48234 Frequently Asked Questions

A: ZIP Code 48234 is Located in Detroit Michigan.

A: ZIP Code 48234 is Located Entirely in Wayne County Michigan.

A: The Current Sales Tax in ZIP Code 48234 is 6.0%

A: The Area Code for 48234 is 313.

A: ZIP Code 48234 is in the Michigan 13th Congressional District.

A: 48234 is within Michigan State House of Representatives District 8, Michigan State House of Representatives District 9, Michigan State House of Representatives District 13 and Michigan State House of Representatives District 14.

A: 48234 is within Michigan State Senate District 3 and Michigan State Senate District 10.

A: The 2022 population of ZIP Code 48234 is 32402. The population growth rate in 48234 is 0.00%.

A: The majority race/ethnicity of people residing in 48234 is African American (95.48%). The majority race/ethnicity of students attending public schools in 48234 is African American(98.23%).

A: The median household income in 48234 is $33,583 (2021) and the average adjusted income is $28,140 (2020).
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