Energy Project
Town of Otiswind1.5Otis1253
Town of Uxbridge MA at Commerce Dr
Luminace Solar Net Metering, LLCsolar1.8Uxbridge1569
Town of Ware - Canadian Tree(CSG)
MA CS Ware West, LLCsolar1.4Ware1082
Truck Stop
Strata Manager, LLCsolar2.0West Stockridge1835
True North
CD US Solar MT1 LLCsolar4.8Salisbury1952
Turners Falls
FirstLight Power Resources, Inc. - MAhydroelectric6.4Montague1376
Twiss Street Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.5Westfield1085
Tyngsborough Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar2.6Tyngsborough1879
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar4.0Amherst1003
UMass Boston
UMass Bostonpetroleum8.1Dorchester2125
UMass PV Lot 22
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar4.1Amherst1002
UMass PV Lot 49
Consolidated Edison Development Inc.solar0.9Amherst1003
Univ of Massachusetts Medical Center
University of Massachusetts Medicalnatural gas12.0Worcester1655
Upper Blackstone (MA) Treasure Valley
Nexamp Treasure Valley Solar, LLCsolar5.0Rutland1543
Upton Community Solar
Upton Solar, LLCsolar2.0Upton1568
Ventura Drive Dartmouth Solar 1, LLCsolar2.0Dartmouth2747
Vuelta Solar
NuGen Capital Managementsolar4.7East Brookfield1515
W. Orange Rd Solar LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar5.0Orange1364
WEB Brookfield
WEB Brookfield Solar LLCsolar3.4Brookfield1506
WYM 1250 Palmer LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 6solar1.0Palmer1540
Wachusett Solar
Wachusett Solar, LLCsolar2.0Rutland1543
Walpole Solar 2
Walpole Solar 2, LLCsolar2.4Walpole2081
Ware Palmer Road Solar LLC CSG
Ware Palmer Road Solar LLCsolar5.0Ware1082
Wareham MA 1 Community Solar
Navisun LLCsolar2.0Wareham2571
Wareham Solar PV
NSTAR Electric Companysolar3.3Wareham2571
Washburn Road Solar
REA Investments, LLCsolar2.0Freetown2717
Waste Water Treatment Plant
City of Pittsfieldsolar1.5Pittsfield1201
Waters River
City of Peabody - (MA)natural gas46.0Peabody1960
Webster Solar
Webster Solar, LLCsolar1.0Webster1570
Wellesley College Central Utility Plant
Wellesley Collegenatural gas14.7Wellesley2481
West A&B Solar Project Hybrid CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar4.3Southbridge1550
West Boylston Community Shared Solar
Town of West Boylston - (MA)solar1.5West Boylston1583
West Bridgewater AB CSG
MN8 Energy LLCsolar1.7West Bridgewater2379
West Brookfield Solar - Gilbertsville Rd (CSG)
Nautilus Solar Solutionssolar4.0West Brookfield1082
West Brookfield Solar, LLC
CVI CleanCapital Solar 7solar1.4West Brookfield1585
West Groton CHP
Hollingsworth & Vose Co West Grotonnatural gas3.3Groton1450
West Haydenville PJ Community Solar
AES Distributed Energysolar8.6Williamsburg1039
West Street Solar 1 LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar5.0Gardner1440
West Tisbury Generating Facility
Vineyard Reliability LLCpetroleum5.6West Tisbury2575
West Water Street
City of Tauntonpetroleum10.0Taunton2780
Westborough Solar LLC
SunRay Power LLCsolar1.8Westborough1581
Westford Solar Park
MN8 Energy LLCsolar4.0Westford1886
Westminster Renewables, LLC CSG
Westminster Renewables, LLCsolar1.5Westminster1473
Weston Landfill Solar
Ameresco, Inc - Westonsolar1.8Weston2493
Westport B Community Solar Garden
BWC Hamilton Brook LLCsolar4.5Westport2790
Westport Community Solar Garden
BWC Bass River LLCsolar2.0Westport2790
Westport MA 1 Community Solar
Navisun LLCsolar1.3Westport2790
Westport MA 2 Community Solar
Navisun LLCsolar1.2Westport2790
Whately Solar
Citizens Enterprises Corporationsolar1.5Whately1373
Whatley Renewables
Whatley Renewables, LLCsolar1.0Whatley1373
Wheelabrator Millbury Facility
Wheelabrator Environmental Systemsbiomass40.0Millbury1527
Wheelabrator North Andover
Wheelabrator Environmental Systemsbiomass30.0North Andover1845
Wheelabrator Saugus
Wheelabrator Environmental Systemsbiomass32.8Saugus1906
BWC East Brook, LLCsolar4.0Wilbraham1095
Wilbur Woods Solar LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar5.0Orange1364
Wilkins Station
Town of Marblehead - (MA)petroleum5.0Marblehead1945
Williams College - Campus CHP
President & Trustees of Williams Collegepetroleum7.0Williamstown1267
AES Distributed Energysolar4.0Goshen1096
Williamsburg Solar LLC VNEM CSG
Tesla Inc.solar2.2Haydenville1039
Williamsville Hybrid CSG
Williamsville Road LLCsolar8.3Hubbardston1452
Wilmarth Solar
Wilmarth Lane Solar 1, LLCsolar7.3Plainville2762
Wilmington Solar
MN8 Energy LLCsolar2.0Wilmington1887
Wilson Solar
Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc.solar2.0Spencer1562
Winchendon Landfill Solar
Onyx Asset Services Groupsolar2.0Winchendon1475
Winchendon Solar
Altus Power America Management, LLCsolar1.9Winchendon1543
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar1.3Woburn1801
Woodchuck Solar, LLC CSG
38 Degrees North, LLCsolar1.0Spencer1562
Woodland Avenue Solar 1
Woodland Avenue Solar 1, LLCsolar5.0Seekonk2771
Worcester Landfill
City of Worcester DPWsolar6.5Worcester1604
ZPD-PT Solar Project 2017-006 LLC Hybrid
AES Distributed Energysolar8.0Warren1083
ZPD-PT Solar Project 2017-021 LLC Hybrid CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar2.0Wilbraham1095
ZPD-PT Solar Project 2017-023 LLC Hybrid CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar4.7Southbridge1550
ZPD-PT Solar Project 2017-038 Hybrid LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar8.5Lancaster1523
ZPD-PT Solar Project 2017-044 LLC CSG
AES Distributed Energysolar1.0Spencer1562
2025 zipdatamaps.com