Power Plants in Michigan

There are a total of 263 power plants in Michigan. The most common type of power plant in Michigan is Natural Gas with a total of 62 locations. Natural Gas generates the most power in Michigan with 13380.3 total Megawatts.
SourceTotal LocationsTotal Megawatts
Natural Gas6213380.3
Pumped Storage12185.6

Map List Related

Map of Power Plants in Michigan

click on the map markers to find out more information about each power plant. The map control in the upper right corner can be used to toggle layers on and off.

Source: US Energy Information Administration - 2024

List of All Power Plant Locations in Michigan

Plant NameOperatorPower SourceMegawattsCity/TownZIP Code
13 Mile Solar, LLC
13 Mile Solar, LLCsolar2.0Battle Creek49014
491 E 48th Street
City of Hollandnatural gas145.0Holland49423
A.J. Mihm Generating Station
Upper Michigan Energy Resources Companynatural gas56.5Pelkie49958
Ada Cogeneration LP
Ada Cogeneration LLCnatural gas30.0ADA49355
Ada Dam
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric1.4Ada49301
Adrian Energy Associates LLC
EPP Renewable Energybiomass2.4Adrian49221
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric2.8Glennie48737
Allegan Dam
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric1.4Allegan49010
Alpena Cement Plant
Lafarge Corppetroleum47.2Alpena49707
Alpine Power Plant
Wolverine Power Supply Coopnatural gas405.2Elmira49730
Angola Solar, LLC
Angola Solar, LLCsolar2.0Coldwater49036
Apple Blossom Wind Farm
Apple Blossom Wind, LLCwind100.0Pigeon48755
Assembly Solar II LLC
Assembly Solar II LLCsolar110.0Lennon48449
Assembly Solar III
Assembly Solar III, LLCsolar79.0Lennon48449
Assembly Solar Project
Assembly Solar I, LLCsolar50.0Venice Township48449
Autumn Hills Generating Facility
North American Natural Resbiomass4.0Zeeland49464
Battle Creek Mill
RockTenn-Battle Creek Millnatural gas1.6Battle Creek49037
Bay Windpower I
Crystal Flash Renewable Energy LLC dba Bay Windpower LLCwind1.8Mackinaw City49701
Beaumont Hospital Dearborn Campus
Beaumont Hospital Dearborn Campuspetroleum4.5Dearborn48123
Beaver Island
Great Lakes Energy Cooppetroleum2.8Beaver Island49782
Beebe 1A
Beebe Renewable Energy, LLCwind81.6Ithaca48847
Beebe 1B
Beebe 1B Renewable Energy, LLCwind50.4Ithaca48847
Belle River
DTE Electric Companycoal1508.0China Twp48054
Berrien Springs
Indiana Michigan Power Cohydroelectric4.8Berrien Springs49103
Big Quinnesec 61
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric4.4Iron Mountain49801
Big Quinnesec 92
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric16.0Iron Mountain49801
Big Turtle Wind Farm 2
Heritage Sustainable Energy. LLCwind29.4Harbor Beach48441
Big Turtle Wind Farm, LLC
DTE Sustainable Generationwind20.0Harbor Beach48441
Billerud Quinnesec Mill
Billerud Quinnesec Millbiomass59.0Norway49870
Bingham Solar, LLC
National Grid Renewablessolar20.0St. Johns48879
Bissell Solar and Battery Generator
Consumers Energy Cosolar1.1Grand Rapids49544
Blue Water Energy Center
DTE Electric Companynatural gas1146.0East China48054
Blue Water Renewables Inc
Blue Water Renewables Incbiomass3.2Kimball Township48074
Brent Run Generating Station
EDL Incbiomass7.0Montrose48457
DTE Electric Companywind74.8Pigeon48755
Bryon Center
EDL Incbiomass3.0Byron Center49315
Buchanan (MI)
Indiana Michigan Power Cohydroelectric2.0Buchanan49107
Bullhead Solar, LLC
Bullhead Solar, LLCsolar2.0Fayette49250
C W Tippy
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric6.3Wellston49689
Cadillac Renewable Energy
Cadillac Renewable Energy LLCbiomass38.0Cadillac49601
Calhoun Solar
Invenergy Services LLCsolar200.0Battle Creek49017
Captain Solar, LLC
Captain Solar, LLCsolar2.0Mt. Morris48458
Cargill Salt
Cargill Incnatural gas4.2St. Clair48079
Cargill Salt Hersey
