Valley Mills

Valley Mills is a neighborhood located in Indianapolis Indiana. Valley Mills is covered by 2 ZIP Codes: 46217 and 46221.

Politics Schools Related

Interactive Map of Indianapolis Neighborhood Valley Mills

Valley Mills Data

CountyMarion County
Valley Mills ZIP Codes
RegionMetro Indianapolis
Area Codes317 / 463


US Congressional Districts in Valley Mills
Indiana State Senate Districts in Valley Mills
Indiana State House of Representatives Districts in Valley Mills

Valley Mills Schools

The school districts serving the Valley Mills neighborhood are Decatur Township Metropolitan School District and Perry Township Metropolitan School District There are a total of 4 elementary school attendance zones within Valley Mills: Valley Mills Elementary School, Gold Academy, Blue Academy and Rosa Parks Elementary School. Valley Mills is within two middle school attendance areas: Decatur Middle School or Perry Meridian Middle School Valley Mills is within two high school attendance areas: Decatur Central High School or Perry Meridian High School