North Park

North Park is a neighborhood located in San Diego California. North Park is covered by 3 ZIP Codes: 92103, 92104 and 92116.

Politics Schools Related

Interactive Map of San Diego Neighborhood North Park

North Park Data

CitySan Diego
CountySan Diego County
North Park ZIP Codes
RegionMetro San Diego
Area Codes619 / 858


US Congressional Districts in North Park
California State Senate Districts in North Park
California State Assembly Districts in North Park

North Park Schools

The school district serving the North Park neighborhood is San Diego City Unified School District. There are a total of 5 elementary school attendance zones within North Park: Jefferson Elementary School, McKinley Elementary School, Garfield Elementary School, Cherokee Point Elementary School and Edison Elementary School. North Park is within two middle school attendance areas: Roosevelt International Middle School or Wilson Middle School High school students in North Park attend Hoover High School.