Cargill Salt Herseynatural gas2.1Hersey49639
Thumb Electric Coop of Michpetroleum8.5Caro48723
Cascade Dam
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric1.6Grand Rapids49506
Cataract (MI)
Cataract Hydro, LLChydroelectric0.6Gwinn49841
Cement City Solar, LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar20.0Cement City49233
Central Generating
North American Central - LLCbiomass4.0Pierson49339
Central Michigan University
Central Michigan Universitynatural gas4.2Mt. Pleasant48859
Chalk Hill
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric7.8Stephenson49887
City of Lowell - (MI)natural gas6.6Lowell49331
Great Lakes Tissue Cohydroelectric0.7Cheboygan49721
Claude Vandyke
Wolverine Power Supply Coopnatural gas20.2Dorr49323
Coldwater Peaking Plant
Coldwater Board of Public Utilnatural gas12.9Coldwater49036
Coldwater Solar, LLC
Coldwater Solar, LLCsolar2.0Flint48504
DTE Electric Companypetroleum14.0Fowlerville48836
Indiana Michigan Power Cohydroelectric0.4Constantine49042
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric7.3Oscoda48750
EDL Incbiomass6.4Coopersville49404
Crescent Wind Park
Consumers Energy Cowind150.0Hillsdale49242
Cross Winds Energy Park
Consumers Energy Cowind230.9Unionville48767
City of Croswell - (MI)petroleum5.1Croswell48422
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric3.5Newaygo49337
Crystal Falls
City of Crystal Fallshydroelectric1.0Crystal Falls49920
DG AMP Solar Coldwater
DG AMP Solar, LLCsolar1.3Coldwater49036
Cloverland Electric Co-oppetroleum9.7Dafter49724
Dan E Karn
Consumers Energy Conatural gas1199.8Essexville48732
DTE Electric Companynatural gas312.0East China48054
Dearborn Energy Center
DTE Electric Companynatural gas26.9Dearborn48124
Dearborn Industrial Generation
Dearborn Industrial Gen Incnatural gas739.0Dearborn48121
Decorative Panels Intl
Decorative Panels International, Inc.natural gas7.0Alpena49707
Deerfield Wind Energy 2
Deerfield Wind Energy 2, LLCwind112.1Port Hope48468
Deerfield Wind Energy, LLC
Deerfield Wind Energy, LLCwind149.0Kinde48455
DTE Electric Companynatural gas127.0Detroit48209
Delta Energy Park
Lansing Board of Water and Lightnatural gas223.9Lansing48917
Delta Solar Power I
Delta Solar Power I, LLCsolar7.7Grand Ledge48837
Delta Solar Power II
Delta Solar Power II, LLCsolar15.2Grand Ledge48837
Demille Solar Farm
DTE Electric Companysolar28.4Lapeer48446
Cloverland Electric Co-oppetroleum5.0Detour49725
Domino Farms Solar
DTE Electric Companysolar1.0Ann Arbor48105
Donald C Cook
Indiana Michigan Power Conuclear2177.0Bridgman49106
E.B. Eddy Paper Inc
E.B. Eddy Paper Incnatural gas5.0Port Huron48060
Eagle Valley (MI)
WM Renewable Energy LLCbiomass3.2Orion48359
East. Michigan Univ. Heating Plant
East. Michigan Univ. Heating Plantnatural gas6.8Ypsilanti48197
Echo Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind162.0Elkton48731
Edison Sault
Cloverland Electric Co-ophydroelectric29.2Sault Ste. Marie49783
Electric City Solar
Greenbacker Renewable Energy Corporationsolar15.0Sturgis49091
Escanaba Mill
Billerud Escanaba LLCbiomass100.0Escanaba49829
F.D. Kuester Generating Station
Upper Michigan Energy Resources Companynatural gas131.6Negaunee49866
Fairbanks Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind72.8Garden49835
DTE Electric Companynuclear1192.0Frenchtown Twp48166
Five Channels
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric5.9Oscoda48750
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric3.0Oscoda48750
Four Mile Hydropower Project
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric2.0Alpena49707
Frank Jenkins
City of Portland - (MI)petroleum3.5Portland48875
Fremont Community Digester, LLC
Generate Fremont Digester, LLC.biomass5.8Newaygo49412
French Landing Dam
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric1.6Belleville48111
