ZIP Code 02879 - Wakefield Rhode Island

02879 Overview

ZIP Code 02879 is located in Wakefield Rhode Island. Portions of 02879 are also in Wakefield-Peace Dale and Kingston and Charlestown and Narragansett Pier and South Kingstown and Narragansett and Peace Dale and Wakefield-Peacedale. 02879 is entirely within Washington County. Regionally, 02879 is located in the Providence-New Bedford Area.

Stats Demographics Geography Politics Schools Climate Related Pages

ZIP Code 02879 Quick Stats

ZIP Code NameWakefield
Primary CountyWashington County
ZIP Code TypeStandard
Population (2022)22,369
Area Code(s)401
Current Time

ZIP Code 02879 Map

02879 Demographics

02879 can be classified socioeconomically as Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in Rhode Island based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 02879 is White. The majority race/ethnicity attending public schools in 02879 is White. The current unemployment level in 02879 is 4.2%.

Population Growth Rate7.66%
Population Density519 People per Square Mile
Total Households8,513
Percentage High Income Households8.5%
Median Household Income (2021)$102,397
Average Adjusted Gross Income (2021)$439,320
Current Unemployment Rate (February 2025)4.2%
Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 90.78%
Public School Majority Race/EthnictyWhite - 82.25%

02879 Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American7273.28%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander00%

02879 Public School Race/Ethnicty Breakdown

Native American692.92%
Hawaiian/Pac. Islander20.08%

02879 Educational Attainment Levels

Highest Education Level AttainedTotalPercentage
Less Than 1 Year of College7525.42%
Bachelor Degree4,43531.97%
High School Diploma2,43917.58%
No High School Diploma1050.76%
GED or Alternate4513.25%
1 or More Years of College1,63511.79%
Associates Degree1,1378.2%
Masters Degree2,00714.47%
Professional Degree4613.32%
Doctorate Degree4493.24%

02879 Geography

Adjacent ZIP Codes
Cities/Towns in 02879
RegionProvidence-New Bedford Area
Metropolitan/Micropolitan Stat AreaProvidence-Warwick, RI-MA
Time ZoneEastern Daylight Time
IANA TimezoneAmerica/New_York
Area43 Square Miles

02879 Schools

School Districts in 02879
Elementary Schools in 02879
Middle Schools in 02879
High Schools in 02879

02879 Weather and Climate Data

Plant Hardiness ZoneZone 6b: -5F to 0F
Average First Frost DateOctober 1 - 10
Average Last Frost DateMay 1 - 10
Koppen-Geiger Climate ZoneDfb - Humid Continental Mild Summer, Wet All Year
Ecoregion59c - Southern New England Coastal Plains and Hills

02879 Annual Climate Data

Avg Min Temp (°F)20222937475662615443352641
Avg Max Temp (°F)38404756667580797363534359
Avg Precip (In.)4.563.624.744.543.963.733.

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