French Paper Hydro
French Paper Cohydroelectric1.2Niles49120
GRS Arbor Hills
Gas Recovery Systems Incbiomass23.8Northville48167
Gas Recovery Systems Incbiomass5.0Marshall49068
Garden 1 Solar Park
DTE Sustainable Generationsolar1.1Garden Township49835
Garden 2 Solar Park
DTE Sustainable Generationsolar1.4Garden Township49835
Gaylord - Wolverine
Wolverine Power Supply Coopnatural gas60.6Gaylord49735
Geddes 1 Solar, LLC
Geddes 1 Solar, LLCsolar2.0Saginaw48609
Geddes 2 Solar, LLC
Geddes 2 Solar, LLCsolar2.0Saginaw48609
Genesee Power Station LP
CMS Generation Operating LLCbiomass35.0Flint48505
George Johnson
Wolverine Power Supply Coopnatural gas49.7Hersey49639
Upper Peninsula Power Companypetroleum17.0Gladstone49837
Grand Blanc Generating Station
EDL Incbiomass7.8Grand Blanc48439
Grand Rapids
Wisconsin Public Service Corphydroelectric7.5Ingalls49858
Grand River
EDL Incbiomass3.2Grand Ledge48837
Grand Valley Solar Gardens
Consumers Energy Cosolar3.0Allendale49401
Graphic Packaging
Graphic Packaging Corpnatural gas1.5Kalamazoo49007
Gratiot County Wind LLC
Invenergy Services LLCwind110.4Breckenridge48615
Gratiot Farms Wind Project
Consumers Energy Cowind150.0Carson City48811
Gratiot Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind102.0Breckenridge48615
Grayling Generating Station
CMS Generation Operating LLCbiomass38.6Grayling49738
Green Lake Solar
Heritage Sustainable Energy. LLCsolar1.0Interlochen49685
Greenwood (MI)
DTE Electric Companynatural gas1009.0Avoca48006
Greenwood Solar Farm
DTE Electric Companysolar1.4Avoca48006
DTE Electric Companynatural gas93.0Commerce Twp48390
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric33.4Newaygo49337
City of Hart Hydro - (MI)petroleum5.1Hart49420
Harvest Windfarm, LLCwind51.2Elkton48731
Harvest 2
Harvest II Windfarm, LLCwind59.4Elkton48731
Hazel Solar, LLC
Hazel Solar, LLCsolar2.0Howard City49239
Hemlock Falls
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric2.8Crystal Falls49920
Hendershot Solar, LLC
Hendershot Solar, LLCsolar2.0Tecumseh49286
Henry Station
City of Bay City - (MI)natural gas15.0Bay City48706
Heritage Garden Wind Farm I LLC
DTE Sustainable Generationwind28.0Garden49835
Hillsdale Board of Public Wksnatural gas11.6Hillsdale49242
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric4.2Mesick49668
Upper Peninsula Power Companyhydroelectric2.0Negaunee49866
Holland Energy Park
City of Hollandnatural gas127.1Holland49423
Hydro Plant
City of Sturgishydroelectric2.2Three Rivers49093
IKEA Canton Rooftop PV System
IKEA Property Incsolar1.0Canton48187
Indeck Niles Energy Center
Indeck Niles, LLCnatural gas1081.5Niles49120
Interchange Solar, LLC
Interchange Solar, LLCsolar2.0Mt. Morris48458
Isabella Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind383.5Rosebush48878
J H Campbell
Consumers Energy Cocoal1400.1West Olive49460
Jack Francis Solar, LLC
Jack Francis Solar, LLCsolar2.0Clio48420
Jackson Generating Station
Consumers Energy Conatural gas537.8Jackson49203
James R Smith
City of Marquette - (MI)hydroelectric3.2Marquette49855
John H Warden
L'Anse Warden Electric Company LLCbiomass17.7L'Anse49946
Kalamazoo River Generating Station
CMS Generation MI Power LLCnatural gas72.0Comstock49011
Kalkaska CT #1
Michigan Public Power Agencynatural gas48.3Kalkaska49646
Kent County Waste to Energy Facility
Kent Countybiomass15.7Grand Rapids49503
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric7.2Kingsford49802
Tower Kleber Ltd Partnershiphydroelectric1.8Onaway49765
Lake Winds Energy Park
Consumers Energy Cowind100.8Ludington49431
Lansing BWL REO Town Plant
Lansing Board of Water and Lightnatural gas74.9Lansing48910
Lennon Generating
North American Natural Resbiomass9.2Lennon48849
Letts Creek Solar, LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar15.0Grass Lake49240
Livingston Generating Station
CMS Generation MI Power LLCnatural gas132.0Gaylord49753
Lorin Industries
Lorin Industriesnatural gas3.2Muskegon49442
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric4.8Oscoda48750
Consumers Energy Copumped storage2185.6Ludington49431
Lyons Road
Lyons Road Solar, LLCsolar20.0Owosso48867
M72 West Solar
Heritage Sustainable Energy. LLCsolar1.8Traverse City49684
MSC Croswell
Michigan Sugar Companynatural gas0.0Croswell48422
MSC Sebewaing
Michigan Sugar Companycoal0.0Sebewaing48759
Macbeth Solar
Macbeth Solar, LLCsolar20.0Montague49437
Main Street (MI)
Village of Sebewaing - (MI)petroleum5.6Sebewaing48759
Cloverland Electric Co-oppetroleum4.8Manistique49854
Marquette Energy Center
City of Marquette - (MI)natural gas50.1Marquette49855
Marshall (MI)
City of Marshall - (MI)natural gas9.2Marshall49068
May Shannon Solar, LLC
May Shannon Solar, LLCsolar2.0Clio48420
McClure Dam
Upper Peninsula Power Companyhydroelectric5.8Marquette49855
McKinley Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind14.0Pigeon48755
Menominee Mill Marinette
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric1.8Menominee49858
Meridian Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind225.0Merrill48637
Michigamme Falls
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric9.6Crystal Falls49920
Michigan Power LP
Michigan Power Limited Partnershipnatural gas128.0Ludington49431
Michigan Wind 1
Michigan Wind 1, LLCwind69.0Ubly48475
Michigan Wind 2
Michigan Wind 2, LLCwind90.0Minden City48456
Midland Cogeneration Venture
Midland Cogeneration Venturenatural gas1864.6Midland48640
Minden Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind32.0Minden City48456
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric1.6Mio48647
Monroe (MI)
DTE Electric Companycoal3080.0Monroe48161
Indiana Michigan Power Cohydroelectric0.4White Pigeon49099
Municipal Power Plant
City of Zeeland - (MI)natural gas2.0Zeeland49464
National Energy of Lincoln
National Salvage & Service Corporationbiomass16.3Lincoln48742
National Energy of McBain
National Salvage & Service Corporationbiomass16.3McBain49657
Neenah Paper Munising Mill
Neenah Paper Michigan Inc.coal5.8Munising49862
New Covert Generating Facility
New Covert Generating Company LLCnatural gas1084.8Covert49043
Newberry Water & Light Boardpetroleum4.5Newberry49868
Ninth Street Hydropower Project
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric1.2Alpena49707
Northeast (MI)
DTE Electric Companynatural gas116.0Warren48091
Norway (MI)
City of Norwayhydroelectric6.2Norway49870
Norway Point Hydropower Project
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLChydroelectric4.0Alpena49707
O'Shea Solar Farm
DTE Electric Companysolar2.0Detroit48227
DTE Electric Companypetroleum14.0Oliver Twp48755
Otsego Mill Power Plant
Otsego Paper Incnatural gas17.6Otsego49078
PCA, Filer City Mill
PCA, Filer City Millnatural gas19.5Filer City49634
POET Biorefining Caro, LLC
POET Biorefining Caro, LLCother3.8Caro48723
Parkview Battery
Consumers Energy Cobatteries1.0Kalamazoo49009
Peavy Falls
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric12.0Crystal Falls49920
Pegasus Wind
Pegasus Wind, LLCwind178.0Reese48757
Peoples Generating Station
North American Natural Resbiomass2.2Ann Arbor48415
Pheasant Run Wind LLC
Pheasant Run Wind LLCwind74.8Pigeon48757
Pickford Solar
Heritage Sustainable Energy. LLCsolar6.9Pickford49774
Pinconning White Feather
EDL Incbiomass3.0Pinconning48650
Pine River Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind161.3Shepherd48883
Pine Street
Village of Sebewaing - (MI)natural gas7.7Sebewaing48759
Pine Tree Acres
EPP Renewable Energybiomass8.8Lenox Twp48048
Pine Tree Acres WM LFGTE
WM Renewable Energy LLCbiomass12.8Lenox48048
Placid 12
DTE Electric Companypetroleum14.0Clarkston48346
Plant Four
City of Marquette - (MI)petroleum20.0Marquette49855
Polaris Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind168.6North Star Township48847
Upper Peninsula Power Companyhydroelectric0.8Pelkie49958
Pullman Solar, LLC
AES Distributed Energysolar20.0Lee Township49450
Putnam (MI)
DTE Electric Companypetroleum14.0Mayville48744
Renaissance Power Plant
DTE Electric Companynatural gas652.0Carson City48811
Riley Generating Station
City of Zeeland - (MI)natural gas10.0Zeeland49464
River Rouge
DTE Electric Companypetroleum11.0River Rouge48218
Riverview Energy Systems
Riverview Energy Systemsbiomass5.6Riverview48192
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric2.4Big Rapids49307
Saint Marys Falls
USACE-Detroit Districthydroelectric20.6Sault Ste. Marie49783
Sigel Wind Park
DTE Electric Companywind64.0Harbor Beach48441
DTE Electric Companypetroleum14.0Trenton48183
Southeast Berrien Generating Facility
North American Natural Resbiomass4.6Niles49120
Spartan PV 1, LLC
Spartan PV 1, LLCsolar10.5East Lansing48824
St Clair
DTE Electric Companynatural gas24.0East China Twp48054
St Louis
City of St Louis - (MI)petroleum6.9St. Louis48880
Stoneheart Solar, LLC
Stoneheart Solar, LLC solar2.0Saginaw48604
Stoney Corners Wind Farm
DTE Sustainable Generationwind59.0McBain49657
Sturgis City Diesel Plant
City of Sturgisnatural gas6.0Sturgis49091
Wolverine Power Supply Coopnatural gas308.4Belleville48111
Sumpter Energy Associates
EPP Renewable Energybiomass11.2Belleville48111
DTE Electric Companypetroleum52.0Superior Twp48198
Superior Falls
Northern States Power Co - Minnesotahydroelectric1.0Ironwood54559
T B Simon Power Plant
Michigan State Universitynatural gas125.6East Lansing48824
TCLP Solar Phase 1
Heritage Sustainable Energy. LLCsolar1.0Traverse City49685
TES Filer City Station
TES Filer City Station LPcoal60.0Filer City49634
Temperance Solar, LLC
National Grid Renewablessolar20.0Erie48133
The Andersons Albion Ethanol LLC
The Andersons Albion Ethanol LLCnatural gas7.2Albion49224
Wolverine Power Supply Cooppetroleum19.3Tower49792
Turrill Solar Farm
DTE Electric Companysolar19.6Lapeer48446
Tuscola Bay Wind
Tuscola Bay Wind LLCwind120.0Reese48757
Tuscola Wind II LLC
Tuscola Wind II LLCwind100.3Reese48757
Thumb Electric Coop of Michpetroleum12.3Ubly48475
University of Michigan
University of Michigannatural gas57.0Ann Arbor48104
Venice Park
North American Natural Resbiomass6.4Lennon48449
Venice Resources Gas Recovery
WM Renewable Energy LLCbiomass1.6Lennon48449
Wolverine Power Supply Coopnatural gas18.5Vestaburg48891
Victoria Dam
Upper Peninsula Power Companyhydroelectric11.8Rockland49960
Warner Lambert
University of Michigan NCampus Researchpetroleum12.2Ann Arbor48105
Waste Management Northern Oaks LFGTE
WM Renewable Energy LLCbiomass1.6Harrison48625
Water Street Station
City of Bay City - (MI)natural gas12.0Bay City48708
EDL Incbiomass4.0Watervliet49098
Watervliet PV
Indiana Michigan Power Cosolar4.6Watervliet49098
Way Dam
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric1.8Crystal Falls49920
Consumers Energy Cohydroelectric1.2Lyons48851
Western Michigan Solar Gardens
Consumers Energy Cosolar1.0Kalamazoo49008
Western Michigan University Power Plant
Western Michigan Universitynatural gas15.1Kalamazoo49008
White Rapids
Wisconsin Electric Power Cohydroelectric7.2Stephenson49887
DTE Electric Companypetroleum14.0Kingston Twp48741
Workman Road Solar Farm, LLC
Workman Road Solar Farm, LLCsolar2.0Lake City49651
Wyandotte Municipal Serv Commnatural gas47.9Wyandotte48192
City of Zeeland - (MI)natural gas23.7Zeeland49464
Zeeland Farm Services
Zeeland Farm Servicesbiomass2.9Zeeland49464
Zeeland Generating Station
Consumers Energy Conatural gas842.7Zeeland49464
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